Thought they couldnt vote.

I'm listening... what am I missing?
if they get a ssn it’s easy for a database to list them as non citizens and they can’t register. Also any audit would toss out illegal ballots. You’re being pandered too. I don’t know what has happened with you recently but you have fallen off of a cliff into some craziness. Maybe look into therapy and talk some of this out and get off of the internet a bit. I’m hoping you can overcome whatever is going on, man.
Yeah, what's the big deal?

I plan on voting a couple times.

I mean if the wackos want to complain about a stolen election, give em something to bitch about!
Did you get your check from Soros yet? I know some libs didn't get their payment for 7-21 days.

(One other thing: Sh#ts on the "media"; soaks up to EndWokeness)

Well I looked it up, I was wrong.

AZ and TX require photo ID. Pennsylvania does allow certain government non photo ID’s to be used.

It appears from the database it’s mostly republicans committing voter fraud in PA in general elections but it’s still a remarkably small amount of cases.

The point is our elections are safe and fair and there is zero actual evidence to the contrary.
Well I looked it up, I was wrong.

AZ and TX require photo ID. Pennsylvania does allow certain government non photo ID’s to be used.

It appears from the database it’s mostly republicans committing voter fraud in PA in general elections but it’s still a remarkably small amount of cases.

The point is our elections are safe and fair and there is zero actual evidence to the contrary.
You just told me fraud takes place but elections are safe and fair in the same train of thought then blamed any bad actors on your political enemies. Amazing.
You just told me fraud takes place but elections are safe and fair in the same train of thought then blamed any bad actors on your political enemies. Amazing.

I’m stating the facts. Feel free to refute them.

It appears there were 5 cases of voter fraud in the 2020 general election in Pennsylvania. That is out of almost 7 million votes cast. It’s almost as if that’s just not something we should be very concerned about.
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Wait. I thought Texas had voter ID, or is that only for voting?

Is one required to show a photo ID for registering as well as for voting?

The Gestapo doesn't run elections where I live, so I'm not sure how it's supposed to operate in states that require it.
What's the percentage of our population not registered to vote? Like half? If anything that tells me that Roe v Wade pissed off a lot women and America is sick of Trump and MAGA'S bullshit
I don’t think so. We had like 155million voters last time. I know the population was like 375 million but a lot of them would have been ineligible to vote so I’d think it’s more like 30%
@Scruddy ,think about the question I'm going to ask really hard. Do you think the twitter account @bubblebathgirl is a solid source when it comes to discussing voter fraud?

It doesn’t even matter. Nothing is stopping people from registering to vote without a photo ID, you can do it on the website. It isn’t indicative of any kind of voter fraud.
New law:

Show up at a polling place without photo ID and birth certificate and you get hung out back…..
I’m stating the facts. Feel free to refute them.

It appears there were 5 cases of voter fraud in the 2020 general election in Pennsylvania. That is out of almost 7 million votes cast. It’s almost as if that’s just not something we should be very concerned about.
So basically, what most of us have been saying for years is true.
If true that would be concerning. Even if they had voter ID requirements at the polls, leaving it to a poll worker to stand in the way of fraud when someone should have never been allowed to register is irresponsible.

If it were actually shown that an illegal who obtained a voter registration via 4 digit ss# actually voted, and it happened thousands of times...and it determined the election, then it would meet my personal criteria for a stolen election.

That's still a lot of ifs...
  • Haha
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If true that would be concerning. Even if they had voter ID requirements at the polls, leaving it to a poll worker to stand in the way of fraud when someone should have never been allowed to register is irresponsible.

If it were actually shown that an illegal who obtained a voter registration via 4 digit ss# actually voted, and it happened thousands of times...and it determined the election, then it would meet my personal criteria for a stolen election.

That's still a lot of ifs...
Texas in particular is considered to have some of the most restrictive voting laws in the nation, with multiple safeguards in's not just a matter of fooling a single poll worker. Voter registration is also compared and validated as well.

If voter fraud was truly rampant, it'd be easy for republicans to produce the evidence of such. Instead, in election after election, state election officials (of both parties) have continued to certify the election results, with actual fraud cases found in numbers that are statistically insignificant.
I don’t think so. We had like 155million voters last time. I know the population was like 375 million but a lot of them would have been ineligible to vote so I’d think it’s more like 30%

Okay, that still leaves alot of people point still stands on the most likely explanations

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