Too much Trump


HB King
Feb 4, 2004
All the networks are covering this guy like he just won the election. Wall to wall coverage, live streaming of his events, special interviews for the entire hour. The man can barley string a sentence together, but he is taking up all the time.
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hi, have we met?
I don't get it, I really don't. I have, otherwise, rational friends who are borderline jumping on the bandwagon. One of the reasons, "he can't be bought." Except, he readily admits buying political favors.

He's a part of the system, just on the other side - the side that we supposedly are resisting against.

It makes no sense to me. The man is a complete sleazeball and people are fawning over him. It's just gross.
I don't get it, I really don't. I have, otherwise, rational friends who are borderline jumping on the bandwagon. One of the reasons, "he can't be bought." Except, he readily admits buying political favors.

He's a part of the system, just on the other side - the side that we supposedly are resisting against.

It makes no sense to me. The man is a complete sleazeball and people are fawning over him. It's just gross.

No he's not. He's an American success story. He's willing to sacrifice that success to commit to trying to rectify this country. He isn't a pussy like most everyone on the left and almost everyone on this board. He calls a spade a spade, and many in America like that he's getting back to good ol American politics. Everyone in this country knows that the Hispanic invasion of this country is ruining it. Trump is just willing to admit it. He has never said that all Hispanics are bad. He's just admitted that accepting all and any is as ridiculous of a policy as you can get. He couples that with Obama's failure on just about everything else, and you have a viable candidate.
He's also the only candidate I heard discuss the national debt. Right or wrong the media and politicians don't discuss this anymore. Who else could handle this issue out of the candidates running?
His complete disdain for political correctness is what has attracted me. And the media has tried to bury him in it a few times and he just brushed it off and says "that's our problem as a country". And you are seeing that the great majority of Americans are exhausted with political correctness since he doesn't go away.
Not saying he will go away, but Rudy Giuliani was leading at this time in 2007 with similar numbers. Still pretty early.
Watched his rally last night. He was horrible. Basically riffing on how great he is and how bad his competitors are. No policy comments other than he knows how to deals and he will make America great again. This is exactly what we deserve. In 2008 we elected a man because of his celebrity, not his accomplishments or abilities. Trump is the logical progression, all celebrity, entertainment and reality TV. The only thing he has right is that this is a messed up country.
All the networks are covering this guy like he just won the election. Wall to wall coverage, live streaming of his events, special interviews for the entire hour. The man can barley string a sentence together, but he is taking up all the time.
The part about barely stringing a sentence together is incorrect, but this is exactly why I'm not convinced he actually wants to be president. All of this is basically free to him, and getting his name out to every corner of America. By not getting into the whitehouse, he'll be able to capitalize big time on his fame, having widened the age range greatly of those who are familiar with him.

There are few who would be able to do this, but he's done it better than anyone. Just waiting for a "health condition" to take him out of the race, only for him to re-emerge after the election healed and bigger than ever.
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All the networks are covering this guy like he just won the election. Wall to wall coverage, live streaming of his events, special interviews for the entire hour. The man can barley string a sentence together, but he is taking up all the time.
Libs are getting scared. This guy could win the election choosing the right running mate.
Can you imagine what would have happened in 2008 if Trump ran vs Obama? The one thing that Trump does well is bring up the negatives of the other people. He will constantly talk about the negatives. the MSM won't be able to hide the negatives of the democrat.
He's also the only candidate I heard discuss the national debt. Right or wrong the media and politicians don't discuss this anymore. Who else could handle this issue out of the candidates running?

Probably the one willing to raise the top marginal tax rate.
Libs are getting scared. This guy could win the election choosing the right running mate.
I wouldn't bet on this angle. Research the guy, I think you will be surprised on his positions. The man is for tariffs, single payor and a wealth tax. If elected he might be the most liberal guy since Nixon. My complaints have more to do with just being tired of so much bloviating from him and undeserved fawning from the media. Trump exhausts me. I can hardly listen to him as he lurches from one boast to another while losing the topic and saying nothing once again. Every speech goes like this:

"You know America sucks now, but I'm going to make it great. We have big problems. I know all about big problems. No one knows what I know about big problems. I know more about big problems than anyone in the world. I'm really great at fixing big problems. I have a plan to fix big problems. I'm really awesome at making plans and fixing problems. You want to know the best way to fix America's big problems? I'm going to fix it just like I fixed Rosie. Remember her? I fixed her good. You can expect that sort of fix. Remember how great it was when I called Rosie fat. That's how I fix things. I can do anything. No one can fix things like Trump."
All the networks are covering this guy like he just won the election. Wall to wall coverage, live streaming of his events, special interviews for the entire hour. The man can barley string a sentence together, but he is taking up all the time.
Unfortunately even NBC is covering him, which means there is an ulterior motive.
I wouldn't bet on this angle. Research the guy, I think you will be surprised on his positions. The man is for tariffs, single payor and a wealth tax. If elected he might be the most liberal guy since Nixon. My complaints have more to do with just being tired of so much bloviating from him and undeserved fawning from the media. Trump exhausts me. I can hardly listen to him as he lurches from one boast to another while losing the topic and saying nothing once again. Every speech goes like this:

"You know America sucks now, but I'm going to make it great. We have big problems. I know all about big problems. No one knows what I know about big problems. I know more about big problems than anyone in the world. I'm really great at fixing big problems. I have a plan to fix big problems. I'm really awesome at making plans and fixing problems. You want to know the best way to fix America's big problems? I'm going to fix it just like I fixed Rosie. Remember her? I fixed her good. You can expect that sort of fix. Remember how great it was when I called Rosie fat. That's how I fix things. I can do anything. No one can fix things like Trump."
Trump is what every Repub running isn't. He is starting to energize the con base like no one else in awhile. If he plays this right he has a good shot.
I wouldn't bet on this angle. Research the guy, I think you will be surprised on his positions. The man is for tariffs, single payor and a wealth tax. If elected he might be the most liberal guy since Nixon. My complaints have more to do with just being tired of so much bloviating from him and undeserved fawning from the media. Trump exhausts me. I can hardly listen to him as he lurches from one boast to another while losing the topic and saying nothing once again. Every speech goes like this:

"You know America sucks now, but I'm going to make it great. We have big problems. I know all about big problems. No one knows what I know about big problems. I know more about big problems than anyone in the world. I'm really great at fixing big problems. I have a plan to fix big problems. I'm really awesome at making plans and fixing problems. You want to know the best way to fix America's big problems? I'm going to fix it just like I fixed Rosie. Remember her? I fixed her good. You can expect that sort of fix. Remember how great it was when I called Rosie fat. That's how I fix things. I can do anything. No one can fix things like Trump."
if America likes this- what's the problem? we were told we had to like Obama, or that we were racist if we did not like him, for 6-eight years, we've been told this. and we did not like him. and we did not like what he was saying. but we got told we had to endure. payback for 6-8 years of torture from Obama- is a witch. and hopefully not Hillary, who is a witch. and it is great when he tells rosie she's a fat pig.
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I am not a Trump fan, but he talks about making America great again. People like optimism and he talks about that a lot. No apologies, he just comes after you and he doesn't worry about the academics and their political correctness because people are tired of that. I didn't think he had a chance but that is changing.
Donald Trump resonates with the American people.
They see a leader who is not a politician and tells it
like it is. He is energetic and has charisma. Jeb Bush
lacks both.

Trump's stand on illegal immigration got him the news
headlines. He is beating the other candidates who
are connected to Washington D.C. or are lack-luster

Bottom Line: Trump may not be the next President,
but he has scared the hell out of the GOP elite.
He tells it like it is. I hate all the touchy feely cheap we get out of mainstream politicians.

I don't want political correctness. Jesus the republicans controlled everything and they did nothing in terms of debt, spending, unsustainable federal pension benefits, immigration, and probably a dozen other things.

I like plain talk even if it is rough around the edges.

If you think the other candidates are better you must mean better at playing the lying and do the same as all the other winners games.

The establishment deserves this. The public seems to want this.
I am not a Trump fan, but he talks about making America great again. People like optimism and he talks about that a lot. No apologies, he just comes after you and he doesn't worry about the academics and their political correctness because people are tired of that. I didn't think he had a chance but that is changing.

He is reality TV and people lap it up. If he drops out he will start a reality tv show about viewers picking people to run for president. It will be profitable. Hugely. Hell, he may even do this as president and let others run the country. Delegating is great management.
Someone in this thread should mention that he tells it like it is.

Your right. He talks like regular people. Like middle America talks at the local Casey's in the morning. The federal government is too big to be the answer to every individuals problem. The gop motto should be "keep it simple stupid"
I want Trump! Only candidate that doesn't sound like a politician. amen
He rarely talks about important issues and when he does he either speaks incoherently or in bumpersticker quotes. Which is to say that he's EXACTLY like most other politicians.

If you want someone who doesn't sound exactly like most other politicians, there's always Bernie. Sure, he has his share of bumpersticker quotes, too, but he ALSO actually discusses real issues.
Holy crap some of you people are ridiculous. I keep hearing this Make America Great again slogan trumpeted around like we live in some sort of crap hole. Listening to some of you, I'd think you're some sort of 12 century peasant being surrounded by Mongol hordes while they rape the women and pillage your meager village.

The negativity and lack of reflection on where we're currently at astounds me.

We are living in the height of technological existence in all of human history. Food is abundant, you only have to walk your fat ass down the street, spend 50 bucks and you can feed yourself for a week. Civil liberties are at an all time high, discrimination is fading. Murder rates are declining. There has never been a safer place and period to live in all of human existence. Medical advances have extended the duration of our lives. They're beginning to be able to make robotic prosthetics that amputees can control WITH THEIR MINDS. Nano robots that will be able to detect cancer cells. Transistors built at the atomic level. The list goes on and on and on.

If you want to educate yourself, you simply have to click a button and start reading. The internet is one of the greatest inventions and tools ever created by mankind. Electrical signals bouncing between thousands and thousands of routers and switches, traveling thousands of miles, all happening in mere seconds.

People sitting around lamenting about some Golden Age of times past that only exists in their owns minds are a slap in the face to every generation of humanity that came before us who was forced to live in squalor and struggle simply because they weren't lucky enough to be born in 21st century America. I'm pretty sure if some Dark Age peasant travelled into the future and saw you sitting on your couch, pissing and moaning about how bad things are, they would walk up to you and punch you in the dick.

People who do nothing but complain and pontificate about how bad America is, or how the whole country is going down the tubes, ARE COMPLETELY MISSING THE GREATEST TIME, PERIOD, AND PLACE THAT HAS EVER EXISTED IN THE ENTIRETY OF HUMAN EXISTENCE.

America is already great, it's freaking amazing. Yes there are problems. Yes there are improvements to be made. Yes there are things we need to do to ensure that this way of life stays intact. But the notion that AMERICA ISN'T GREAT RIGHT NOW AND RIGHT HERE is unbelievably obnoxious to me. Take a deep breath, go outside, play with your kids and freaking enjoy it. Because what a crazy waste of an amazing opportunity if you don't.

Make America Great again? Compared to freaking what?
Trump seems to be causing some crystallization on immigration - even if only by forcing lots of GOP candidates to say "me, too." If he can do that on more issues, he may have a positive impact on the election process, in the long run.

Not exactly the conventional definition of "useful idiot" but an idiot who may prove useful, nonetheless.

Consider this:

Call it the Donald Trump Effect. First, Trump put out a plan calling for an end to the birthright citizenship guarantee. He was then joined by Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, and Scott Walker. Chris Christie, who has generally stayed away from immigrant-bashing, said the policy should be “re-examined,” a sort of coup for opponents of birthright citizenship to move a governor of a solid blue state to that position.

The spectacle has not yet fully dragged in Jeb Bush, who hasn't called for radically changing the Constitution to appease anti-migrant paranoia. He did say there should be “better enforcement” against what he called “anchor babies”—children born to undocumented parents who just arrived in the country. Ironically, some on the far-right are now questioning the birthplaces of candidates Rubio, Cruz,and Jindal, showing that even the Republican candidates can't escape the fearmongering.
Again. Obama no experience = bad. Trump no experience = he doesn't sound like a politician!
The difference is that Obama actually addressed the issues. Yes, yes, people may disagree with his positions or think he didn't deliver, but he at least had positions, not just bumperstickers.

Apparently to our friends on the right mouthing off without a clue is refreshing; mouthing off with a clue is intimidating.
Again. Obama no experience = bad. Trump no experience = he doesn't sound like a politician!

He is night and day from Obama. He is a business man that has dealt with more difficult decisions than you could ever imagine and while he was at it he has been successful. He supports the military and brings a business sense into politics unlike all the other talking bags that don't do sh!t.