This whole hunting thing

I love seeing the OP and Thomas get dominated in this thread, especially that they didn't know that wild game is healthier than big box store meat.
The excuse "oh I'm just feeding my family and putting food on the table has to stop." Just admit you like shooting and killing things and playing with guns because you are a "big boy." You could save more money by buying your family a chicken at Walmart than spending money on a hunting lisence and ammunition. Society is disgusting, sorry I just watched a video on Facebook of some d bag spearing a wild hog and letting it suffer. Humans are one dispecable species and someday we deserve to suffer the way we should. Hopefully it's dude to global warming so all you nay sayers can die wrong per usual.

Why do I keep coming back to this thread? Oh, yeah, because I really, really, really want to post pictures of dead animals that may or may not still be in my freezer!!!!

We know you want to bang Derek's wife, but you don't need to slobber all over yourself like you're Lute or something.

Like most civilized people, I choose to covet Derek's wife quietly and with some dignity..

Pleasure yourself, weep, and repeat.
The excuse "oh I'm just feeding my family and putting food on the table has to stop." Just admit you like shooting and killing things and playing with guns because you are a "big boy." You could save more money by buying your family a chicken at Walmart than spending money on a hunting lisence and ammunition. Society is disgusting, sorry I just watched a video on Facebook of some d bag spearing a wild hog and letting it suffer. Humans are one dispecable species and someday we deserve to suffer the way we should. Hopefully it's dude to global warming so all you nay sayers can die wrong per usual.

You should probably just stop commenting on this, because you clearly have zero idea what you're talking about. You are wrong/misguided on so many levels that one could write a book on it.
So you murder animals for fun and you say it's good for your health. Any proof? Link?

It's sad animals have to be murdered because you weren't smart enough to keep your health up BY EATING PLANTS!!!

Killing animals for any reason, let alone sport, is not murder. And eating wild game IS healthy, depending on how it's prepared, and as long as it's part of a balanced diet.
The excuse "oh I'm just feeding my family and putting food on the table has to stop." Just admit you like shooting and killing things and playing with guns because you are a "big boy." You could save more money by buying your family a chicken at Walmart than spending money on a hunting lisence and ammunition. Society is disgusting, sorry I just watched a video on Facebook of some d bag spearing a wild hog and letting it suffer. Humans are one dispecable species and someday we deserve to suffer the way we should. Hopefully it's dude to global warming so all you nay sayers can die wrong per usual.

Have you seen how most chickens are raised? I'd rather eat pheasant.

Humans already suffer...check out Nepal/Iraq/Syria.

We're the top of the food chain...embrace it.
The excuse "oh I'm just feeding my family and putting food on the table has to stop." Just admit you like shooting and killing things and playing with guns because you are a "big boy." You could save more money by buying your family a chicken at Walmart than spending money on a hunting lisence and ammunition. Society is disgusting, sorry I just watched a video on Facebook of some d bag spearing a wild hog and letting it suffer. Humans are one dispecable species and someday we deserve to suffer the way we should. Hopefully it's dude to global warming so all you nay sayers can die wrong per usual.


That was the feeder I built at the end of my front yard so I could sit in my office and enjoy watching the wildlife every night. Never shot a sporting animal on my property. Mrs. Z wouldn't let me. Said if I fed them, it wasn't fair. that feeder was always full of something.

Point is, as an outdoorsman, I did what little I could to help take care of the animal population and keep them healthy. I think most do. It's the few bad ones that give those of us who follow the rules, a bad imagine. I could have easily shot this Tom, or any of the other 8 turkeys in my front yard that evening. I didn't....that would be poaching. That would be wrong. Same with the numerous deer we had that I could easily identify by their markings, that strolled in each night.

Then, when in the field, I practice selective hunting techniques that keep the populations in check. I'd much rather shoot a doe, as long as she isn't being followed by a yearling. I won't shoot anything smaller than 8 points in a buck, unless it is a non-typical and you can tell its old and at the end of its lifetime. Many times, those decisions aren't as easy as I just made them sound. When in doubt, don't shoot. Overpopulation on a deer heard is worse than anything else. In breeding causes problems with animals just like it would with humans. If you take the time to watch, you can see it.

Its not all about shooting to shoot. Its not all about the pictures. Its not about setting out feeders to attract them, I'd rather not do that (we couldn't in Iowa, I think its silly in Texas), that's not "Hunting".

Hunting is something I could do to sustain life if I had to. It feeds me now year round because I choose to do it that way. Just like you choose to see it the way you do. I could go one, but, I won't. Oh, and quit being such a pansy.

Thomas, can you feel those sharp, pointed teeth near the front of your mouth? They are for eating meat. If humans were supposed to eat only plants, we wouldn't have them. Heck cows don't even have front teeth on their upper jaw. I'm going to grill a chunk of deer loin tonight and its going to be glorious.
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He said he doesn't shoot them at his feeder...Da Fuq are you trying to fisherman in the world as much as you be trollin

So if I disagree I'm a troll? He said "my wife won't let me", meaning if he was brave enough to stand up to his wife, he would shoot them. That's just me pointing out the obvious. Whatever, it's clear you would like to insult more than accept others that are different than you.
I personally don't hunt animals, even thought I own guns, and fishing equipment. I don't have an issue with people that do. For some reason, god short changed me on a lot of things, but gave me a spiritual aspect that doesn't like to take the life of a living creature. I didn't become aware of this 'gift' until well into my 20's, so I killed a lot of living creatures as a kid, teen. Does it mean I don't swat flies, or kill bugs, or pests, no. Does it mean I'm a hypocrite because I eat meat that I buy at the store, maybe. Does it mean I don't understand that many species need to be hunted by people that do enjoy it, no.

The only thing I'm not a fan of is the explosion of Facebook 'kids' going out with Dad and killing beautiful beasts. I know you have to teach your kids somehow, and I know Facebook is the primary outlet for losers to brag about their life, but I'm not a huge fan of that. But outside of what I just wrote, I'm not going to be all preachy about it. I taught my son to fish and hunt, just didn't post about it on FB.
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So if I disagree I'm a troll? He said "my wife won't let me", meaning if he was brave enough to stand up to his wife, he would shoot them. That's just me pointing out the obvious. Whatever, it's clear you would like to insult more than accept others that are different than you.

LOL. Yep, you're setting a glorious example of accepting others who have opinions that are different than yours.
So if I disagree I'm a troll? He said "my wife won't let me", meaning if he was brave enough to stand up to his wife, he would shoot them. That's just me pointing out the obvious. Whatever, it's clear you would like to insult more than accept others that are different than you.
No, you are being a troll by not reading what he said, and thinking he baits turkeys to shoot
So if I disagree I'm a troll? He said "my wife won't let me", meaning if he was brave enough to stand up to his wife, he would shoot them. That's just me pointing out the obvious. Whatever, it's clear you would like to insult more than accept others that are different than you.

Whoa Sherlock...............

I had plenty of room to hunt elsewhere on the property. I didn't.

Funny how some people can spin things.

Yep, I like to hunt. I fish too. And love to garden, just don't have time like I used to. Someday I will again.

Now quit being a jerk.

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