Maybe but he did base it on interviews with some people that allegedly worked there and some declassified documents.Nonsense
Maybe but he did base it on interviews with some people that allegedly worked there and some declassified documents.Nonsense
Well, Lina, since you apparently lack any other marketable skills perhaps you could join the Russian army…
She could be a "comfort girl" I suppose.Well, Lina, since you apparently lack any other marketable skills perhaps you could join the Russian army…
Listened to a podcast the other day. Japan was quite aways along on atomic bomb in World War II. Maybe even detonated a weapon in a test environment.
the facility was located in Korea, which is why Russia was eager to get involved in war in pacific. Russia seized the facility and luted all the information, it’s how North Korea got a head start on nuclear program.
Robert Wilcox is the books author. Pretty interesting.
I’ve been to numerous antique aircraft shows/fly-ins with aircraft demonstrations. Never been to, or heard of, an antique helicopter show/fly-in.
In short, the stakes are enormous, and with them the dangers. And yet there is good news in the remarkable solidarity and decisiveness of the liberal democracies, in Europe and outside it. The roles of Australia and Japan in responding to the Russian invasion are no less significant than those of Britain or France. In that respect, Ukraine 2022 is not Czechoslovakia 1938, not only because it is fighting ferociously but because the democracies are with it in material as well as moral ways. It differs, too, in that this time the aggressor is not Europe’s most advanced economy but one of its least; its military is not the fearsomely effective Wehrmacht but a badly led, semi-competent, if well-armed, horde better suited for and inclined to the massacre of civilians than a fight against its peers. Russia’s failure to command the air, its stalled armored columns, the smoking ruins of its tanks and armored personnel carriers all testify to the Russian army’s weakness. So too does the continuation in office of the long-serving chief of general staff and defense minister who planned and led this operation, a debacle in the face of every advantage of positioning, timing, and material superiority.
The Strategy That Can Defeat Putin
The U.S.-led coalition of liberal-democratic states should pursue three
Sorry for the blunt response-it caught me off guard.Maybe but he did base it on interviews with some people that allegedly worked there and some declassified documents.
I was always told that helicopters have to combat two opposing laws of physics to stay in the air. At any rate. They crash more.Planes want to stay in the air, helicopters do not
Truth time. How many of You thought that video was fake because it was dated July of 2022?
Truth time. How many of You thought that video was fake because it was dated July of 2022?
And I agreed with that point.
For the US the losses are really concentrated in the last 20.
Did you know we'd lost hundreds of helicopters in warzones the last two decades?
I didn't realize it until I came across a page detailing every single loss and cause. I was actually taken aback, because they way they're almost never reported makes the losses sort of invisible.
If you'd asked me a month ago to bet whether or not we had lost 300+ helicopters in warzones since 2000 I would have lost the bet.
You can't quote anything I've said that could be mistaken for 'rootin for Putin'.
It has simply never happened.
I reject elective war as an instrument of policy.
Whether it is Russia doing it, or Saudi Arabia.
What about you?
Ma'am would be so upset with GeorgeAnd Papadapapoopypants tweeted that 3 days ago
Wow... translation here for those interested. another Russian atrocity documented
Bro, Russia is going to cut off the internet. Twitch wasn’t going to pay you, anyway.
You mean I can’t trust Papadapolous?
My question was rhetorical, but re-reading it I see why you would think I was actually asking a question. Anyway, I suspect you are right about their missiles. Neither one of us has Top-Secret clearence though (or at least I'm guessing you don't), so there likely is a lot more information on it. I suspect our intelligence agencies are well aware of their capabilities though.Because of how it they have performed and poor conditions of equipment being displayed in this war. They have been taking the money for war and spending it on yachts and mistresses. I don't believe a thing they say about hypersonic missiles and improved delivery systems now any more than I do they are in Ukraine to de nazi the government. They are full of shit on everything so doubtful that type of major money was ever spent.
Thugs, no defense.Really starting to look like Russia fell into a trap game.
Same reply as last time.except for the tweet you sharedthat literally said #istandforrussia and had Putin approved Russian propaganda as the subject of the tweet.
Plus helicopters operate much closer to enemy contact than planes do. They get attacked far more often. I'm betting that most (all?) of the helicopters shot down were Blackhawks or huey's. Many of them probably weren't even carrying weapons beyond the ones the soldiers were carrying.helicopters are inherently dangerous because they operate against physics to obtain lift and stability. Needs main rotor for lift (vs. gravity) and tail rotor for anti-torque (Newton's Third Law). When something breaks it all goes bad in a hurry. Planes work with physics, Bernoulli's least that is what a helicopter pilot told me before i was getting into one.