This longshoreman strike will get ugly

This stuff happens all the time, the strike was called to get managements attention once they got it the union then backed off for 90 days.

Nobody came to the rescue.
And the strike was averted!
That is the goal, right? Avert the strike. Send folks back to work with minimal disruption to all concerned.
Chalk one up for Joe. Bad news for you and yours.
This really is one big kick the can down the road for all concerned. The union gets 2% a year more in pay then the shippers were initially offering. Reason would say they may have come up to that.

Shippers get to stay open during the important holiday season and automation is still on the table.

The administration gets the same result as declaring the Taft-Harley act without actually declaring it. At the same time eliminating the October surprise, that could have been everted if they worked on this in July.

This really is a status quo issue for Republicans. If the strike continues it's a gift that was given to them and nothing more. A gift that is a shit sandwich. No one wanted what a continued strike would do to the economy. No matter how much you conspiracy theorists want to say Trump and the union boss orchestrated this.
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