This uhhh….is bad.

Yet it has been used to prove guilt in his gun case.

Nobody said cocaine foe an 80 year old man. Adderall was thrown around, it's still in play. Nobody knew he had a.cold because they hid him for a week prior.

t it's just another example of him have zero skills and a suit and tie job.

But there is evidence the DOJ printed made for TV documents to create a public image during the MAL raid.

Read above, it isn't November yet and Bidens lack of usefulness will continue to diminish protections.
If you mean the laptop help prove he was a drug addict, that matter was already stipulated.
I heard the cocaine rumor multiple times.
Hunter has a bachelor's degree from Georgetown and a law degree from Yale. He's passed the bar and is a practicing lawyer. Where are you getting the "no skills to have a suit and tie job" references?
No there isn't. There's evidence they printed placeholder coversheets which has been reported as normal operating procedures. What does Biden have to do with that? Not everything is a conspiracy.

I think he’s probably committed way more crimes than anyone knows about, yes.

Not sure if that answers your question or not.

Um, we’ve all committed way more crimes than anyone knows about.

Edit: plus this was known the date said 2016 on the paperwork. That wouldn’t stay hidden long
All I am seeing is a bunch of speculation by the media trying to get clicks. How do we know if those discrediting the story don't have an agenda of their own. I think this entire situation calls for congressional hearings. I'm smelling a smear campaign coming from Trump operatives.
You libs are always ready to move on to the next great thing to take Trump down. You are willing to believe anything. Such suckers you are🤣
I’ll bet you are still waiting for Obama to release his actual birth certificate.