When I was in Jr High, we were messing around on the phone, prank calls and such, so I called a hot older high school girl and hand the phone to my buddy. He says hello in his normal voice like he's the one answering. He keeps playing this and when she asks who it is he panics and gives his real name. He doesn't know what else to do so he keeps pretending that HIS phone rang and he just picked it up and she was there. They go on talking and she accuses him of calling her, because... you know... his story is impossible and she knows she didn't call him, but he's in too deep so he keeps denying reality as the world understands it and insists that they must have gotten randomly connected "somehow". I'm dying laughing at him and he is known as a creepy stalker for the rest of the school year.
Prime/Menace refusing to admit he deleted his posts reminds me of that. Complete imbecile, under pressure isn't capable of admitting defeat, so doubles, triples, quadruples down on the impossible scenario that such targeted strategic posts are the only ones to miraculously be deleted right at the exact moment he needed them to be... on BOTH accounts... wow. We're dealing with a 7th grader, or sadly an adult at about that level of intelligence.