Secret Servce

Yeah, she holds up the sign. Shots fired and next thing you know she is filming the aftermath. This shit is wild.
I really don’t want to be one of those people that falls for things easily, but there’s just too much weird shit around this. Every time I open X there’s another video of someone in the crowd pointing the shooter out and nobody doing anything about it.

I mean, she was completely unfazed. Some people reacted slowly because they were probably confused, but she was as stoic as could be. It was the fact that she seemed to be looking for the shots to be fired that made me uneasy.
I really don’t want to be one of those people that falls for things easily, but there’s just too much weird shit around this. Every time I open X there’s another video of someone in the crowd pointing the shooter out and nobody doing anything about it.

I mean, she was completely unfazed. Some people reacted slowly because they were probably confused, but she was as stoic as could be. It was the fact that she seemed to be looking for the shots to be fired that made me uneasy.
Samesies, not a conspiracy guy, but there is just way too much out there right now. It’s mind bottling 😉
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No, that's why I said unsubstantiated. I haven't heard anything further. I'm waiting to hear if that was real. Those were all just questions I had.
My bad, reading is hard. It is strange how some of the videos make it seem like the snipers had located the shooter prior to him opening fire.
After watching the clip, post #51, ( upper left frame ) I'm wondering how the guy with the head fatal head shot was so far out of the direct line of fire at Trump. I thought the injured and fatality would be beyond the podium and to the right side of the stage ( as viewing ) from the camera. Maybe the shooter was being hit as he squeezed off the fatal shot on the fireman. Just seems so far off target to me...
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My bad, reading is hard. It is strange how some of the videos make it seem like the snipers had located the shooter prior to him openingsoonish?

No worries at all, I was just clarifying my position. The videos are really strange. I would like to see some of the major news stations at least dismiss the things I brought up. Maybe they have and I didn't see it...

I still don't think that first statement from the sniper can be real...
Good post. It’s the world these people have created for themselves that excuses belief in random conspiracy theories on social media despite any evidence to the contrary; because you can’t trust the folks who have direct access to the truth.

That the 2020 election was rigged is an article of faith required of anyone who wants to hold a leadership position in the GOP. That is truly amazing and awful.

Since I'm the head conspiracy theorist for this site.... I'm about 200% sure the secret service did a stand down. They looked.... the other way. " Hey there's a dude on the roof with the gun"... "Oh don't worry that's our dude." Or trans. Maybe he goes by "they".
I am sure some incel 20 year old is the first person I would hire to make this all work as I predicted.