The right-wing fixation with Hunter Biden’s nudes, explained

You seem very willing to leap to a lot of conclusions, and speculate a good deal on circumstantial stuff from sketchy sources.

Which part that I said was sketchy? Hunter’s on drugs, his business associate said Joe was involved, Hunter got large amounts of money from Ukrainian and Chinese companies?
Which part that I said was sketchy? Hunter’s on drugs, his business associate said Joe was involved, Hunter got large amounts of money from Ukrainian and Chinese companies?
Everything from the associate, and everything sourced or alleged from Ukraine and China is sketchy.
Hunter was on drugs, he's been sober for awhile.
I think a lot of it is because they live similarly deranged lives, full of drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution (including underaged ones), being a prostitute, massive infidelity and divorce, and using their power of position for financial gain in order to keep the party going. It makes them feel good it is not them or not one of their buddies and someone from other side. Because some day, they know deep inside, it may be them next.
I think a lot of it is because they live similarly deranged lives, full of drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution (including underaged ones), being a prostitute, massive infidelity and divorce, and using their power of position for financial gain in order to keep the party going. It makes them feel good it is not them or not one of their buddies and someone from other side. Because some day, they know deep inside, it may be them next.
It's awesome watching Matt Gaetz/MTG/Jim Jordan hold the moral high ground when it comes to Hunter.
Everything from the associate, and everything sourced or alleged from Ukraine and China is sketchy.
Hunter was on drugs, he's been sober for awhile.

Be honest, would it matter to you even if it wasn’t what you deem as “sketchy”?