The Truth about the Prime/Menace situation....

I'm still leaning toward you are not menance, but were attempting to post under another liberal handle. Maybe we should compile a list of all liberal posters and see if we can figure this out.
Menace deleted a key incriminating post. Stop encouraging him. Or don't, I know you're just dangling hope, which is truly evil. I like it. :)
I honestly couldn't have asked for better conditions. Menace is not Menaced by the fact that others will always think he is me. Where the posts went I honestly don't know. I will say that my post was NOT deleted by me. I only changed a post, I didn't delete it. I've never deleted a post actually. It's true eh?
Menace deleted a key incriminating post. Stop encouraging him. Or don't, I know you're just dangling hope, which is truly evil. I like it. :)
Why is it incriminating? How did you save it then Raggy? You decided to screen shot it before it was deleted? Why may I ask? What's funny is that my taking down of Menace is due to your inability to understand that a game was played. It was so well done that even Natural thinks I'm Menace now. Because as you said,...we both had deleted posts.

This is that moment where you haven't just won, you've conquered. I am Prime the Conqueror now. I have single handily altered you from being able to cope with the truth and destroyed a posters handle in the process. That is a new mark for HROT.

I am truly the King.
Why is it incriminating? How did you save it then Raggy? You decided to screen shot it before it was deleted? Why may I ask? What's funny is that my taking down of Menace is due to your inability to understand that a game was played. It was so well done that even Natural thinks I'm Menace now. Because as you said,...we both had deleted posts.

This is that moment where you haven't just won, you've conquered. I am Prime the Conqueror now. I have single handily altered you from being able to cope with the truth and destroyed a posters handle in the process. That is a new mark for HROT.

I am truly the King.

Why is it incriminating? How did you save it then Raggy? You decided to screen shot it before it was deleted? Why may I ask? What's funny is that my taking down of Menace is due to your inability to understand that a game was played. It was so well done that even Natural thinks I'm Menace now. Because as you said,...we both had deleted posts.

This is that moment where you haven't just won, you've conquered. I am Prime the Conqueror now. I have single handily altered you from being able to cope with the truth and destroyed a posters handle in the process. That is a new mark for HROT.

I am truly the King.
Someone else screen shot it turd. They posted it in the other thread.

So your story is that Menace is not you, but that person is so distraught over this that he is now gone forever. What a dumb fvcking story. You're the worst troll ever.
Someone else screen shot it turd. They posted it in the other thread.

So your story is that Menace is not you, but that person is so distraught over this that he is now gone forever. What a dumb fvcking story. You're the worst troll ever.
Coachy Coachy coachy poo how is it that I always seem to get to you?
Wouldn't it be crazy if we found out that Ragle and Prime were the same person?

Quite simply my was a ruse. I purposely made that post in order to make it look like I was Menace. It was a mere troll attempt and it worked MARVELOUSLY. It couldn't have worked any better as a matter of fact. Not only did Raggy jump all over it, and make no mistake he's also a multi-handle, but he actually helped it through.

My entire intention was to merely mess with Menace and get people to believe he was another alternate handle of mine. That's what is so beautiful, is that every Liberal on here fell for it too. The only one that called it was Swag, and that's because he's actually met me. I also suspect Natural wasn't buying it. Also Natural, you are wrong about the Nigel claim. If you look at the post a pic of yourself thread, the picture of Menace is clearly not me and Swag can confirm that.

So in short, you all got played by a brilliant piece of trollery on my part.
Oh, well this is the first I've read anything about this and in my opinion...................fart noises.
Oh yay, look who's back. The butt nut.
Your preaching of tolerance and getting along, as well as your claims of being a grown man just don't seem to fit you these days. Out of all the Liberals on here, you are by far the most belligerent. Yet, you try to mold yourself as if you are like Natural or Moral even. Why is that Raggy poo?
Your preaching of tolerance and getting along, as well as your claims of being a grown man just don't seem to fit you these days. Out of all the Liberals on here, you are by far the most belligerent. Yet, you try to mold yourself as if you are like Natural or Moral even. Why is that Raggy poo?
You can't use the Prime handle anymore. These are the internet rules. I know you've grown attached. I know that makes you sad. No amount of pouting or trying to turn attention on me is going to change the fact that everyone knows you use alternate handles, thus nullifying the point of your existence here.

Go ahead and use multiples, but you'll have to use ones we aren't aware of. Every new post just makes you look more retarded than we already know you are. It's over, you f'ed up. It's alright, it happens. Move on and start fresh. Using multiple especially opposing ideology handles is forbidden on any board, everywhere, period. Not that it doesn't happen, but once people know, even the biggest idiot knows it's over. You're a joke. Try again. It's painful to have to explain such basic fundamental and understood rules of the interwebz... ugh. It's over.
You can't use the Prime handle anymore. These are the internet rules. I know you've grown attached. I know that makes you sad. No amount of pouting or trying to turn attention on me is going to change the fact that everyone knows you use alternate handles, thus nullifying the point of your existence here.

Go ahead and use multiples, but you'll have to use ones we aren't aware of. Every new post just makes you look more retarded than we already know you are. It's over, you f'ed up. It's alright, it happens. Move on and start fresh. Using multiple especially opposing ideology handles is forbidden on any board, everywhere, period. Not that it doesn't happen, but once people know, even the biggest idiot knows it's over. You're a joke. Try again. It's painful to have to explain such basic fundamental and understood rules of the interwebz... ugh. It's over.
No I can, because the Menace account isn't actually mine and this is in fact my only one. If there were internet rules, you would have been gone a long time ago. Again, the funny thing is that you are entirely convinced of my ruse, despite me telling you that it isn't true. It was a play and you are it's main victim. Well you and Menace if I'm to be accurate. He's forever tainted by the brilliance of Prime. Sorry Menace:(

You on the other hand are not this upstanding gentlemen you pretend to be. Your very name derives from the name of an actual Troll. Only one other ever spoke as if this forum is some serious, real place with life changing social interaction. You don't really take this that seriously do you?
I guess I keep falling into your traps! I swear to Oden I hope you do keep posting as Prime. I'm actually trying to help you. The handle is burned man. Keep lying and sticking to your utterly impossible moronic story that defies all sorts of fundamental laws of logic and nature. I've been an interneter a long time, you shouldn't persist and be viewed as a joke, i have no problem doing my duty by calling you out. But it would be sad. You have too much potential. Try again.
I guess I keep falling into your traps! I swear to Oden I hope you do keep posting as Prime. I'm actually trying to help you. The handle is burned man. Keep lying and sticking to your utterly impossible moronic story that defies all sorts of fundamental laws of logic and nature. I've been an interneter a long time, you shouldn't persist and be viewed as a joke, i have no problem doing my duty by calling you out. But it would be sad. You have too much potential. Try again.
Odin. Interneter isn't a real word. You're not a real adult.(mind you I never claimed to be civil)

Your name is derived from the movie Troll Hunter. It was the second Troll in the movie. You're a troll it seems. Crackers don't make cookies frostier.
Quite simply my was a ruse. I purposely made that post in order to make it look like I was Menace. It was a mere troll attempt and it worked MARVELOUSLY. It couldn't have worked any better as a matter of fact. Not only did Raggy jump all over it, and make no mistake he's also a multi-handle, but he actually helped it through.

My entire intention was to merely mess with Menace and get people to believe he was another alternate handle of mine. That's what is so beautiful, is that every Liberal on here fell for it too. The only one that called it was Swag, and that's because he's actually met me. I also suspect Natural wasn't buying it. Also Natural, you are wrong about the Nigel claim. If you look at the post a pic of yourself thread, the picture of Menace is clearly not me and Swag can confirm that.

So in short, you all got played by a brilliant piece of trollery on my part.
Don't bring up
What that club
You belong to does
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