The "Terry Toss"

Terry doing this stupid ass stunt is part of the reason Iowa is in the position they are in. Did you guys notice Cael in his guys 5 championship matches? He makes it about the kids. Obviously Cael has the right plan. Nobody is beating them in the next 5 years.
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LOL imma lot older than TnT and I regularly fall harder while chasing my dog and mushrooms out in the woods. They was on a mat for crimney sake.
You regularly fall harder than that chasing your dog and mushrooms? Your dog know the lateral drop? Didn't realize mushroom hunting was such a rough activity.
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If anyone besides Iowa did this you guys would be absolutely disgusted. Penn St talks about having fun and you ****in losers cant stop talking about it. Cory deserves better than having his coach trying to steal the spotlight.

I can not imagine how bad your mother would feel if she knew what you do on this board. Shame on you for disrespecting her.
I'm guessing 90% of the people that have a problem with it are psu fans or closet psu fans. Just mad that their "fun" loving squad didnt do it first. I think we should make it a tradition at IA, kinda like the Lambeau Leap. Any national champion gets to body slam the coach:)

In Cael's interview yesterday, he mentioned "having fun" or "having a good time" 3 times in the first 30 seconds.

I'm telling you man, I'm convinced it's an inside joke now for PSU and the analysts and commentators haven't caught on. It has to be or else it's just sad at this point.
You regularly fall harder than that chasing your dog and mushrooms? Your dog know the lateral drop? Didn't realize mushroom hunting was such a rough activity.

LOL I had a Boxer who learned a hip toss from a pit bull. When we would play with a frisbee and jump in the air to catch, Roxy could take my legs out from under me and put me on my back. (Luckily this game was played on a beach.)

One day, (age 50) I had the dog out on the Des Moines river looking for arrow heads and mushrooms. I decided to use a tree root to climb up the bank, which was maybe 15' high. I was about at the top of the cliff and leaning back while lifting a leg up when the root came loose, traveled about a foot to the right and then snapped. I felt my back graze the cliff face while doing the first summersault. I came out of the tuck and attempted to make contact with the ground with my feet, with no luck. As the ground rotated out of my field of vision I came to the realization that I was screwed and had one regret: I'd never taught my dog to use a cell phone. Anyway, with life flashing before my eyes, I completed the second rotation and found myself standing in the river, water up to my knees and facing the cliff. I stuck that landing, I kid you not. And there was no one to witness the feat but my dog, and she ain't talking. But I swear she gave me a funny look when I was standing in that river after the fall.
Terry doing this stupid ass stunt is part of the reason Iowa is in the position they are in. Did you guys notice Cael in his guys 5 championship matches? He makes it about the kids. Obviously Cael has the right plan. Nobody is beating them in the next 5 years.
Same troll on The Mat, yawn. Maybe they don't get beat and maybe not but 5 years is a long time and none of the current lineup will be there there after 4 years so time will tell. One thing that is sure and that always happens is with victory comes despise from the masses, people love to see the top dog go down.
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Are you serious? It's taken the talk away from his unreal tournament and the focus is now on some stupid throw his coach wanted him to do. Terry
You regularly fall harder than that chasing your dog and mushrooms? Your dog know the lateral drop? Didn't realize mushroom hunting was such a rough activity.

I think he ment chasing his dog while on mushrooms ;)
LOL I had a Boxer who learned a hip toss from a pit bull. When we would play with a frisbee and jump in the air to catch, Roxy could take my legs out from under me and put me on my back. (Luckily this game was played on a beach.)

One day, (age 50) I had the dog out on the Des Moines river looking for arrow heads and mushrooms. I decided to use a tree root to climb up the bank, which was maybe 15' high. I was about at the top of the cliff and leaning back while lifting a leg up when the root came loose, traveled about a foot to the right and then snapped. I felt my back graze the cliff face while doing the first summersault. I came out of the tuck and attempted to make contact with the ground with my feet, with no luck. As the ground rotated out of my field of vision I came to the realization that I was screwed and had one regret: I'd never taught my dog to use a cell phone. Anyway, with life flashing before my eyes, I completed the second rotation and found myself standing in the river, water up to my knees and facing the cliff. I stuck that landing, I kid you not. And there was no one to witness the feat but my dog, and she ain't talking. But I swear she gave me a funny look when I was standing in that river after the fall.

hahaha I just pictured that sht in my head like a movie
This. No wrestler has a green light to toss a coach. To think otherwise is moronic.
n Terry's interview after it was he over, he said he told Clark after he locked it up. Something to the effect of you got me here now what are you going to do. As if giving permission. Not as in telling him to do it.

How great was that moment for Cory!!! Kid deserved to throw Tom and Berhow too!!!

In front of 19,000 plus fans that went nuts.

Anybody see this that didn't absolutely LOVE IT!
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Why? Because I call a spade a spade? I think you people on this board are detached from reality.

Then there must be some part of that detachment that appeals to you, because you are certainly spending a lot of time here!o_O
Two things:

1) Terry mentions that they've heard that a recruiting tactic against Iowa is that they "eat up and spit out their wrestlers" so CC battling thru the injury means a lot to that idea.

1a) I would love to have a transcript of what Tom told Cory when he first got injured and Cory's season was in peril.

2) You realize that "fun" at normal places is dodgeball or wiffleball instead of wrestling and that throwing people is "Fun" for the Brands Bros?
I'm telling you - anyone that doesn't use the ignore button frequently is crazy. Hell, if you don't like me use it. It's just great cause you get to follow who you want. I haven't seen Feet to Back since his second post and only catch myself wondering every now and then why guys are pissed off at something I didn't see. Then I realize it was probably him.
Terry is excitable and spontaneous. I remember at an i-club banquet in clear lake 5 or so years ago, he was up talking to the crowd and he was wearing a nice, white, dressy button up shirt. I cant remember exactly what he said, but all of a sudden he rips his shirt open (had a white undershirt on) and buttons went flying everywhere. It was freakin hilarious. Then he said something about that being his favorite shirt. Point is the brands bros are crazy (in a good way) and while im sure they coach with an intensity i can't imagine them not being fun to be long as you're doing whats expected in the room.
If anyone besides Iowa did this you guys would be absolutely disgusted. Penn St talks about having fun and you ****in losers cant stop talking about it. Cory deserves better than having his coach trying to steal the spotlight.

Something doesnt fit your opinion and you bash your own brotherhood of your team? What purpose does it serve? Go Hawks!
I'm telling you - anyone that doesn't use the ignore button frequently is crazy. Hell, if you don't like me use it. It's just great cause you get to follow who you want. I haven't seen Feet to Back since his second post and only catch myself wondering every now and then why guys are pissed off at something I didn't see. Then I realize it was probably him.
This, x1,000,000. Life's too short to subject yourself to negativity from anonymous antagonists. I agree -- it pays to have a quick trigger on the ignore button. Sometimes the continuity of a thread gets a little broken up, but it's more than worth doing.

In addition, the more Iowa fans "ignore" trolls, the quicker they'll find that their attempts to stir the pot have failed and go away.