They woke a monster

Either Coach Sides is not very bright or is trying to get people to dislike CC. It's almost hard to believe someone who's been coaching as long as she would take a comment like this that was shared privately and make it public when it's so obvious many will take it out of context.
Either Coach Sides is not very bright or is trying to get people to dislike CC. It's almost hard to believe someone who's been coaching as long as she would take a comment like this that was shared privately and make it public when it's so obvious many will take it out of context.
I don’t know. I kind of like it. It’s not like they can hate and target her more. She like, FU bitches, I am done.
Remember, this is the 2nd time USA basketball rejected Caitlin. Back in hs, she didn’t make one of the teams. She said it fueled her to work harder and improve. Iowa benefited that time, imagine if she takes her game to another level? Pull-up from half ? Dunking down the lane?
Either Coach Sides is not very bright or is trying to get people to dislike CC. It's almost hard to believe someone who's been coaching as long as she would take a comment like this that was shared privately and make it public when it's so obvious many will take it out of context.
She’s doing Clark no favors, that’s for sure. I’ve been attributing her ineptitude to LACK of experience. Are you saying she has coaching experience? I was under the impression that she was a virtual neophyte. Last year with the Fever notwithstanding.
She’s doing Clark no favors, that’s for sure. I’ve been attributing her ineptitude to LACK of experience. Are you saying she has coaching experience? I was under the impression that she was a virtual neophyte. Last year with the Fever notwithstanding.
I don’t expect ANYONE in the W to say the correct thing in public. Except CC, of course. It’s that bad.
I don’t expect ANYONE in the W to say the correct thing in public. Except CC, of course. It’s that bad.
What the rest of the league hasn't figured out is it takes more than a high level of play to get people to spend their time and money to watch you play. You also have to get people interested in you. Nobody wants to watch a petty bitch. Maybe there are a few players that will get a certain segment of the population to watch because they enjoy the drama petty bitches bring, but its not enough to make a league highly successful. So, they've been complaining that "the league has been good for decades" but they haven't figured out that's not why people aren't watching. First, the quality of play hasn't been good across the league for decades but that wouldn't matter if people wanted to watch the players. If people found players interesting then they would watch. They finally have someone interesting enough to bring a lot of eyeballs and they still don't get it.
I wish she wouldn't have made that comment publicly.

That's a PRIVATE conversation between a player and coach.
It would have been better if coach just said, “yeah, we’ve talked and, ya know she’s a competitor, think she’ll use this as motivation.”

It’s quite telling that their rookie who everyone said wasn’t ready for the W, is now having to do “damage control” in the press for the entire freakin’ league.
What the rest of the league hasn't figured out is it takes more than a high level of play to get people to spend their time and money to watch you play. You also have to get people interested in you. Nobody wants to watch a petty bitch. Maybe there are a few players that will get a certain segment of the population to watch because they enjoy the drama petty bitches bring, but its not enough to make a league highly successful. So, they've been complaining that "the league has been good for decades" but they haven't figured out that's not why people aren't watching. First, the quality of play hasn't been good across the league for decades but that wouldn't matter if people wanted to watch the players. If people found players interesting then they would watch. They finally have someone interesting enough to bring a lot of eyeballs and they still don't get it.
The WNBA, before CC arrived, might have benefitted from being marketed as one of those "housewives of" reality shows. That's the level of entertainment value and the quality of character that dominates the league.
Upon further thought, maybe I oughta give Sides the benefit of the doubt here and assume she’s just woefully self-unaware. Maybe she thought this would be a great “I got your back kid, let me tell them what happens now” moment for her and CC. Without, of course, understanding that the real message she’s sending her is “hey, CC, you better not share anything of significance with me in private; I have no freaking idea what I’m saying when I get in front of a microphone.”

That’s all I got.
Yeah, that was my thinking, too. Probably wasn’t meant to intentionally fvck things up but that’s what she accomplished.

If I’m Clark, I’m never sharing anything with her that can’t be aired publicly. She really needs some confidants but I doubt she has (m)any. Perhaps Boston, since she understands the media angle better than most. Plus, she’s just so darn nice.

What really needs to happen is for Caitlin, and any PR folks that she may work with, to take coach aside and teach a few simple things to keep in mind when speaking with the media. Ya know, “undo some of those bad habits.” 😎
What really needs to happen is for Caitlin, and any PR folks that she may work with, to take coach aside and teach a few simple things to keep in mind when speaking with the media. Ya know, “undo some of those bad habits.” 😎
She could do that if she wasn't too busy practicing long 2pt shots with her free time because that is what her coach wants her to do.
She could do that if she wasn't too busy practicing long 2pt shots with her free time because that is what her coach wants her to do.
I'm actually ok with her practicing a floater shot. I think that would be a very useful weapon to put back in her holster. She won't be taking many of those shots in the game, but she still needs it to be reliable for when she needs it. Now, trying to revolve her offensive play around it would be stupid.
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keep in mind: if you guys think Sides is gripping and and struggling to keep her job, just think what goes thru her mind.... probably like "eff it I'll just go for broke, might as well, I'm fired anywho"
She’s doing Clark no favors, that’s for sure. I’ve been attributing her ineptitude to LACK of experience. Are you saying she has coaching experience? I was under the impression that she was a virtual neophyte. Last year with the Fever notwithstanding.
Just did a search and found this: "While Sides spent the 2011-2016 seasons with the WNBA's Chicago Sun, she returned to coach college basketball during the 2016-2017 seasons with Northwestern, the 2017-2019 seasons with the Indiana Fever and the 2019-2022 seasons with Louisiana-Monroe."

Hopefully she asked CC if ok to share the "monster" quote with the media. But I doubt it based on CC's own statement about not making the team, which was incredibly mature - supportive of the USA team, etc.
Wow, reading those comments by coach Sides, I bet other team's players are really going to get physical with her now. I suppose the honeymoon is over. lol lol lol
Wow, reading those comments by coach Sides, I bet other team's players are really going to get physical with her now. I suppose the honeymoon is over. lol lol lol
And it’s only going to get worse, now. And you’ll (universal “you”) never convince that the referees aren’t complicit in this, to some degree.
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Anyone else smell something fishy about this? Since when has CC ever said anything like this publicly? Or allowed someone she knows to share it publicly? Letting this go public would most certainly backfire the moment she has an off night. And 'lo and behold, she had an off night tonight and a certain demographic is milking it for all it's worth.

Maybe Sides needs to learn when to keep her mouth shut about private conversations.
Anyone else smell something fishy about this? Since when has CC ever said anything like this publicly? Or allowed someone she knows to share it publicly? Letting this go public would most certainly backfire the moment she has an off night. And 'lo and behold, she had an off night tonight and a certain demographic is milking it for all it's worth.

Maybe Sides needs to learn when to keep her mouth shut about private conversations.
Sides be gone.

Too little too late though I’m afraid.

What a tool she is. Probably related to trash Reese somehow. 🙃
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Anyone else smell something fishy about this? Since when has CC ever said anything like this publicly? Or allowed someone she knows to share it publicly? Letting this go public would most certainly backfire the moment she has an off night. And 'lo and behold, she had an off night tonight and a certain demographic is milking it for all it's worth.

Maybe Sides needs to learn when to keep her mouth shut about private conversations.
Fishy strange bizarre. Yes. All

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