This board

I mean, it really is too bad that this is the only place on the entire Internet to talk about Iowa wrestling. There are no other Iowa sites and those sites (that don’t exist) also have non-existent message boards. It’s a shame.
Absolutely embarrassing . Doesn’t help our brand. Parents are more aware all the time dumb mother f’s
I made a comment about parents of recruits reading comments here when a group wanted to constantly bash our coaches and new facility. I was quickly told how dumb that was and this message board would not hinder recruiting. I need to do better on the political comments here. I just get so frustrated with some comments and can't seem to control myself and end up commenting back. I just need to not even open the threads that have gone that direction.
This seemed a whole lot better when I signed on 9 years ago. It was informative and you could give your rah rah for Hawk wrestlers and wrestling in general. I don't go on other teams sites so I don't know if it is just the culture we live in or if the Hawk Wrestling has been hi-jacked with no control.

I still come on here often to check on the Hawks. Most threads start out good until that first stupid reply, then I quit checking the thread. I hope people with good updates on something that has gone off the tracks like recruiting, portal, Ferraris, etc would start a new thread with the meaningful updates.
My mother-in-law, rather religious and moderately political, always said it was never wise to talk politics and religion (unless that was the sole purpose of being at a place). She sticks to that. As such, I get along great with my mother-in-law. Who knew that was possible!! 🙂
The simple truth is the 2 most visible opinions out there, contrast at an enormous level. The conservatives around MAGA(no matter what the acronym means to you) have pushed hard to the right, while the WOKE(no matter what that word means to you) movement has brought forth extremely progressive stances hard to the left.

As such, you have 2 sides, where the most vocal and visible, are adamantly opposed to each other. It doesn't help that you have MSNBC and CNN propagating solely one side, while Fox does the exact same for the other. Once you add in a former President with zero filter, that loves to say anything and everything he can to incite those against him, you create a line in the sand that basically gives no room for anyone to be in the middle.

For the first time, I truly see HATE from both sides. There has always been disagreement and maybe even some level of "dislike" when dealing with each other, but it truly seems to have festered into HATRED.

Remember, hatred is often the most powerful motivator. Segueing hatred into wrestling, you actually get a pretty strong correlation, at least in my time. I would say that the very best wrestlers that I ever knew were so good because they absolutely hated LOSING. Guys like Brandsx2 or Metcalf never seemed happy after a win and were near batshit crazy after a loss. Even Gable said he learned so much more from his NCAA loss than any other win he ever had. Hatred is one powerful motivator...
The simple truth is the 2 most visible opinions out there, contrast at an enormous level. The conservatives around MAGA(no matter what the acronym means to you) have pushed hard to the right, while the WOKE(no matter what that word means to you) movement has brought forth extremely progressive stances hard to the left.

As such, you have 2 sides, where the most vocal and visible, are adamantly opposed to each other. It doesn't help that you have MSNBC and CNN propagating solely one side, while Fox does the exact same for the other. Once you add in a former President with zero filter, that loves to say anything and everything he can to incite those against him, you create a line in the sand that basically gives no room for anyone to be in the middle.

For the first time, I truly see HATE from both sides. There has always been disagreement and maybe even some level of "dislike" when dealing with each other, but it truly seems to have festered into HATRED.

Remember, hatred is often the most powerful motivator. Segueing hatred into wrestling, you actually get a pretty strong correlation, at least in my time. I would say that the very best wrestlers that I ever knew were so good because they absolutely hated LOSING. Guys like Brandsx2 or Metcalf never seemed happy after a win and were near batshit crazy after a loss. Even Gable said he learned so much more from his NCAA loss than any other win he ever had. Hatred is one powerful motivator...
Lol. You just can't help yourself, can you.....
Lol. You just can't help yourself, can you.....
I didn't go political or make a case for either side. I simply said why I think Politics in general is such a heated topic and has even worked its way here. I can't imagine a time where this country has been so polarized since, probably, The Civil War.

There absolutely is a level of hatred at play and many see dark red when politics or Trump are even remotely mentioned...
The simple truth is the 2 most visible opinions out there, contrast at an enormous level. The conservatives around MAGA(no matter what the acronym means to you) have pushed hard to the right, while the WOKE(no matter what that word means to you) movement has brought forth extremely progressive stances hard to the left.

As such, you have 2 sides, where the most vocal and visible, are adamantly opposed to each other. It doesn't help that you have MSNBC and CNN propagating solely one side, while Fox does the exact same for the other. Once you add in a former President with zero filter, that loves to say anything and everything he can to incite those against him, you create a line in the sand that basically gives no room for anyone to be in the middle.

For the first time, I truly see HATE from both sides. There has always been disagreement and maybe even some level of "dislike" when dealing with each other, but it truly seems to have festered into HATRED.

Remember, hatred is often the most powerful motivator. Segueing hatred into wrestling, you actually get a pretty strong correlation, at least in my time. I would say that the very best wrestlers that I ever knew were so good because they absolutely hated LOSING. Guys like Brandsx2 or Metcalf never seemed happy after a win and were near batshit crazy after a loss. Even Gable said he learned so much more from his NCAA loss than any other win he ever had. Hatred is one powerful motivator...
You have to admit though, no matter if MSNBC CNN or Fox are showing it, he does look like he is jerking two guys off at the same time 😉
I dont give a sh!t about politics. They are a focking disaster and only brain wash people. Its like a cult and people cant think for themselves. And BTW, this entire site has been a focking disaster since the change over!!!
The problem is that a lot of them have good content in there wrestling posts but can't or don't refrain from posting the negatives.

I'm ok if it's an occasional thing and if their focus is more on wrestling. But there are those who seem to live to post about politics. I have my views and want to chime in sometimes but I don't because I could go to just about any Facebook or Twitter post, pick a fight and let the junk talking begin. Hell, we have an off topic forum for just this thing.
Some parents of recruits 10000% see the bullshit on this forum. It does nothing to help draw them in. The lack of support for the program is mind boggling. I will always support the program in good times and bad.
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Some parents of recruits 10000% see the bullshit on this forum. It does nothing to help draw them in. The lack of support for the program is mind boggling. I will always support the program in good times and bad.
Right? I would say Iowa lacks more support than some teams get.
The problem is that a lot of them have good content in there wrestling posts but can't or don't refrain from posting the negatives.
I watch almost every Iowa meet. I follow the people in wrestling year round. I love wrestling. I feel like I have good input about things. This board has its moments, but it's the little quips that make me want to fire back. I mean there is a username called magaman here..............
I watch almost every Iowa meet. I follow the people in wrestling year round. I love wrestling. I feel like I have good input about things. This board has its moments, but it's the little quips that make me want to fire back. I mean there is a username called magaman here..............
Use the ignore button
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I watch almost every Iowa meet. I follow the people in wrestling year round. I love wrestling. I feel like I have good input about things. This board has its moments, but it's the little quips that make me want to fire back. I mean there is a username called magaman here..............
@ MAGAMAN ain’t all bad. We’re good when it’s wrestling talk and thick skinned enough to get past the rest of it.
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I called the fishing moderator out once… huge pussy. Messaged me. Let’s hear wrestling you ****s
Btw Todd Connor is the only one giving info. Thank you sir. I get some info but I’m not about to share it on this crap storm
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@ MAGAMAN ain’t all bad. We’re good when it’s wrestling talk and thick skinned enough to get past the rest of it.
Thanks el dub! Been trying to stay away from it. Im more reactionary than starting the talk. Still support my beliefs but actually tired of it all on both sides as well
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