Posting fake news and actively rooting against the USA becuase you happen to disagree with the current leadership and policy direction. It happens on both side. Yes, the dreaded both sides situation. I've never seen anything like what I've seen from Democrats though. It's not close.
They can't think straight enough to make a post that is more than 10% fact based.
So blinded by hatred and emotion even when shown they're wrong they still choose to deny reality in the face of overwhelming evidence and empirical data. Hell, they even take traditional Republican policy positions by mistake they are so blinded with hatred, and don't even realize they're doing it.
It's fascinating, and I hope DJT continues to troll you and drive you crazy. It would be bad enough to have to sit back and accept his policy becuase you have no other choice. What is ironic is if you didn't take the bait he probably would have never been elected and his trolling wouldn't be effective.
The people that hate DJT the most, including the majority of this board, made DJT possible, and indeed, got him elected. It's the greatest troll in world history and you brought it upon yourselves. What you fear the most, and hated the most, you made possible.
Absolutely fascinating. And they call others, myself, partisan. It's the willing suspension of disbelief.
If you read through a lot of posts on here it is very clear there is no knowledge of the actual policy. It's enough that if DJT supports it, it is bad.
Clown world. It's a bit concerning given the ages and occupations they attribute to themselves. Although so many are clearly documented liars one shouldn't read too much into their posts. Or read them at all. But it really is like a fly to fire, it's just so hard to not read and be entertained.
We're in a world of sound bites designed to sway poeple who have short attention spans. Look at hte Ukraine thread. Bravely posting European leaders and what they said. Meanwhile, very quietly for those that pay attention, one European leader actually cut assistance to Ukraine.
I'd think everyone would be better served to watch what people do, instead of listen to what people say. One thing I will give DJT credit for, he said what he would do regarding Ukraine. Very clearly and repeatedly for anyone paying attention. And then instead of doing it in the dark of night, he did it right in front of the world. It's refreshing. Confusing to those that operate in a world of sound bites however.