Time to mix up the political dominance


HR Legend
Oct 20, 2002
Post your favorite public humiliation, revenge or embarrassing images, gifs and videos (mugshots are acceptable ITT).

...and GO!



Public humiliation was one of the things that worked with my kids when they were little. It's how I finally got my son potty trained. He knew how, but he was one of those kids that wouldn't stop what they were doing long enough to go to the bathroom. Finally, I just got so frustrated with it one day, I grabbed a post it note, and wrote "My name is Tommy" on it and told him it said "I wet my pants because I'm a baby" and made him wear it around.

He threw a fit, tried to refuse, but I made him wear it, and he never wet his pants again.

Over the years, we'd notice that he always refused the stickers they try to give little kids at the grocery store, the doctor, at school, any kind of event. He hated stickers, and would refuse to wear a sticker under any circumstances. When he'd get a sticker on him for baseball tryouts or something, he'd just squirm and take it off as soon as he was walking from the batters box.

When he was 6 or 7 I was wondering aloud how funny that was that he hated stickers for no reason, and one of his older sisters explained it wasn't for no reason, it was after that day he never trusted what any sticker might be saying about him, and by the time he could read, he just had a visceral hatred for them long after remembering why.

So I scarred him for life, and his professional prospects might be dimmed by not being able to wear a "My Name Is" tag at a professional event. But at the same time, he also won't be wetting his pants at that event, so he should thank me.
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Public humiliation was one of the things that worked with my kids when they were little. It's how I finally got my son potty trained. He knew how, but he was one of those kids that wouldn't stop what they were doing long enough to go to the bathroom. Finally, I just got so frustrated with it one day, I grabbed a post it note, and wrote "My name is Tommy" on it and told him it said "I wet my pants because I'm a baby" and made him wear it around.

He threw a fit, tried to refuse, but I made him wear it, and he never wet his pants again.

Over the years, we'd notice that he always refused the stickers they try to give little kids at the grocery store, the doctor, at school, any kind of event. He hated stickers, and would refuse to wear a sticker under any circumstances. When he'd get a sticker on him for baseball tryouts or something, he'd just squirm and take it off as soon as he was walking from the batters box.

When he was 6 or 7 I was wondering aloud how funny that was that he hated stickers for no reason, and one of his older sisters explained it wasn't for no reason, it was after that day he never trusted what any sticker might be saying about him, and by the time he could read, he just had a visceral hatred for them long after remembering why.

So I scarred him for life, and his professional prospects might be dimmed by not being able to wear a "My Name Is" tag at a professional event. But at the same time, he also won't be wetting his pants at that event, so he should thank me.
Save that story for the therapist.
I'm not sure I like the idea of public humiliation and a punishment for children.

Your parents see you at your best but they also see you at your worst. I'm not sure I would want my parents advertising all of my worst moments to the world.

To me that's a breach in trust. If you want kids who can trust you to tell you anything. Public humiliation is the worst thing you can do.
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I'm not sure I like the idea of public humiliation and a punishment for children.

Your parents see you at your best but they also see you at your worst. I'm not sure I would want my parents advertising all of my worst moments to the world.

To me that's a breach in trust. If you want kids who can trust you to tell you anything. Public humiliation is the worst thing you can do.

Yeah I agree in principal. Was never my go to, more the improvisation of a desperate man.

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