There is a monstrously long thread here wherein some of the so called


HR Legend
Nov 1, 2013
"Vol fans" felt the need to come here, gloat, bait, flame, and generally make a horse's ass of themselves. They are Short Bus passengers from the Main Board that we refer to as "The Legion of Noobs". I am embarassed that they are here posting the kind of nasty garbage that we have had to endure from the same kind of low intelligence crowd from other schools ever since the 2008 season.

They are mostly young and with that comes the ignorance that public school education brings.

If they were older, they wouldn't feel the need to crow about winning one damned game. Beginning in 1989 and continuing through the 2007 season, the University of Tennessee won 191 football games in that 19 year period and that even including that sucky 2005 season when the idiot AD should have been looking for a replacement HC.
We beat some of the very best in college football. Notre Dame, Alabama, LSU, Texas A&M,UCLA,U/Cal, U/Va Wisconsin, Va Tech, Ohio State, Michigan, Kansas State, FSU( for the N/C) , Miami(Broke their 24 home game winning streak), and a lot more back when these teams were all very good..

Wish the idiot crowd would act like they've been there before

This post was edited on 1/18 7:45 PM by -MDVOL
Don't worry about it as we have plenty of bonehead fans too. Most of the Vols fans I saw were quite decent. Your team looks very good for the future- good luck to you!
OP will find out that some Iowa fans are very "pious", it is amusing to poke fun at these ppl.
Hey MD, glad to have you here ol' bud. Don't worry about the dummies, we have our dummies, same as everybody. Generally nobody pays much attention to the dummies. Iowa and Tennessee have a pretty good rivalry going back to the 1982 Peach where we KICKED YOUR BUTT!! Not so much lately I guess. What goes around, comes around, and I look forward to our next meeting. Maybe we'll be better.
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

and MD are the biggest troll of all the Vol fans,
Ah, quad doosh, back again. Will. You. Just. Please. Go. Away. See MD, we have our douches too.
"I am embarassed that they are here posting the kind of nasty garbage that we have had to endure from the same kind of low intelligence crowd from other schools ever since the 2008 season."
Low intelligence crowd is like seeks its own level.
They had every right to come on here and gloat and say just about anything they wanted to about our program. We were a complete and utter joke in that bowl game. Such an embarrassing showing. The Vols have now taken us out in both basketball and football so I hope we don't see them for a long time.
Actually, I think Iowa playing a Home and Away series with Tennessee like we have done with Oregon, Oklahoma, UCLA, USC, U/Cal.,, Notre Dame, Miami, Boston College, Rutgers, and others would be of benefit to both teams. Iowa is well known as a state that produces top OL and getting to see UT in person might open up the door for some to give UT a thought.
Conversely, Tennessee produces quite a bit of D-1 Talent and is also within easy visiting distance of several hundred Top D-1 recruits from Ga, Ala, Miss, Ky, NC, SC, W/Va, Va, Ark., Fla, La that do come to Neyland to watch UT in the fall every year on unofficial visits, but only 18-20 or so will ever sign with Tennessee. Seeing Iowa in person could certainly boost Iowa's recruiting presence in the South and offer the exposure to your program that they wouldn't ordinarily receive.

Tennessee has gotten recruits including the nephew of Danny Ainge, Eric Ainge, a 5***** Q/B from Oregon and in return, Oregon has gotten recruits from Tennessee recently including a 4**** CB this year from Nashville whom UT, LSU,TAM, and Ole Miss all tried to get.

I see no reason why it wouldn't work for Iowa too.

This post was edited on 1/20 8:20 AM by -MDVOL
Yeah, man, that sounds good. Brb, going to pitch this to Barta and Ferentz, you wait here. Shouldn't be long to get a response back.
Originally posted by -MDVOL:

They are mostly young and with that comes the ignorance that southern public school education brings.

This post was edited on 1/18 7:45 PM by -MDVOL

FIFY. Remember, we're from North of the Mason-Dixon line. Our schools are actually good.
N/Y, NJ, Mass, Mich. Wisconsin,Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Connecticut, etc are ALL North of the Mason Dixon line. They are no better and in many cases WORSE than the public education in the south.

Why is Iowa different? You have the same ethnic demographics of say, Vermont, New Hampshire, Idaho and the Dakotas.

Your teachers are not burdoned with having to dumb down every class so that the "disadvantaged" can be safely herded through the system and onto the streerts instead of either failed or be held to the same damned standards as the "Priveliged" group is like MLK demanded of them..

Most of your students come from the tradfitional TWO parent, 1 MAN, 1 WOMAN the way 5000 years of civilization proved was THE way to build a society) families. This was the norm for the 1st 190 years of this nation. But LBJ had a Dream too. His dream was of a totally wrecked American society with a permenant underclass totally beholding to handouts from generation to generation with men removed from the family unit in every fashion other than as Sperm Donor.
A home and home would be tremendous, sadly not going to happen under the Barta/Ferentz administration. Not too bad of a drive though for both fan bases.
I wouldn't worry about it.

Of all the SEC teams to pick from my favorite has always been Tenn. You guys have a good young team and they showed it in the bowl game.
I remember a lot of Vol fans coming over before/during the NCAA BB tourney offering a lot of well wishes and prayers for Coach Fran's son. Nothing but respect for the Vol fans. As others have stated, we all have a certain element we could do without.