Things Iowa FB could do without

Not selling beer.
The policy of not leaving at half and then reentering to have a few beers. Something, anything to eleveate the mind numbing tediousness of TV timeouts. No ideas here but they need to try something.
Seat backs. They really aren’t comfortable and they’re just in the effing way!
Not selling beer.
The policy of not leaving at half and then reentering to have a few beers. Something, anything to eleveate the mind numbing tediousness of TV timeouts. No ideas here but they need to try something.
Seat backs. They really aren’t comfortable and they’re just in the effing way!

Well you're kind of a drama queen today. ;)


Apparently, lot of folks like it - or at least did back in 2004. ;)

"Wave on Wave" was named Country Song of the Year by the Society of European Stage Authors & Composers (SESAC) in 2003.[1] In addition, it was honored by Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) for one million spins on radio.[2] "Wave on Wave" was also nominated for a Grammy Award in 2004 for Best Country Song.[3] The song has sold 450,000 copies in the U.S. as of October 2014.[4]

It may be a wonderful song...I just don't think it's a fit for that event...apparently I'm not the only one.
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Things to go:

People who purchase 18 inch seats, but have 30 inch butts.
People who go to their seat at the last possible minute before kick-off.
People who stop to visit in the aisle, or watch the game in the aisle, backing the whole thing up.
People who don't know how to read the section maps, and try to cut across a section to get to the right one.

Things to bring back:

Low-rise jeans
That high-def panoramic picture from a few years ago. It was cool to be able to zoom in on anyone. I'm thinking that was PItt 2015.
One illegal chop-block a game is the greatest Hawkeye tradition since the wave. I'm starting to think Kirk is calling it on purpose as a form of protest.
In HS, we had a teammate who otherwise was a very good defensive tackle, but without fail, once a game, would dive head first onto the pile at the end of the play, very clearly after the whistle was blown. The penalty flag would fly in, and he would get up and look at all of us, staring at him with our WTF looks, and flash a joyous duffus like smirk, and walk back to the huddle. Today we would call it his "Signature move". It was gloriously funny and luckily, no one was ever hurt nor did it cause us to loose a game.We would yell at him in unison, "Earl!" and we get nothing back from him but that stupid grin as he calmly walked back to the huddle. Only in football.
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Actually, I think they do. I did some reading about the song - some say it's spiritual, some say it is about his wife - Pat Green says it can be about those or something else.

One writer thought that the "realization" of something came to him in waves - rather than an "Ah Ha!" moment. The beauty of the Wave is that it is something that continues, wave after wave, on several Saturday's each fall, hopefully forever.

Personally, I love the song, and think it is a perfect compliment to the Wave.

Apparently, lot of folks like it - or at least did back in 2004. ;)

"Wave on Wave" was named Country Song of the Year by the Society of European Stage Authors & Composers (SESAC) in 2003.[1] In addition, it was honored by Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) for one million spins on radio.[2] "Wave on Wave" was also nominated for a Grammy Award in 2004 for Best Country Song.[3] The song has sold 450,000 copies in the U.S. as of October 2014.[4]

When someone asked Don McLean the meaning of the song, "American Pie", he said it means he would never have to work again. It would be a good song for in stadium once in a while.
There needs to be a widespread fundraising element to the wave, set it up so people can text the word "kids" to a number to donate $5 or $10 to the children's hospital or a child cancer research facility, then get the announcers to say that on TV during every Iowa game. Imagine 25 years from now if we could say Iowa football helped cure cancer.
We need a song thats appropriate that the FANS can sing and drop down mics so we can let those kids know just how important they are.
Sell the "song" to others venues to use in the form of a donation to Kids.
In HS, we had a teammate who otherwise was a very good defensive tackle, but without fail, once a game, would dive head first onto the pile at the end of the play, very clearly after the whistle was blown. The penalty flag would fly in, and he would get up and look at all of us, staring at him with our WTF looks, and flash a joyous duffus like smirk, and walk back to the huddle. Today we would call it his "Signature move". It was gloriously funny and luckily, no one was ever hurt nor did it cause us to loose a game.We would yell at him in unison, "Earl!" and we get nothing back from him but that stupid grin as he calmly walked back to the huddle. Only in football.

I like!
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People shitting their pants around my seat in kinnick. This weekend should be top notch as we haven’t had a home game at 11am yet. Beers and greasy food early in the morning, look out. Can’t say I’m not guilty, but at least those are mine

Holy hell, ripping rancid ass is so much fun in a dense crowd! You moderate your bowels to air it out undetected; sometimes to the point that you swear you’re going to break a sweat. You complete the act and sit back with electric nerves. Waiting for aromatic death, wafting ominously and airborne. It’s your fecal plague and hot damn are you soon to be proud. You’re the first to smell it and it brings one of those grins to your face that you couldn’t get rid of with a loaded gun to your head. You feel white hot laughter boiling in your lungs, begging to burst forth....but you smother it. You must smother it! It will remain the only thing you contain on this fine day. Enjoy it, fellow fans. That’s me in your nose. That’s my essence. Lmao
1) The every game OL clipping call. How many games in a row until we stop chopping people that are engaged? We get called for that at least once a game with the zone scheme.

2) Crazy Train on 3rd down- There are a gazillion songs to the very least switch it up. I cant take it anymore.

3) Open green space corners in SEZ. Do something with this; new south end zone, plant corn in those spots, sell mosh pit tickets....whatever get creative.
1. Kirk has said they're gonna keep doing it hoping that it'll eventually get changed back next year.

2. I concur.....but I also don't care.

3. Alec Baldwin I really don't care.gif
I've suggested that we play an old Rawhide clip, "Waiting at the end of my ride, Rollum, Rollum Rollum" after we get first downs. Crickets.
In the 70's, when losing was a forgone conclusion, there was no jumbotron and no burrito lift, the fans needed something to entertain themselves(in addition to lots of drinking). This problem was solved by a very, very LARGE guy (i,e, fat), whose job it was to retrieve the kicking tee after the Hawks kicked-off. This was usually about twice per game.

As the team lined up, so did our KOTRG (Kick-off tee retrieval guy). If memory serves, they were kicking from the 40, so he would line up on about the 30. He'd loosen up, stretch, get psyched, paw at the ground - all for the enjoyment of fans. As soon as the ball carrier was down, BAM! Off he went! KOTGR would bust down the 30 and make a wide turn at midfield, and just as he was starting the stretch for home, he would pluck that kicking tee off the ground at full speed! Then churn and burn down the 40 for the sidelines. The fans would go nuts! Then go back to drinking.

So, my suggestion is, bring back the KOTRG! :)