The signs Okie State coaches were holding up

1. I don't know any Japanese
2. Despite the fact he was in survival mode vs Drake at 133, Rin Sakamoto did not wrestle bad and has a future. Other Cowboy wrestlers are far worse criminals when it comes to stalling.

3. I imagine they weren't talking about DeJeans invalid punt return, but I will forever be annoyed by it, just garbage, no one on Minn. sideline thought it. And as Kirk said post-game "when you get a lot of people involved in the replay, that's when things get screwed up"..... they want to be involved if they are supposed to work. I won't cry about it henceforth, but if the Gophers beat the Hawkeyes next year or couple seasons, I bet many will think it is the first time PJ Fleck beat Iowa without a gift.
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Do you really believe that? I heard he didn’t pass the aptitude test last year to get into school.
Foreign professional athletes who speak English conduct interviews in their native language using a translator all the time. Using the native language avoids misunderstandings.
Foreign professional athletes who speak English conduct interviews in their native language using a translator all the time. Using the native language avoids misunderstandings.
I know that. You’re missing my point. The coaches use signs in Japanese to coach him because he doesn’t read or speak English. He couldn’t pass the aptitude test last year to get into school because of the language barrier. So, here is my question again…… how does he pass his classes in order to stay eligible? Simple question, difficult answer.

But, thanks for the info about translators during interviews to avoid misunderstandings
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Great idea! First folkstyle match in a loud environment with lots of yelling and fatigue setting in would not be ideal for someone still learning a very confusing language. Probably passing classes just fine with the help of a beautiful coed tutor.

I love seeing new wrestlers being introduced to the excitement of college wrestling. He will win a lot of matches over here.
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Cowboy coach holding signage is Jimmy Kennedy; recall epic battle Kennedy v Slaton (? circa 2007/2008).
Slaton had good battles with Jimmy as well as Franklin Gomez IIRC. I remember watching Jimmy (2009?) get upset 1st round at NCAAs and wrestle all the way back for 5th. Thought that was freaking impressive
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Pretty sure Donnie Vinson from Binghamton lost first round in 2012 and won seven straight on the backside to get 3rd. A lot of people would give up.
Pretty sure Donnie Vinson from Binghamton lost first round in 2012 and won seven straight on the backside to get 3rd. A lot of people would give up.
Even crazier is that in the consolation finals, he wrestled Cam Tessari, who had also lost in the first round on the front side
Midlands finals circa 2007 (?) Jimmy Kennedy v Daniel Dennis; Dennis victory in OT ( I think). These guys were high school teammates, Grant High School, Fox Lake, IL.
If y’all want to know what is actually says it it translates “stay calm” .
This is BS!!! OBVIOUSLY says. "Hey, when are you going to get me my wicked cool HONDA TRAIL 70 you promised me for bringing your stalling ass into AMERICA!!!! "
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