The Trump Presidency Is Over

Can’t argue with this.

“Trump is fundamentally unfit—intellectually, morally, temperamentally, and psychologically—for office. For me, that is the paramount consideration in electing a president, in part because at some point it’s reasonable to expect that a president will face an unexpected crisis—and at that point, the president’s judgment and discernment, his character and leadership ability, will really matter.

“Mr. Trump has no desire to acquaint himself with most issues, let alone master them” is how I put it four years ago. “No major presidential candidate has ever been quite as disdainful of knowledge, as indifferent to facts, as untroubled by his benightedness.”
Bernie was his only shot at winning again and that wasn’t a slam dunk.

Biden is the comfortable candidate. He isn’t going to upset too many on either side.

Biden winning actually kills the free money crowd for 8 years vs the 4 years Trump winning would have delayed it.

if this stock market dip is the last one for the next 10 years I would be very happy. Puts me in retirement window.
Can’t argue with this.

“Trump is fundamentally unfit—intellectually, morally, temperamentally, and psychologically—for office. For me, that is the paramount consideration in electing a president, in part because at some point it’s reasonable to expect that a president will face an unexpected crisis—and at that point, the president’s judgment and discernment, his character and leadership ability, will really matter.

“Mr. Trump has no desire to acquaint himself with most issues, let alone master them” is how I put it four years ago. “No major presidential candidate has ever been quite as disdainful of knowledge, as indifferent to facts, as untroubled by his benightedness.”

And all of that was readily apparent long before the election and he is still supported by 80%+ of Republicans. It truly is a deplorable situation.
If its made public that Trump suppressed Covid tests to inflate his numbers, I think a majority of his voters would turn against him. Its literally costing peoples lives.

I doubt it would have any affect on most of his supporters. Until proven otherwise, I will remain convinced that he was accurate with his assessment about him shooting someone in Times Square (or wherever it was he said) and not losing any of his support.
Can’t argue with this.

“Trump is fundamentally unfit—intellectually, morally, temperamentally, and psychologically—for office. For me, that is the paramount consideration in electing a president, in part because at some point it’s reasonable to expect that a president will face an unexpected crisis—and at that point, the president’s judgment and discernment, his character and leadership ability, will really matter.

“Mr. Trump has no desire to acquaint himself with most issues, let alone master them” is how I put it four years ago. “No major presidential candidate has ever been quite as disdainful of knowledge, as indifferent to facts, as untroubled by his benightedness.”

So your answer to this is to elect a person who probably has Dementia?
I doubt it would have any affect on most of his supporters. Until proven otherwise, I will remain convinced that he was accurate with his assessment about him shooting someone in Times Square (or wherever it was he said) and not losing any of his support.

Correct it will be Fake News or explained away with another conspiracy theory
I doubt it would have any affect on most of his supporters. Until proven otherwise, I will remain convinced that he was accurate with his assessment about him shooting someone in Times Square (or wherever it was he said) and not losing any of his support.

The difference though is that while his core remains strong, he's not winning any moderates over. Impossible to say what this all looks like in 6-8 months however.
Even if Biden did have it, he would at least have competent people around him to help run the country. We don't have that now and haven't for 3 years.

And during the times of crisis when he has to speak and make executive decisions and has the mental capacity of a 5 year old?
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you seriously want me to make a comparison between Trump and somebody who has Dementia?
Yeah, what is your professional comparison.
Are you really gonna suggest that trump is not also sliding downhill in mental capability?
Did you watch him read the teleprompter the other night?
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That’s a push, Trump isn’t working with a full deck either.

Please stop being obtuse there is a difference between somebody who makes decisions that you disagree with as opposed to a person who medically doesn’t have the capacity to make decisions
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Yeah, what is your professional comparison.
Are you really gonna suggest that trump is not also sliding downhill in mental capability?
Did you watch him read the teleprompter the other night?

i don’t think Trump has changed much since he was elected and no he does not have dementia IMO
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Please stop being obtuse there is a difference between somebody who makes decisions that you disagree with as opposed to a person who medically doesn’t have the capacity to make decisions

Please watch this video. I’m genuinely curious to see what your opinion of Trump’s mental condition is after seeing so many examples of him being unable to form a coherent sentence (or even coherent words). For most of these he is reading off of notes or a teleprompter, FFS.

Are you Biden's doctor?

I have taken care of enough patients with dementia that something is definitely wrong with Biden and Dementia is a strong possibility, He needs to take a cognitive test and release the results

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