Originally posted by Azchief32:
Here's my take about the guys...How many employers would give them a second chance? I have known kids to piss hot for marijuana in the military...zero tolerance. If they got caught doing this while wearing a uniform, their career would be done...especially at their age. Let's face it, wrestling at a university is a rare privilege...especially at a world renown school (the program itself) like Iowa. It is a privilege that they earned but its also one that they can and should lose...especially for the theft charges and DUI (if true). It will not be the end of the world for them...like has said before, it is a stupid mistake and hopefully their lawyers can get it pled down and they can press on with their education and life. If it takes them away from Iowa and the program, so be it.
In many cases, an experience like this can change one's life for the better. After I graduated high school in Arizona, I came up to Iowa with my Dad and went up to Apple River, Wisconsin with some Iowa boys I knew. All great guys but unfortunately, I was in the car hauling all the booze and we got pulled over. Cop gave me a break on the open container but gave us both possession tickets. I was due to join the Army that August but the Army guys said I couldn't be a MP with that on my record. So I ended up in the AF recruiters office...tried to join the Marine's but the recruiter told me I was too much of a thinker because I could spell my name correctly on the first try. Long story short...that possession ticket changed the trajectory of my life and I ended up meeting my wife at my first base in Idaho. Also, after having been around the military for a long time, the AF is a pretty nice gig compared to the Army or Marines. This is not to put those guys down because I love em like family. My point in all of this? These kids could end up being bitter or it could be the best thing that ever happened to them.