The Trump Train trial has started in Texas

In October 2020 a gang of Trump's thugs harassed a group of Democrats, including Wendy Davis, while traveling to a campaign event. The defendants are arguing that it was political speech to attempt to run the Dems off the road.
Thugs I hope they get the maximum amount of jail time. Idiots trying to run a bus off the road and the cops laughed about it. Law and order yeah right.
If they had simply driven in convoy with the bus and not obstructed then or traffic it would be fine. But when they brake checked and obstructed we have a problem.

And piss on the police for not coming when called.

That's one of the things I worry about when it comes to a potential civil war. There are more and more public officials coming into power who don't think people of differing political views deserve the help and protection of the government.

During the Trump administration it started with some politicians deciding when a blue state/city gets hit with a natural disaster that they should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" but then when a red area gets hit immediately support disaster funding.

How long before police start deciding if or how quickly they will respond to calls based on the political affiliation of the victim?
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Thugs I hope they get the maximum amount of jail time. Idiots trying to run a bus off the road and the cops laughed about it. Law and order yeah right.
This is a civil action. Texas officials didn’t view this as worthy of pressing charges over, although one municipality paid out a settlement.
Weird that the people talking about elevated levels of political violence as related to attempts on Donald Trump’s life are not moved by this kind of violence.

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