Bug Soother

But it is true. It does "repel" mosquitoes - I've personally seen many land then take off due to it being on if it's on pretty thick and was recently applied. However, if it's been an hour or so and you only have a little on, the more aggressive mosquitoes will power through it.

So while it *sort of* works agains mosquitoes often, it isn't surefire.

But I'd argue it does a decent enough job that it's not misleading to put "repels mosquitoes" on the label.

Most Iowans are pretty aware that it is the go-to gnat preventative but only so-so for skeeters.

Don't feel bad for your ignorance, you just didn't know!
Yeah, I had no clue. I've only seen people use it as an all around bug spray, so I just made the assumption that's what it was.

I will stand by the label thing though. Listing mosquitoes first and then black flies (gnats) second makes it appear that it works equally well on both insects. But hey, that's just this one dude's opinion.
Yeah, I had no clue. I've only seen people use it as an all around bug spray, so I just made the assumption that's what it was.

I will stand by the label thing though. Listing mosquitoes first and then black flies (gnats) second makes it appear that it works equally well on both insects. But hey, that's just this one dude's opinion.
I'm telling you, if you spray it on heavily, it works just fine for mosquitoes.

And definintely better for you health-wise than anything with DEET in it.
I'm telling you, if you spray it on heavily, it works just fine for mosquitoes.
My arms after this morning say otherwise. I drenched myself in it and was immediately eaten alive. Had to cut my normal 5 miles on the trail down to 2 because I just couldn't handle it. Didn't even get a chance to get a sweat going.

With that said, Hartman Reserve has been a gigantic mosquito infested shitshow for the last month or so. So now that I know Bug Soother's strength isn't mosquitoes, it makes more sense as to why it failed so miserably down there.
Nothing will ever beat McNess.....I still have a a couple little bottles left in my golf bag and tackle box from years ago that is like liquid gold because they quit making it, but it really worked on everything (and I like the smell actually).

Pretty sure they quit making it because it has a bunch of nasty things in it that cause cancer and all that good stuff, but I'll be damned if it doesn't still work like a charm!

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Nothing will ever beat McNess.....I still have a a couple little bottles left in my golf bag and tackle box from years ago that is like liquid gold because they quit making it, but it really worked on everything (and I like the smell actually).

Pretty sure they quit making it because it has a bunch of nasty things in it that cause cancer and all that good stuff, but I'll be damned if it doesn't still work like a charm!

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It repels some mosquitoes, but only those that are easily disuaded.

It does not repel all mosquitoes, only those that were unlikely to be interested in you in the first place.

It works fantastic on gnats and most other biting/nuisance flies though.
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Nothing will ever beat McNess.....I still have a a couple little bottles left in my golf bag and tackle box from years ago that is like liquid gold because they quit making it, but it really worked on everything (and I like the smell actually).

Pretty sure they quit making it because it has a bunch of nasty things in it that cause cancer and all that good stuff, but I'll be damned if it doesn't still work like a charm!

It's just deet.
I try to support local companies as much as possible. But Bug Soother is absolute trash. I've used it 4-5 times this year so far and each time got completely destroyed by mosquitoes (yes I know they're extra bad this year). In the past few years, I've tried Bug Soother once or twice every summer and after getting swarmed by skeeters, then I end up buying the good stuff with deet and the bugs are nowhere to be found. The first time I used it this year, I figured maybe the stuff I had used the last couple years was outdated so I bought a new one. But that didn't change anything with it's effectiveness. Does anyone actually have good experiences with this stuff? Clearly they do otherwise it wouldn't still be around but I also know a decent amount of folks that have had similar experiences to mine.

I feel like when it first came out it was solid. I remember being impressed with how well it worked but somewhere along the road to today, it's completely stopped working on me.



It's good for gnats but not as good as Absorbine Jr. For mosquitos I use the Deep Woods stuff with a shit ton of DEET in it.
I put this in my AI program and it summarizes this thread so far as:

“Bug Soother, a product made in Iowa, is terrible at protecting from mosquitos, though there is some chatter it is possibly effective on gnats.

The locals near where it is made think this bug spray is so meh to terrible in large part because it was developed by @IAFB2021Champs father, a very serious man and unfunny man, with no self awareness on his limitations at making/fathering things.”
I try to support local companies as much as possible. But Bug Soother is absolute trash. I've used it 4-5 times this year so far and each time got completely destroyed by mosquitoes (yes I know they're extra bad this year). In the past few years, I've tried Bug Soother once or twice every summer and after getting swarmed by skeeters, then I end up buying the good stuff with deet and the bugs are nowhere to be found. The first time I used it this year, I figured maybe the stuff I had used the last couple years was outdated so I bought a new one. But that didn't change anything with it's effectiveness. Does anyone actually have good experiences with this stuff? Clearly they do otherwise it wouldn't still be around but I also know a decent amount of folks that have had similar experiences to mine.

I feel like when it first came out it was solid. I remember being impressed with how well it worked but somewhere along the road to today, it's completely stopped working on me.

EDIT: I learned it's for gnats, and not mosquitoes. The more you know!



Ma and Pa sold it long ago to Steve Shriver, of NewBo and Dollup Beauty and some chapstick junk in CR. It has sucked for a long ass time. It does zilch to soothe you or the bugs ;)
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I put this in my AI program and it summarizes this thread so far as:

“Bug Soother, a product made in Iowa, is terrible at protecting from mosquitos, though there is some chatter it is possibly effective on gnats.

The locals near where it is made think this bug spray is so meh to terrible in large part because it was developed by @IAFB2021Champs father, a very serious man and unfunny man, with no self awareness on his limitations at making/fathering things.”
I wish my dad made it. I probably wouldn’t be working anymore. I’m sure I could find something a lot more fun to do with my time as well.
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For gnats I have always just used vanilla extract. Not imitation vanilla extract though. For mosquitos I always just use deet.
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Yes, I've been made aware of that now. BUT it does specifically state it repels mosquitoes too, on the label. Which is......just not true, and why I thought it could be used as a healthier sub for deet sprays. It seems like we're all in agreement that the mosquitoes part should probably be removed from the label.
I think you got yourself a lawsuit!
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Th Bug Soother Max works well on both gnats and mosquitos. It has some additional oils. It’s worth the extra $2 per bottle.
I read a study maybe 20 years ago where they tried to figure out what bug spray worked the best on mosquitoes. At the end, there was no brand better than any other brand. It came down to if it had deet, it worked. If it didn't have deet, it didn't work.

I do a lot of catfishing. I use Off. I just keep layering it on until the bugs stop bothering me
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