Three wrestlers arrested

"Elam said the wrestlers had in their
possession items, including clothing and a briefcase, that are believed
to have been taken during several burglaries. He said the police
department took seven burglary reports."

My appologies, yes it several, but seven were reported, so there could have been even more than were reported. I stand by what I said earlier, if this holds up.
I can't believe some kids got into trouble, that never happens. I never, ever, never got into any trouble when I was a kid and I'm guessing no one else that is condemning these kids has either. Kids do dumb stuff even religious kids.
Originally posted by artradley:

Originally posted by lilhwkgld:
Also, the KCRG article stated they were in possession of items from seven different reported burglaries???? Don't even try to chalk this up to kids getting drunk and making a bad choice. People that steal from others just make me sick, scum of the earth in my opinion.
Just to clarify -- the article said several[/I], not seven[/I].
Seven is accurate.

"................. taken during several burglaries. He said the police department took seven burglary reports."
this hurts my heart and by the way interference with official acts could be something as small as hiding a bottle of beer under a seat so the cops don't see it. don't know how I know this.:)
Originally posted by Stanley75:
I can't believe some kids got into trouble, that never happens. I never, ever, never got into any trouble when I was a kid and I'm guessing no one else that is condemning these kids has either. Kids do dumb stuff even religious kids.
Sure, kids get into trouble, didn't we all? But if the charges are correct, these guys did more than just a little honest mischief. We're talking Felony charges and possible jail time.
I guess if they are found guilty of a felony I will worry about it. I will let it play out otherwise vs speculate about what happened and what should or will happen to them as a result.
Whatever happens at the end of the process, UI or Tom will make a decision based not only on the wrestling team rules but also the UI student code. If they are found guilty on felony charges they will be kicked out of UI, not only the wrestling team.
I totally agree with the fact that what these 3 did was incredibly STUPID. But as far as the interference charge I would seriously want that looked into, not saying the other charges are not enough. Marion cops are the main security that fans complain about almost at Kinnick for tailgaiting almost to the point of harassment. I have known guys that have had interference charges for just trying to explain what happened in the situation and disagreeing with the officer's interpretation. Was reviewed on the car camera and charge was thrown out. If Gross did fight then that was even more stupid to add on to the charges.
I also found it interesting at the party after finals that when Brands called up the underclassmen for fans to see the future, he mentioned Logan Ryan. So I wonder when he actually found out about the charges
I can't remain silent anymore. The incident occurred down the street from my house. Due to a sick child, I happened to be awake. I don't know what they stole or who they stole from (I asked my neighbors and nobody had anything stolen) but I did watch the take down (no pun intended). It was about 6 houses down from me so I had no idea who they were or what was being said. One of the kids (by the charges, I'm assuming Gross) attempted to get away but was caught quickly. That's all I know, just thought I'd share.
Originally posted by Stanley75:
I can't believe some kids got into trouble, that never happens. I never, ever, never got into any trouble when I was a kid and I'm guessing no one else that is condemning these kids has either. Kids do dumb stuff even religious kids.
Well there is the "garden variety" or "pranks gone overboard" stupid stuff, possibly alcohol fueled, that many kids do, such as "stealing" house for sale signs and plugging them into their buddies front lawn at midnight, etc, and then there is a whole other level of stupid, criminal really, when people burglarize other people's stuff so as to profit from it in some form. The latter, "serious" category has different motives, penalties and consequences AND reveals a different level of character than just "kids being kids".

While there is likely more to this story than is the public record right now...the details that have been released thus far sure seem to point to the "serious stupid" category, not the, "they're only dumb kids pulling pranks" category. At least to me, there is a pretty big difference in the two and I would not pooh pooh the charges and the seriousness of this situation under the heading, "everybody did something stupid when they were young, etc.".
thanks marion hawk that tells me what the interference charge was about.i do not know any of these young men so I do not know if any of them are actual bad chartacters or dumb kids, it does make a difference to me.hate to see an other wise decent kids life ruined by a drunken night of stupidity,but if there is a pattern of wrong behavior then we surely don't want no Dylan longs on our team.
"we surely don't want no Dylan longs on our team"

Dylan Long is not who you are thinking of.
This country proved in the Ferguson case, WE SHOULD WAIT FOR THE FACTS BEFORE WE RUSH TO JUDGEMENT.

if Seth Gross was "fighting the cops" he would have been charged with assault on a peace officer. Interference with official acts could be anything such as running from them or not wanting to be cuffed.

We are taking the word of a couple of media outlets who probably trump up stories from time to time. i.e "fighting cops" if these harden criminals were going around stealing from people. Yes, they don't belong on our team.

Maybe we should wait for some facts before rushing to judgement. Those of you who don't need to know the facts before you judge people are pretty ignorant.
Another reason to let it all play out before passing judgement is that it's not a given that all 3 were present during, took part in or had knowledge of any of the reported burglaries.
Any more info on what happened, yet? Stealing lawn ornaments or something?
Sounds like we're neighbors, Marion. I live about .5 miles from the incident. (You're not the guy who had $2000 taken out of his unlocked car one night about five years ago? If so, then our wives are friends.). Lots of rumors but nothing to add other than there was a party in the neighborhood.

Originally posted by MarionHawk:
I can't remain silent anymore. The incident occurred down the street from my house. Due to a sick child, I happened to be awake. I don't know what they stole or who they stole from (I asked my neighbors and nobody had anything stolen) but I did watch the take down (no pun intended). It was about 6 houses down from me so I had no idea who they were or what was being said. One of the kids (by the charges, I'm assuming Gross) attempted to get away but was caught quickly. That's all I know, just thought I'd share.
Originally posted by Rudderless:

Originally posted by Chuck C:
I doubt Gross actually fought with officers, if he did he would have gotten an assault on a peace officer charge.
I find it hard to believe a Hawk would have taken a shot on the officer either.
More likely that he just got him in a collar tie and pushed him to the edge of the road.
Good one.I did hear it was a Clone fan that turned them in
Originally posted by BRANDONJ8:

how long are these three wrestlers suspended for.
I would guess for good, If the thief charges stand but maybe not all of them where involved in that time will tell. Sad situation for sure can in a way understand the drinking. I know I did and just was luckly not to get caught. But the stealing is a no brainer in my opinion.
Originally posted by BRANDONJ8:

how long are these three wrestlers suspended for.
If your lucky there might be public info posted but if pleas are done there won't be much news and Brands probably is not going to comment on it any time soon if at all.
I have said for over a year that Gross has really slow feet, proof is a fat donut eating cop caught him from behind. Add also he can't get off bottom. Just that alone won't get him into the lineup!
Suspended indefinitely is all the school has said. I highly doubt they are going to get kicked off the team. Gross has reinstated his Twitter.

Pure conjecture, but you have three well off families, they'll get good lawyers, plead this down substantially and in the end it won't look so bad and Brands can bring them back without taking any heat.

I'd like them to be kicked off the team, the talent to scum move ratio isn't high enough in my book.
Originally posted by Sidenote:
Suspended indefinitely is all the school has said. I highly doubt they are going to get kicked off the team. Gross has reinstated his Twitter.

Pure conjecture, but you have three well off families, they'll get good lawyers, plead this down substantially and in the end it won't look so bad and Brands can bring them back without taking any heat.

I'd like them to be kicked off the team, the talent to scum move ratio isn't high enough in my book.
I realize these young men made a big mistake and all, but don't you think this is a little over the top? Come on, man.
Originally posted by WWDMHawkeye:
Originally posted by Sidenote:
Suspended indefinitely is all the school has said. I highly doubt they are going to get kicked off the team. Gross has reinstated his Twitter.

Pure conjecture, but you have three well off families, they'll get good lawyers, plead this down substantially and in the end it won't look so bad and Brands can bring them back without taking any heat.

I'd like them to be kicked off the team, the talent to scum move ratio isn't high enough in my book.
I realize these young men made a big mistake and all, but don't you think this is a little over the top? Come on, man.
If your personal property was stolen by Iowa State wrestlers, would you feel the same way?
Maybe we should figure out exactly what happened before we start calling them "scum".

Iowa State couldn't be more irrelevant to this discussion. I'd say the same thing if these kids were Cyclones.
Just because they are in trouble for doing something that appears to be very poor choice does not mean people know them enough to refer to them as scum or say they are bad charcter people. That is going too far IMO, I doubt anyone on here has lived a perfect life. An act does not always define a person. How this ends will come out when it is time. It is kind of annoying having people get on here to ask for updates on this all the time. When there are updates they will be known, that stuff comes to light quickly. If you can't wait then look at Iowa courts online.
Originally posted by WWDMHawkeye:
Maybe we should figure out exactly what happened before we start calling them "scum".

Iowa State couldn't be more irrelevant to this discussion. I'd say the same thing if these kids were Cyclones.
I'm not defending name calling but I am betting if your personal property were stolen, you would think of the accused differently than "let's wait and see".
Of course, that's a hypothetical situation that has basically nothing to do with the subject of this discussion. The question is whether we should be calling these kids "scum". You seem to agree that that's over the top. Sounds like we agree on the relevant issue here.
Originally posted by WWDMHawkeye:
Of course, that's a hypothetical situation that has basically nothing to do with the subject of this discussion. The question is whether we should be calling these kids "scum". You seem to agree that that's over the top. Sounds like we agree on the relevant issue here.
Honestly I thought you were taking issue with him saying they should be kicked off the team, not the name calling, until your second reply. Which is why I brought up another team, that had members, allegedly, stealing from people.
Here's my take about the guys...How many employers would give them a second chance? I have known kids to piss hot for marijuana in the tolerance. If they got caught doing this while wearing a uniform, their career would be done...especially at their age. Let's face it, wrestling at a university is a rare privilege...especially at a world renown school (the program itself) like Iowa. It is a privilege that they earned but its also one that they can and should lose...especially for the theft charges and DUI (if true). It will not be the end of the world for has said before, it is a stupid mistake and hopefully their lawyers can get it pled down and they can press on with their education and life. If it takes them away from Iowa and the program, so be it.

In many cases, an experience like this can change one's life for the better. After I graduated high school in Arizona, I came up to Iowa with my Dad and went up to Apple River, Wisconsin with some Iowa boys I knew. All great guys but unfortunately, I was in the car hauling all the booze and we got pulled over. Cop gave me a break on the open container but gave us both possession tickets. I was due to join the Army that August but the Army guys said I couldn't be a MP with that on my record. So I ended up in the AF recruiters office...tried to join the Marine's but the recruiter told me I was too much of a thinker because I could spell my name correctly on the first try. Long story short...that possession ticket changed the trajectory of my life and I ended up meeting my wife at my first base in Idaho. Also, after having been around the military for a long time, the AF is a pretty nice gig compared to the Army or Marines. This is not to put those guys down because I love em like family. My point in all of this? These kids could end up being bitter or it could be the best thing that ever happened to them.
Originally posted by MN.HAWK:

Originally posted by WWDMHawkeye:
Of course, that's a hypothetical situation that has basically nothing to do with the subject of this discussion. The question is whether we should be calling these kids "scum". You seem to agree that that's over the top. Sounds like we agree on the relevant issue here.
Honestly I thought you were taking issue with him saying they should be kicked off the team, not the name calling, until your second reply. Which is why I brought up another team, that had members, allegedly, stealing from people.
Gotcha, MN. As for getting kicked off the team, I'd leave that to the system. If their infraction was sufficiently serious, then so be it. We'd lose a probable starter, but Tom and the U of I need to do the right thing.
Originally posted by Azchief32:
Here's my take about the guys...How many employers would give them a second chance? I have known kids to piss hot for marijuana in the tolerance. If they got caught doing this while wearing a uniform, their career would be done...especially at their age. Let's face it, wrestling at a university is a rare privilege...especially at a world renown school (the program itself) like Iowa. It is a privilege that they earned but its also one that they can and should lose...especially for the theft charges and DUI (if true). It will not be the end of the world for has said before, it is a stupid mistake and hopefully their lawyers can get it pled down and they can press on with their education and life. If it takes them away from Iowa and the program, so be it.

In many cases, an experience like this can change one's life for the better. After I graduated high school in Arizona, I came up to Iowa with my Dad and went up to Apple River, Wisconsin with some Iowa boys I knew. All great guys but unfortunately, I was in the car hauling all the booze and we got pulled over. Cop gave me a break on the open container but gave us both possession tickets. I was due to join the Army that August but the Army guys said I couldn't be a MP with that on my record. So I ended up in the AF recruiters office...tried to join the Marine's but the recruiter told me I was too much of a thinker because I could spell my name correctly on the first try. Long story short...that possession ticket changed the trajectory of my life and I ended up meeting my wife at my first base in Idaho. Also, after having been around the military for a long time, the AF is a pretty nice gig compared to the Army or Marines. This is not to put those guys down because I love em like family. My point in all of this? These kids could end up being bitter or it could be the best thing that ever happened to them.
Great post, Az. Agree completely about the consequences. Let the chips fall, and if they have to be dismissed from the team, so be it. In any case, hopefully they've all learned a valuable lesson and apply it as they move forward.

Great story about your own experience, and a good lesson there, too!
I know that they are white, from great families, love Jesus and whatever, but breaking into people's property is a scumbag move. You can write it off as kids being kids, that's your opinion, I disagree. Drunk driving is an extremely selfish act and I've seen burglaries psychologically scar families.