THE_DEVIL did his good deed for the week(and its only Monday)


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Happen to be in Walmart ( I know, that's on me. My bad) when some decent looking young lasses (no pics-too young) tried to offer me a religious pamphlet. I politely declined and hastily searched out and found a manger from the store to ask what the store policy on religious hand outs. A couple of minutes later and they were asked to leave.

Happen to be in Walmart ( I know, that's on me. My bad) when some decent looking young lasses (no pics-too young) tried to offer me a religious pamphlet. I politely declined and hastily searched out and found a manger from the store to ask what the store policy on religious hand outs. A couple of minutes later and they were asked to leave.


Was the baby Jesus in this manger?
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Happen to be in Walmart ( I know, that's on me. My bad) when some decent looking young lasses (no pics-too young) tried to offer me a religious pamphlet. I politely declined and hastily searched out and found a manger from the store to ask what the store policy on religious hand outs. A couple of minutes later and they were asked to leave.

Um....good job?
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I, for one, am not shocked to hear about THE_DEVIL in Wal-Mart. I'm pretty sure I've seen him there several times.
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I watch a pair of religious nut bags harass a woman in the parking lot of Fresh Market and continued all the way into the store. She notified the manager and they were escorted out of the store. I was hoping they would be in the parking lot when I finished. I kinda like talking to these freaks and asking them questions that make them think outside their religious box.
I watch a pair of religious nut bags harass a woman in the parking lot of Fresh Market and continued all the way into the store. She notified the manager and they were escorted out of the store. I was hoping they would be in the parking lot when I finished. I kinda like talking to these freaks and asking them questions that make them think outside their religious box.

That really is what you think your questions do? How adorable.
That really is what you think your questions do? How adorable.

I glad you find my questioning adorable. I would be lost without your consent.

I do agree that people like this are brainwashed and they wont get it. I guess its the look in their face that makes me smile inside when I throw them a curve ball concerning their faith.
I glad you find my questioning adorable. I would be lost without your consent.

I do agree that people like this are brainwashed and they wont get it. I guess its the look in their face that makes me smile inside when I throw them a curve ball concerning their faith.

You clever, clever man!
Then, there are the Jehovah Witnesses who come to the
front door of your home. They come in twosomes and want
to share their non-Christian views with you. Some free
literature is given out and they are off to the next house.
Then, there are the Jehovah Witnesses who come to the
front door of your home. They come in twosomes and want
to share their non-Christian views with you. Some free
literature is given out and they are off to the next house.

To be fair, most religious people that are spreading the word are polite and will not harass you if you tell them you're not interested.

In college we had a guy screaming fornicators will go to hell from a tree stump. Religious people like him need to be silenced. He also did it outside clubs at night.

Jehovah's are non-Christian? Maybe they have the correct faith and you have been misled?
To be fair, most religious people that are spreading the word are polite and will not harass you if you tell them you're not interested.

In college we had a guy screaming fornicators will go to hell from a tree stump. Religious people like him need to be silenced. He also did it outside clubs at night.

Jehovah's are non-Christian? Maybe they have the correct faith and you have been misled?

I've never understood why they try to convert people. According to their religion only like 120,000 will go to heaven. If I was them, I'd be like "Bus is full, no room"
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