The right-wing fixation with Hunter Biden’s nudes, explained


HR King
May 29, 2001
A years-long fixation reached its predictable apotheosis on Wednesday when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) used her allotted time during a hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee to publicly display some hardcore nudes of Hunter Biden.

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“Before we begin, I would like to let the committee and everyone watching at home know that parental discretion is advised,” Greene said. She then proceeded to whip out a series of X-rated posters.

I would like to describe the content of these photos but I would also like to not be fired, so I’ll refer you to the New York Post’s retelling. The images included “a (mercifully) censored picture of a woman caressing the first son’s, well, first son.” Hats off, guys, truly.

What was the point of these photos? According to Greene, they were necessary supporting evidence in an alleged tax fraud coverup. (Last month Biden reached a tentative agreement with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to two minor tax crimes.) But people who are allegedly guilty of tax fraud can be just as guilty when they are wearing pants. Did the American public really need to see this?

Ever since 2019, when a computer repair guy in Delaware came into possession of a busted laptop allegedly belonging to the president’s son — a busted laptop containing a lot of naked selfies and homemade porn — the answer to that question in conservative circles had become a resounding yes. Show the citizenry the phallus of a middle-aged attorney-slash-cocaine addict, preferably from many angles! Leave no butt cheek behind!

“This is actually the evidence that I believe the American people deserve to see,” Greene explained to a Newsmax host the evening after her stunt.

Tucker Carlson mined similar territory on his prime time show in 2021, showing viewers what appeared to be an image of Hunter Biden being straddled by two women (“There is a dog there with him, as well,” Carlson’s guest remarked, in case casual viewers had missed the white poodle minding its own business in the corner of the frame).

Sean Hannity had gone there, too: “Hunter Biden’s latest video: Nude water slide riding,” he tweeted last fall. The video link wasn’t working when I clicked on it earlier this week, but I found a number of still images online that fit the description. I fail to see their political relevance, though they make a compelling case for why one should always wear clothes when skidding down any kind of slide.
Republicans on the House Oversight Committee earlier this year held a hearing investigating why Twitter had muffled New York Post reporting on the laptop, and whether the site had allowed the Biden campaign to inappropriately censor content Twitter related to the president’s son. A Twitter employee repeatedly explained that the content was not removed because Twitter was in cahoots with the Bidens, the content was removed because it was a bunch of naked pictures of Hunter Biden, posted without his consent, which violated Twitters terms of service.

What’s going on here? The most serious accusations against Hunter Biden revolve around the idea that he used his positions with foreign companies to sell access to his politician father (no evidence has yet been produced that the elder Biden was influenced by his son’s role with these companies). What does Hunter’s hunter have to do with the integrity of his father’s administration?

The goal appears to be shaming him in general and, by extension, the entire Biden family.
There is, after all, something oddly clarifying about a picture of a 50-ish man strolling around in unflattering lighting wearing sunglasses, a hot pink scarf, a jock strap and nothing else. Images like this present, in a single frame, a compelling narrative of debauchery and dirt. A narrative that no amount of depositions, leaked emails or lengthy confessional memoirs could begin to approach. Naked Hunter Biden is a joke, a degenerate, a walking embodiment of squick. He is lecherous and louche, sloppy and sleazy. God, Hunter, put on some shorts.

But there’s also this.
In the course of reporting this column I came upon a website — linked to by a Fox News article — that purports to be a photo dump of nearly every picture salvaged from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Almost 10,000 images in total, presented as endless pages of clickable thumbnails.

There are a lot of naked pictures. There are a lot of pictures that make Hunter Biden look exactly as high, inebriated, irresponsible and all around disastrous as he has described himself to be for a period of time in the late 2010s.
But there are also pictures of his kids’ sporting events. Birthday parties. Family trips to the beach. Assuming these photos are all real, there are excruciating pictures of Hunter’s brother, Beau, in his hospital bed, timestamped just weeks before he died in 2015. By all accounts, the death unraveled the family. It brought Hunter to his lowest places of lonely motels and decaying teeth, to benders where he has said he’d go days subsisting on nothing but crack and vodka.

These images tell a different kind of story. One in which the degenerate man keeps trying to claw his way out of the hell he’s made for himself, one in which he keeps being sucked back in. He’s a proud dad, he’s a struggling son, he’s a wasted addict. In many selfies he is fully clothed when he stares down the camera, the expression on his face belonging to a man who appears haunted and emptied by what he has become.
These were the ones that felt like the biggest intrusion of privacy. These weren’t the types of Hunter Biden images that end up on a poster board in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s congressional clown show. But in those images, he has never looked more naked.

I’m not so much interested in his nudes as why his laptop was labeled misinformation by those in the intelligence community who knew the opposite was true.

Do I know Hunter’s a screw up…..yup

Is Hunter running for President…..nope

Could Hunter place his father in a very compromising position due to his vices…..yup he could/may have
I’m not so much interested in his nudes as why his laptop was labeled misinformation by those in the intelligence community who knew the opposite was true.

Do I know Hunter’s a screw up…..yup

Is Hunter running for President…..nope

Could Hunter place his father in a very compromising position due to his vices…..yup he could/may have
This is why the FSB keeps at it. Misinformation works.
I’m not so much interested in his nudes as why his laptop was labeled misinformation by those in the intelligence community who knew the opposite was true.

Do I know Hunter’s a screw up…..yup

Is Hunter running for President…..nope

Could Hunter place his father in a very compromising position due to his vices…..yup he could/may have
Because the chain of ownership of that laptop can't be confirmed and there were plenty of opportunities for a third party to have inserted faked information onto it.
I’m sorry I can’t believe a guy who snorts cheese out of carpet wouldn’t leverage his fathers influence for favors, but that’s just me and every other rational person on the planet.
And? Did Trump’s kids do that? Do the children of EVERY connected person do that? The only relevant question is what did his father do and there’s zero evidence that Joe Biden did anything on that score. Agreed? If not, show your cards.
And? Did Trump’s kids do that? Do the children of EVERY connected person do that? The only relevant question is what did his father do and there’s zero evidence that Joe Biden did anything on that score. Agreed? If not, show your cards.

What do you mean and? I wouldn’t exactly say there’s zero evidence as there’s enough that makes people curious. In fact, that’s the entire reason this is even an issue. There’s electronic messages alluding to “the big guy”. One of the business partners came forward and said Joe was who that is directed to. You have Hunter on boards of Ukrainian Gas companies making gobs of money.

Remember when we were told Trump had damning videos of pee tapes floating around in the Steele Dossier? The reason why it was a big deal is because it could be a way to leaverage the POTUS. Well, that turned out to be false (don’t even get me started on that incompetence). Now we do have actual photos, videos, messages of the POTUS’ son in compromising positions AND some shady looking business deals in which it looks like he was pedaling his fathers influence while VP and you think it’s a nothing burger? If you can’t see smoke or at the very least red flags, I’m not sure you’re being objective at all period.
I’m sorry I can’t believe a guy who snorts cheese out of carpet wouldn’t leverage his fathers influence for favors, but that’s just me and every other rational person on the planet.
Just because you think someone is capable of doing something doesn't mean they did it and it doesn't mean he was successful at doing it. There's this thing called evidence, and some random dude with no credibility is making claims, well, that's pretty much the same as some random dude on the internet just saying something is true.

But ultimately, and the most important thing that you and Republicans seem to intentionally ignore is, Hunter Biden is not President and does not have any official or unofficial role in the government! If your son commits a crime, that doesn't mean you go to jail for it. And the Trump family should be especially thankful for that.
Just because you think someone is capable of doing something doesn't mean they did it and it doesn't mean he was successful at doing it. There's this thing called evidence, and some random dude with no credibility is making claims, well, that's pretty much the same as some random dude on the internet just saying something is true.

But ultimately, and the most important thing that you and Republicans seem to intentionally ignore is, Hunter Biden is not President and does not have any official or unofficial role in the government! If your son commits a crime, that doesn't mean you go to jail for it. And the Trump family should be especially thankful for that.

Actually, the dude making claims is different than if I was making claims because he does have a close affiliation with Hunter and Jim Biden.

As far as the evidence, you’re choosing to ignore any and all evidence by labeling it misinformation before the elections. Then when it was proven to be Hunter’s information now you’re saying well he isn’t POTUS, which we all know however there is smoke that Joe may have known or benefitted from these dealings. I don’t believe wanting to know more makes anyone a conspiracy theorist. It’s completely logical, unless your driven by political biases.
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What do you mean and? I wouldn’t exactly say there’s zero evidence as there’s enough that makes people curious. In fact, that’s the entire reason this is even an issue. There’s electronic messages alluding to “the big guy”. One of the business partners came forward and said Joe was who that is directed to. You have Hunter on boards of Ukrainian Gas companies making gobs of money.

Remember when we were told Trump had damning videos of pee tapes floating around in the Steele Dossier? The reason why it was a big deal is because it could be a way to leaverage the POTUS. Well, that turned out to be false (don’t even get me started on that incompetence). Now we do have actual photos, videos, messages of the POTUS’ son in compromising positions AND some shady looking business deals in which it looks like he was pedaling his fathers influence while VP and you think it’s a nothing burger? If you can’t see smoke or at the very least red flags, I’m not sure you’re being objective at all period.
Investigate away. Investigate Hunter Biden’s finances for years. Make sure the prosecutor is GOP appointed, of course. Charge him. Then do it again. We need at least seven different investigations into THIS scandal. Then they can turn their attention to Trump’s family, right? I mean family with actual day-to-day access to the Oval Office who are also making “gobs of money” off of Saudi Arabia, China, and who knows who else. The House is surely going to look into their finances…aren’t they? That would be “objective”, after all.
I’m sorry I can’t believe a guy who snorts cheese out of carpet wouldn’t leverage his fathers influence for favors, but that’s just me and every other rational person on the planet.
And you wholeheartedly trust information that is derived from the work of Rudy Guiliani? Just because you super want to believe something shouldn't exclude actual proof. That's how rational people approach subjects.
Investigate away. Investigate Hunter Biden’s finances for years. Make sure the prosecutor is GOP appointed, of course. Charge him. Then do it again. We need at least seven different investigations into THIS scandal. Then they can turn their attention to Trump’s family, right? I mean family with actual day-to-day access to the Oval Office who are also making “gobs of money” off of Saudi Arabia, China, and who knows who else. The House is surely going to look into their finances…aren’t they? That would be “objective”, after all.

I believe that the investigations were underway, but as we saw earlier this week an IRS whistleblower said the investigation was impeded.
And you wholeheartedly trust information that is derived from the work of Rudy Guiliani? Just because you super want to believe something shouldn't exclude actual proof. That's how rational people approach subjects.

The only thing I believe wholeheartedly is that Hunter is a drug user. The other stuff is all circumstantial.
Somethings obviously amiss if he is testifying in front of a congressional panel
Actually, the dude making claims is different than if I was making claims because he does have a close affiliation with Hunter and Jim Biden.

As far as the evidence, you’re choosing to ignore any and all evidence by labeling it misinformation before the elections. Then when it was proven to be Hunter’s information now you’re saying well he isn’t POTUS, which we all know however there is smoke that Joe may have known or benefitted from these dealings. I don’t believe wanting to know more makes anyone a conspiracy theorist. It’s completely logical, unless your driven by political biases.
No, I've always said he wasn't President which is why I didn't give a shit about whatever evidence you claim exists. The reality is, there wasn't enough to come even close to pegging anyone with the crimes you wish were committed and when that reality came time to actually make charges, now you claim the DOJ interfered. Which, of course, there is no evidence of that either.

But of course, this is what is important to you. Not the soon to be 3 time indicted former President. No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to try and make Joe to be even a 10th of the criminal that Trump is.
Somethings obviously amiss if he is testifying in front of a congressional panel
His testimony amounted to, "I didn't agree with the way the investigation was run". That's not evidence or interference. If he wants to run investigations differently, do the work and get to be in charge of those things. Although his only hope of ever doing that now is if Trump gets elected again. He can't be trusted to run a crosswalk now.

Or were you talking about the Chinese spy they got to say something?
I’m not so much interested in his nudes as why his laptop was labeled misinformation by those in the intelligence community who knew the opposite was true.

Do I know Hunter’s a screw up…..yup

Is Hunter running for President…..nope

Could Hunter place his father in a very compromising position due to his vices…..yup he could/may have
Dude for the hundredth time Hunter is not running for office.

He doesn't need to $$$$$$$$$.
You can't be serious. What is amiss is MAGATS getting elected to Congress and given a public microphone and committee control. This is all political. It's Benghazi 2.0. You do remember how that all came down don't you?

If it’s political then it’s political, however it’s misfeasance not to ask the question if it appears there was something going on.
No, I've always said he wasn't President which is why I didn't give a shit about whatever evidence you claim exists. The reality is, there wasn't enough to come even close to pegging anyone with the crimes you wish were committed and when that reality came time to actually make charges, now you claim the DOJ interfered. Which, of course, there is no evidence of that either.

But of course, this is what is important to you. Not the soon to be 3 time indicted former President. No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to try and make Joe to be even a 10th of the criminal that Trump is.

I didn’t make claims, I said a whistleblower came forward and made claims. I didn’t make claims about what was on Hunter’s laptop, the people who saw it did.
If it’s political then it’s political, however it’s misfeasance not to ask the question if it appears there was something going on.

Parnas dismisses Oversight GOP bribery investigation as ‘a wild goose chase’​

Lev Parnas, once a right-hand man to Rudy Giuliani, asked the GOP’s top congressional investigator to abandon efforts to uncover wrongdoing by the Biden family in Ukraine, calling the matter “nothing more than a wild goose chase” that has been “debunked again and again.”

Parnas’s Tuesday letter to House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.), obtained by The Hill, notes that Parnas and Giuliani’s repeated efforts to dig up dirt on President Biden or his son Hunter yielded nothing and confused Ukrainian prosecutors.

It also recaps the efforts taken by the Trump team that resulted in the launching of the first impeachment inquiry into former President Trump. Democrats alleged he withheld aid from Ukraine in an effort to pressure officials there to provide incriminating evidence on the Bidens.

“Throughout all these months of work, the extensive campaigns and networking done by Trump allies and Giuliani associates, including the enormously thorough interviews and assignments that I undertook, there has never been any evidence that Hunter or Joe Biden committed any crimes related to Ukrainian politics,” he said.

He said Giuliani and all others involved in the matter “knew that these allegations against the Bidens were false.”

“Never, during any of my communications with Ukrainian officials or connections to Burisma, did any of them confirm or provide concrete facts linking the Bidens to illegal activities. In fact, they asked me multiple times why our team was so concerned with this idea.”

Comer dismissed the contents of Parnas’s letter.

“Now there’s somebody that Giuliani was running around with and says we should drop investigations because Giuliani and him already looked into it. I mean, I don’t think that that’s credible,” he said.

“We’re starting to see money from Ukraine coming in on some of these bank statements that we’re going to release later,” he added, a reference to his investigation into Biden family finances.

Comer has based much of his investigation on an unverified tip to the FBI from a source who heard secondhand allegations Biden accepted a bribe. The bureau was unable to corroborate the tip.

Parnas has also previously provided a transcript of a conversation he says was with Mykola Zlochevsky, the reported source of the information, denying any improper conduct by President Biden or his son Hunter, who was serving on the board of energy company Burisma, which Zlochevsky owns. That information was turned over during the impeachment inquiry.

Parnas was convicted in court of making illegal campaign contributions to Trump.

His letter comes as Comer is under increasing pressure to advance his inquiry into President Biden, who he has alleged accepted a bribe.

Even some in the GOP have criticized his investigation, with former Trump advisor Steve Bannon saying last month Comer needed to “be prepared,” adding, “You are not serious. It’s all performative.”

Comer acknowledged Monday the difficulties of explaining the financial crimes he has alleged.

“Two things I’ve learned: People don’t know what a shell company is, and they don’t know what an LLC is. They don’t know what money laundering is. We’re going to try to explain in a more simple form ‘this is what they did,’” he told reporters.

Those in Trump’s orbit have alleged President Biden sought to withhold aid from Ukraine because its top prosecutor was threatening to investigate his son. Biden, joined by the international community, actually sought to pressure Ukraine to remove the man, Viktor Shokin, over corruption charges.

Parnas’s letter spends ample time breaking down the investigative efforts of Giuliani, which included trying to get Shokin’s replacement, Yuriy Lutsenko, to retain him for $200,000.

It details the repeated dead ends they hit, and the numerous efforts to pressure Ukrainian officials.

“Giuliani’s message to the [then-Ukrainian] president [Petro Poroshenko], who was running for reelection, was that Trump would support him and help him win if he made an official announcement of an investigation against Joe Biden,” Parnas writes.

Parnas ends with a plea to Comer to halt his investigation.

“There is no evidence of Joe or Hunter Biden interfering with Ukrainian politics, and there never has been,” Parnas writes.

“With all due respect, Chairman Comer, the narrative you are seeking for this investigation has been proven false many times over, by a wide array of respected sources. There is simply no merit to investigating this matter any further. I hope my letter has provided you with additional clarity on this point.”
If it’s political then it’s political, however it’s misfeasance not to ask the question if it appears there was something going on.
And you were asking these questions when the former president refused to divest himself of his business interests and instead used his office to leverage his businesses to attract boatloads of foreign money? You were asking these questions when his family - working out of the WH - was making personal multi-billion dollar deals with foreign govts? Maybe you were but I don’t remember your curiosity being so intense. Could you refresh my memory?
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And you were asking these questions when the former president refused to divest himself of his business interests and instead used his office to leverage his businesses to attract boatloads of foreign money? You were asking these questions when his family - working out of the WH - was making personal multi-billion dollar deals with foreign govts? Maybe you were but I don’t remember your curiosity being so intense. Could you refresh my memory?

You kind of remind me of my wife, because typing a message on a message board is “intense”.

Parnas dismisses Oversight GOP bribery investigation as ‘a wild goose chase’​

Lev Parnas, once a right-hand man to Rudy Giuliani, asked the GOP’s top congressional investigator to abandon efforts to uncover wrongdoing by the Biden family in Ukraine, calling the matter “nothing more than a wild goose chase” that has been “debunked again and again.”

Parnas’s Tuesday letter to House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.), obtained by The Hill, notes that Parnas and Giuliani’s repeated efforts to dig up dirt on President Biden or his son Hunter yielded nothing and confused Ukrainian prosecutors.

It also recaps the efforts taken by the Trump team that resulted in the launching of the first impeachment inquiry into former President Trump. Democrats alleged he withheld aid from Ukraine in an effort to pressure officials there to provide incriminating evidence on the Bidens.

“Throughout all these months of work, the extensive campaigns and networking done by Trump allies and Giuliani associates, including the enormously thorough interviews and assignments that I undertook, there has never been any evidence that Hunter or Joe Biden committed any crimes related to Ukrainian politics,” he said.

He said Giuliani and all others involved in the matter “knew that these allegations against the Bidens were false.”

“Never, during any of my communications with Ukrainian officials or connections to Burisma, did any of them confirm or provide concrete facts linking the Bidens to illegal activities. In fact, they asked me multiple times why our team was so concerned with this idea.”

Comer dismissed the contents of Parnas’s letter.

“Now there’s somebody that Giuliani was running around with and says we should drop investigations because Giuliani and him already looked into it. I mean, I don’t think that that’s credible,” he said.

“We’re starting to see money from Ukraine coming in on some of these bank statements that we’re going to release later,” he added, a reference to his investigation into Biden family finances.

Comer has based much of his investigation on an unverified tip to the FBI from a source who heard secondhand allegations Biden accepted a bribe. The bureau was unable to corroborate the tip.

Parnas has also previously provided a transcript of a conversation he says was with Mykola Zlochevsky, the reported source of the information, denying any improper conduct by President Biden or his son Hunter, who was serving on the board of energy company Burisma, which Zlochevsky owns. That information was turned over during the impeachment inquiry.

Parnas was convicted in court of making illegal campaign contributions to Trump.

His letter comes as Comer is under increasing pressure to advance his inquiry into President Biden, who he has alleged accepted a bribe.

Even some in the GOP have criticized his investigation, with former Trump advisor Steve Bannon saying last month Comer needed to “be prepared,” adding, “You are not serious. It’s all performative.”

Comer acknowledged Monday the difficulties of explaining the financial crimes he has alleged.

“Two things I’ve learned: People don’t know what a shell company is, and they don’t know what an LLC is. They don’t know what money laundering is. We’re going to try to explain in a more simple form ‘this is what they did,’” he told reporters.

Those in Trump’s orbit have alleged President Biden sought to withhold aid from Ukraine because its top prosecutor was threatening to investigate his son. Biden, joined by the international community, actually sought to pressure Ukraine to remove the man, Viktor Shokin, over corruption charges.

Parnas’s letter spends ample time breaking down the investigative efforts of Giuliani, which included trying to get Shokin’s replacement, Yuriy Lutsenko, to retain him for $200,000.

It details the repeated dead ends they hit, and the numerous efforts to pressure Ukrainian officials.

“Giuliani’s message to the [then-Ukrainian] president [Petro Poroshenko], who was running for reelection, was that Trump would support him and help him win if he made an official announcement of an investigation against Joe Biden,” Parnas writes.

Parnas ends with a plea to Comer to halt his investigation.

“There is no evidence of Joe or Hunter Biden interfering with Ukrainian politics, and there never has been,” Parnas writes.

“With all due respect, Chairman Comer, the narrative you are seeking for this investigation has been proven false many times over, by a wide array of respected sources. There is simply no merit to investigating this matter any further. I hope my letter has provided you with additional clarity on this point.”
I’m sure everything should shake out just fine then.
His testimony amounted to, "I didn't agree with the way the investigation was run". That's not evidence or interference. If he wants to run investigations differently, do the work and get to be in charge of those things. Although his only hope of ever doing that now is if Trump gets elected again. He can't be trusted to run a crosswalk now.

Or were you talking about the Chinese spy they got to say something?

I don’t know anything about a Chinese spy
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Parnas dismisses Oversight GOP bribery investigation as ‘a wild goose chase’​

Lev Parnas, once a right-hand man to Rudy Giuliani, asked the GOP’s top congressional investigator to abandon efforts to uncover wrongdoing by the Biden family in Ukraine, calling the matter “nothing more than a wild goose chase” that has been “debunked again and again.”

Parnas’s Tuesday letter to House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.), obtained by The Hill, notes that Parnas and Giuliani’s repeated efforts to dig up dirt on President Biden or his son Hunter yielded nothing and confused Ukrainian prosecutors.

It also recaps the efforts taken by the Trump team that resulted in the launching of the first impeachment inquiry into former President Trump. Democrats alleged he withheld aid from Ukraine in an effort to pressure officials there to provide incriminating evidence on the Bidens.

“Throughout all these months of work, the extensive campaigns and networking done by Trump allies and Giuliani associates, including the enormously thorough interviews and assignments that I undertook, there has never been any evidence that Hunter or Joe Biden committed any crimes related to Ukrainian politics,” he said.

He said Giuliani and all others involved in the matter “knew that these allegations against the Bidens were false.”

“Never, during any of my communications with Ukrainian officials or connections to Burisma, did any of them confirm or provide concrete facts linking the Bidens to illegal activities. In fact, they asked me multiple times why our team was so concerned with this idea.”

Comer dismissed the contents of Parnas’s letter.

“Now there’s somebody that Giuliani was running around with and says we should drop investigations because Giuliani and him already looked into it. I mean, I don’t think that that’s credible,” he said.

“We’re starting to see money from Ukraine coming in on some of these bank statements that we’re going to release later,” he added, a reference to his investigation into Biden family finances.

Comer has based much of his investigation on an unverified tip to the FBI from a source who heard secondhand allegations Biden accepted a bribe. The bureau was unable to corroborate the tip.

Parnas has also previously provided a transcript of a conversation he says was with Mykola Zlochevsky, the reported source of the information, denying any improper conduct by President Biden or his son Hunter, who was serving on the board of energy company Burisma, which Zlochevsky owns. That information was turned over during the impeachment inquiry.

Parnas was convicted in court of making illegal campaign contributions to Trump.

His letter comes as Comer is under increasing pressure to advance his inquiry into President Biden, who he has alleged accepted a bribe.

Even some in the GOP have criticized his investigation, with former Trump advisor Steve Bannon saying last month Comer needed to “be prepared,” adding, “You are not serious. It’s all performative.”

Comer acknowledged Monday the difficulties of explaining the financial crimes he has alleged.

“Two things I’ve learned: People don’t know what a shell company is, and they don’t know what an LLC is. They don’t know what money laundering is. We’re going to try to explain in a more simple form ‘this is what they did,’” he told reporters.

Those in Trump’s orbit have alleged President Biden sought to withhold aid from Ukraine because its top prosecutor was threatening to investigate his son. Biden, joined by the international community, actually sought to pressure Ukraine to remove the man, Viktor Shokin, over corruption charges.

Parnas’s letter spends ample time breaking down the investigative efforts of Giuliani, which included trying to get Shokin’s replacement, Yuriy Lutsenko, to retain him for $200,000.

It details the repeated dead ends they hit, and the numerous efforts to pressure Ukrainian officials.

“Giuliani’s message to the [then-Ukrainian] president [Petro Poroshenko], who was running for reelection, was that Trump would support him and help him win if he made an official announcement of an investigation against Joe Biden,” Parnas writes.

Parnas ends with a plea to Comer to halt his investigation.

“There is no evidence of Joe or Hunter Biden interfering with Ukrainian politics, and there never has been,” Parnas writes.

“With all due respect, Chairman Comer, the narrative you are seeking for this investigation has been proven false many times over, by a wide array of respected sources. There is simply no merit to investigating this matter any further. I hope my letter has provided you with additional clarity on this point.”
They. Don’t. Care. If. It’s. True.

This is just red meat for the base. Truth - as they have demonstrated again and again - is irrelevant. Throw a bunch of shit out there and you have the weak-minded saying “well, we have to investigate it!” You can see it right here in this thread.
I didn’t make claims, I said a whistleblower came forward and made claims. I didn’t make claims about what was on Hunter’s laptop, the people who saw it did.
Is this the whistleblower that disappeared, or another super credible whistleblower?