The third richest person in Australia, the tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, is fed up with the country's dependence on coal

Dec 31, 2014
The third richest person in Australia, the tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, is fed up with the country's dependence on coal - so he wants to buy its biggest electricity company and shut down its coal power plants.

Couldn't read the article without subscribing., wonder what the long term energy goal would be. Also wish America's billionaires would take bigger opportunities to improve life here. I know many do contribute, just need to adjust the flow of money.
What's more important than clean air, or climate change which is already hitting Australia hard. You guys on the right keep worrying about hunting down every TG person in America, and us Libs will worry about the stuff that affects us all.

They'd rather run inspections on little girls' and boys' 'pee-pees', than actually build a better world.

So many other tangible things an individual should be fed up about

If Europe had sufficient renewable resources for their energy needs they wouldn’t be incidentally funding Russias campaign of mass murder and terror against the people of Ukraine.

In this instance Australia would not be the agent of their own ecological demise(great barrier reef?) & air/water pollution that causes cancer and asthma of their fellow citizens. Maybe some people care about humanity, animal and plant life, and the future they will turn over to their children.

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