The Trump assassination attempt


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2024
There’s something about the attempt I don’t understand. Maybe someone here can explain. From what I understand and from watching the footage, it appears the shooter got off 3 shots in rapid succession. The shooter was then shot within a second or 2 of firing his 3 shots. We’ve been told the sniper that took out the shooter was 400 yards away. To me, this implies that the sniper had the shooter in the crosshairs but waited to fire until the shooter fired at Trump. Is this correct? How long would it take a highly skilled marksman to line up a 400 yard head shot? Is there a reasonable explanation why there was time to have that shot lined up but nothing was being done to get Trump out of threat’s way. I believe I’m open minded on this but this sequence of events seems very strange.
From what I understand the sniper had this guy in his scope seconds prior to there being a complete understanding as to what he was up to,.. Also appears to have been a very lucky shot.
There’s something about the attempt I don’t understand. Maybe someone here can explain. From what I understand and from watching the footage, it appears the shooter got off 3 shots in rapid succession. The shooter was then shot within a second or 2 of firing his 3 shots. We’ve been told the sniper that took out the shooter was 400 yards away. To me, this implies that the sniper had the shooter in the crosshairs but waited to fire until the shooter fired at Trump. Is this correct? How long would it take a highly skilled marksman to line up a 400 yard head shot? Is there a reasonable explanation why there was time to have that shot lined up but nothing was being done to get Trump out of threat’s way. I believe I’m open minded on this but this sequence of events seems very strange.
The 400 yard thing has been disputed. Due to the angles the counter fire was behind Trump but the shot seems to be about 200 yards. I too have seen the 400 yard thing.

Think of it like a 45,90,45 triangle where the countersniper was the "c" length.

There are also reports the snipers watched the shooter fire atleast once, a confirmation that he was a threat.

Also, the guy had only a forehead to aim at. He made a hell of a shot.
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Area 51 Aliens GIF by Sky HISTORY UK
I guess that what seems a little strange….I mean that’s quite a coincidence that he got the shot lined up right at the very moment the shooter fired. I was hoping for an explanation that didn’t strain credulity quite so much.
I guess that what seems a little strange….I mean that’s quite a coincidence that he got the shot lined up right at the very moment the shooter fired. I was hoping for an explanation that didn’t strain credulity quite so much.
They were aware of him. As he fired thr first 3 the countersniper aimed.

But, to your point, that guy was looking at that roof prior to the first shot.
I guess that what seems a little strange….I mean that’s quite a coincidence that he got the shot lined up right at the very moment the shooter fired. I was hoping for an explanation that didn’t strain credulity quite so much.
But it's somehow more credible to you that... what? The police sniper was told to allow it to happen? Is that actually more believable to you?
I guess that what seems a little strange….I mean that’s quite a coincidence that he got the shot lined up right at the very moment the shooter fired. I was hoping for an explanation that didn’t strain credulity quite so much.

I suspect the sniper was preparing for his shot before the shooter committed himself,.. Once the game was on, sniper was free to proceed..
In the one video we have of the SS snipers it looks like he pops up looks over his scope and then pitches the rifle down, which suggests to me that he was scanning further out and didn't have the shooter in his sites. This assumes that was the sniper that took the shot.
And the need to dismiss everything that doesn’t agree with your narrative as a “conspiracy “ is equally exhausting. Incompetence in this case is every bit as likely as a conspiracy. Is it possible the shot was lined up for a minute or two and the SS was so incompetent they couldn’t get Trump off the stage? Or is that too conspiratorial for you? Is it too much too ask that the public be told these details? As far as I know no explanation has been forthcoming. Perhaps you are aware of some info I have not seen, which is why I asked the question, and which I welcome you to share. If not, spare me the conspiracy theory BS
There’s something about the attempt I don’t understand. Maybe someone here can explain. From what I understand and from watching the footage, it appears the shooter got off 3 shots in rapid succession. The shooter was then shot within a second or 2 of firing his 3 shots.

I don’t think that is correct.

After the initial 3 shot volley there was another volley of shots. The final, single shot was around 10 seconds after the shooting started.

@Whiskeydeltadeltatango might enjoy this guy trying to tell if it was two different weapons by the audio signature (measuring time between crack of bullet and boom from the rifle):

In the one video we have of the SS snipers it looks like he pops up looks over his scope and then pitches the rifle down, which suggests to me that he was scanning further out and didn't have the shooter in his sites. This assumes that was the sniper that took the shot.
I had read it was actually the other team that took the shot.

That guy reacted to the first shot by looking out of his scope.
In the one video we have of the SS snipers it looks like he pops up looks over his scope and then pitches the rifle down, which suggests to me that he was scanning further out and didn't have the shooter in his sites. This assumes that was the sniper that took the shot.
So how long did it take for the sniper to get his shot, and does this seem like a reasonably plausible scenario. I’m truly curious.
I don’t think that is correct.

After the initial 3 shot volley there was another volley of shots. The final, single shot was around 10 seconds after the shooting started.

@Whiskeydeltadeltatango might enjoy this guy trying to tell if it was two different weapons by the audio signature (measuring time between crack of bullet and boom from the rifle):

I will go to my grave saying those first 3 shots, and the response sniper, were all suppressed.

Do you know how ****ing loud a .223 is when your down range at 70 yards like the people in the video?

That noise you hear is a supersonic round breaking the sound barrier, that is NOT a full throated .223.

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Description I saw was that a majority of the shooter's body was hidden on the back slope of the roof,.. with just a bit of the top of his head visible..
I think also, let’s say he is seeing guy, there is a lot of pandemonium and confusion and he is likely trying to verify it’s not a local LOE he is targeting. To me, the far greater issue is the counter-sniper had enough information as did others in SS there was a serious risk happening. Trump should have been rushed off stage already. That is by far the biggest **** up. Tons of info was there, so much counter-sniper were engaged to look on roof. They should have shut things down. Could have saved a life because shooter then would have likely fled.
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I don’t think that is correct.

After the initial 3 shot volley there was another volley of shots. The final, single shot was around 10 seconds after the shooting started.

@Whiskeydeltadeltatango might enjoy this guy trying to tell if it was two different weapons by the audio signature (measuring time between crack of bullet and boom from the rifle):

This would make a lot more sense. Ten seconds seems like about the time it would take to line up a shot like that. My understanding from watching some coverage is that 5 shots were fired in about 2-3 seconds, the first 3 from the shooter but I could be mistaken. Would be nice if the MSM would do a better job of explaining this
I think also, let’s say he is seeing guy, there is a lot of pandemonium and confusion and he is likely trying to verify it’s not a local LOE he is targeting. To me, the far greater issue is the counter sniper had enough information as did others in SS there was a serious risk happening. Trump should have been rushed of stage already. That is by far the biggest **** up. Tons of info was there, so much countersniper were engaged to look on roof. They should have shut things down. Could have saved a life.
This is my question/point…not that there was some conspiracy
I will go to my grave saying those first 3 shots, and the response sniper, were all suppressed.

Do you know how ****ing loud a .223 is when your down range at 70 yards like the people in the video?

That noise you hear is a supersonic round breaking the sound barrier, that is NOT a full throated .223.


Watch the video. The audio clearly distinguishes the crack of the bullet from the report of the rifle.
I don’t think that is correct.

After the initial 3 shot volley there was another volley of shots. The final, single shot was around 10 seconds after the shooting started.

@Whiskeydeltadeltatango might enjoy this guy trying to tell if it was two different weapons by the audio signature (measuring time between crack of bullet and boom from the rifle):


Crooks fired eight times​

Investigators believe that Crooks fired eight rounds before he was killed by counter-snipers, Paris said.

“I believe that the number is eight,” Paris told the committee. “Eight casings have been recovered.”

Crooks fired eight times​

Investigators believe that Crooks fired eight rounds before he was killed by counter-snipers, Paris said.

“I believe that the number is eight,” Paris told the committee. “Eight casings have been recovered.”
Yep, he fired three times, paused, then fired five times rapidly. The sniper’s shot comes 15.3 seconds after the first shot.

The witnesses who saw him on the roof said he ‘turned toward them’ at one point. I think he jammed the rifle. I can’t think of a reason he’d stop at 8 shots otherwise.
Yep, he fired three times, paused, then fired five times rapidly. The sniper’s shot comes 15.3 seconds after the first shot.

The witnesses who saw him on the roof said he ‘turned toward them’ at one point. I think he jammed the rifle. I can’t think of a reason he’d stop at 8 shots otherwise.
Probably the bullet thru his brain.
There’s something about the attempt I don’t understand. Maybe someone here can explain. From what I understand and from watching the footage, it appears the shooter got off 3 shots in rapid succession. The shooter was then shot within a second or 2 of firing his 3 shots. We’ve been told the sniper that took out the shooter was 400 yards away. To me, this implies that the sniper had the shooter in the crosshairs but waited to fire until the shooter fired at Trump. Is this correct? How long would it take a highly skilled marksman to line up a 400 yard head shot? Is there a reasonable explanation why there was time to have that shot lined up but nothing was being done to get Trump out of threat’s way. I believe I’m open minded on this but this sequence of events seems very strange.

Wasn't the sniper barley able to just see one corner of the shooter's head when he shot? He said it was a one in a million shot that he actually hit the target. I think it was likely a line of sight thing where the shooter is on the downside of the opposite side of a roof so you cannot see that person. I don't think it's some sort of conspiracy but it is pretty odd how that story has pretty much gone away and is already forgotten. That's nuts to me.
Story hasn't gone away, it just hasn't been completely released yet,.. Amazing how people expect everything to be so immediate anymore..