Too much Trump

He is night and day from Obama. He is a business man that has dealt with more difficult decisions than you could ever imagine and while he was at it he has been successful. He supports the military and brings a business sense into politics unlike all the other talking bags that don't do sh!t.

OK he's also gone into bankruptcy numerous times, never held an elected position or had to answer to a electorate.

But, none of what you posted, None, addresses the hypocrisy I pointed out.
OK he's also gone into bankruptcy numerous times, never held an elected position or had to answer to a electorate.

But, none of what you posted, None, addresses the hypocrisy I pointed out.

What a joke. He's CEO with 22,000 employees. You don't think he knows how to lead? 4 bankruptcies out of hundreds if not thousands of business dealings. It's not like he's some dead beat using this system like so many others do. If creditors wanted more protection they would have personally guaranteed the loans.

Let me guess you are not in business of any kind and probably graduated with a worthless poli sci degree.
OK he's also gone into bankruptcy numerous times, never held an elected position or had to answer to a electorate.

But, none of what you posted, None, addresses the hypocrisy I pointed out.
In defense of the right, I do remember lots of them saying that running a business would have been relevant experience when they were criticizing Obama for lack of experience.
Holy crap some of you people are ridiculous. I keep hearing this Make America Great again slogan trumpeted around like we live in some sort of crap hole. Listening to some of you, I'd think you're some sort of 12 century peasant being surrounded by Mongol hordes while they rape the women and pillage your meager village.

The negativity and lack of reflection on where we're currently at astounds me.

We are living in the height of technological existence in all of human history. Food is abundant, you only have to walk your fat ass down the street, spend 50 bucks and you can feed yourself for a week. Civil liberties are at an all time high, discrimination is fading. Murder rates are declining. There has never been a safer place and period to live in all of human existence. Medical advances have extended the duration of our lives. They're beginning to be able to make robotic prosthetics that amputees can control WITH THEIR MINDS. Nano robots that will be able to detect cancer cells. Transistors built at the atomic level. The list goes on and on and on.

If you want to educate yourself, you simply have to click a button and start reading. The internet is one of the greatest inventions and tools ever created by mankind. Electrical signals bouncing between thousands and thousands of routers and switches, traveling thousands of miles, all happening in mere seconds.

People sitting around lamenting about some Golden Age of times past that only exists in their owns minds are a slap in the face to every generation of humanity that came before us who was forced to live in squalor and struggle simply because they weren't lucky enough to be born in 21st century America. I'm pretty sure if some Dark Age peasant travelled into the future and saw you sitting on your couch, pissing and moaning about how bad things are, they would walk up to you and punch you in the dick.

People who do nothing but complain and pontificate about how bad America is, or how the whole country is going down the tubes, ARE COMPLETELY MISSING THE GREATEST TIME, PERIOD, AND PLACE THAT HAS EVER EXISTED IN THE ENTIRETY OF HUMAN EXISTENCE.

America is already great, it's freaking amazing. Yes there are problems. Yes there are improvements to be made. Yes there are things we need to do to ensure that this way of life stays intact. But the notion that AMERICA ISN'T GREAT RIGHT NOW AND RIGHT HERE is unbelievably obnoxious to me. Take a deep breath, go outside, play with your kids and freaking enjoy it. Because what a crazy waste of an amazing opportunity if you don't.

Make America Great again? Compared to freaking what?

18 trillion? Ya things are great.
I would think that liberals would love the wall to wall coverage of trump. He's destroying the republican brand all by himself.

People see him say stupid stuff and think "This guy is LEADING the Republican primary." Puts in their head that these are not the guys you want to be associated with.
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Hate to say it but trump and Obama are a lot alike. People are supporting a persona with little idea what the person believes. Most polls on both show that people have no idea what either believed. Most supporters have no idea that trump is prochoice, pro gay marriage, is not religious etc.
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People have voted for decades for people that never did anything close to what they are promised.

At some point in every campaign the debt comes up, nobody does a damn thing about it. Frankly I would rather they shut up more often. Beats lying, which every single person running does.

At least Trump shoots his mouth off, breath of fresh air.

I want a President that runs the country like they don't want to be re-elected.
People have voted for decades for people that never did anything close to what they are promised.

At some point in every campaign the debt comes up, nobody does a damn thing about it. Frankly I would rather they shut up more often. Beats lying, which every single person running does.

At least Trump shoots his mouth off, breath of fresh air.

I want a President that runs the country like they don't want to be re-elected.

Most of the "lies" are simple cases of over promising. Although there are verifiable lies here and there.

Honestly I was thinking the other day that it seems like every new president that comes in there seems to be a time period where they are genuinely surprised and flabbergasted at just how powerless they actually are.

I think we often have an image of the president as being super powerful and it is the most powerful public office in the country. But the reality is that they have spend a ton of time begging congress to actually get stuff done.
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I have a suspicion this probably means more coming from you. Is this just a generic criticism or do you mean she is a spell caster in league with the devil who is really some rival alien robot force or the like?
yes, larry Nichols has been going on the alex jones show saying Hillary literally is a witch with a coven in California and she flies out there to be with the coven of like a wicca cult
yes, larry Nichols has been going on the alex jones show saying Hillary literally is a witch with a coven in California and she flies out there to be with the coven of like a wicca cult
How does she fly?
larry Nichols said bill used to complain about her jet setting out to cali all the time, well, not really complaining.... more like, glad to see her go!! ha
People have voted for decades for people that never did anything close to what they are promised.

At some point in every campaign the debt comes up, nobody does a damn thing about it. Frankly I would rather they shut up more often. Beats lying, which every single person running does.

At least Trump shoots his mouth off, breath of fresh air.

I want a President that runs the country like they don't want to be re-elected.
Plus funds his own campaign and owes nothing to nobody.
Hate to say it but trump and Obama are a lot alike. People are supporting a persona with little idea what the person believes. Most polls on both show that people have no idea what either believed. Most supporters have no idea that trump is prochoice, pro gay marriage, is not religious etc.

I share those values. I'm a Goddamned dirty lib? Goddammit. You'd think he'd be getting a bit more love around here from the other dirty libs. What does he have to do? Suck a dick?
trump will be the first prez in history to have a daughter who is hot, have a nicer plane than airforce one, and do the prez thingy from a tall building, a casino, and to have better parties and more hot celebs there, than a red carpet ceremony in hollywood
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How can anyone take a guy serious who gets taken to the woodshed by George Snuffleupugus?

Transcript via ABC’s This Week:

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK. But, let’s talk about you right now and your new immigration plan. You’ve been talking about on the stump, all of opponents having to react to it at this point. Jeb Bush one of the people that reacted to this thing, it’s going to cost hundreds of billions.

Are you willing to pay that price? And where are you going to get the money?

TRUMP: Well, first of all they’re wrong. And, you know, Jeb is a very low energy person. He’d never be able to do it. He’s the one that said they come out of an act of love, OK. This is an act of love. These are people coming and many of them — you look at what’s happening with the crime. Many of them are really causing tremendous problems. And they would be out really fast, immediately. First day we start that movement.

We need a wall. We have to get a wall. We need great security. And we’re going to have a wall that will be not let people in, George.

And, by the way, legally, if you’re legal you can come in. And we’ll cherish you for coming in.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But let me press you on the costs right there, Mr. Trump. They’re saying $400 billion to $600 billion. It would require big government apparatus to take everybody down. If you don’t think those numbers are right, how much is it going to cost and where are you going to get the money?

TRUMP: Well, it’s costing us $130 billion a year and that’s peanuts compared to what the real cost is, George, for the way we have it now. You have so many illegals. We don’t even know how many illegals. I hear 11 million. I hear 30 million.

The government has no idea. We have lost control of our country. We’ve lost control of our borders. The government has no idea how many illegals there. I’ve been hearing 11 million for five years. Then the other day I heard 30.

Nobody has any idea (INAUDIBLE)…

STEPHANOPOULOS: So if there’s no idea, how are you going to round them all up?

Where are you going to get the money, where are you going to get the forces?

Exactly how are you going to do it?

What are the specifics here?

TRUMP: George, it’s called management. And the first thing we have to do is secure the border. But it’s called management. And we’ll get people back in, the really good ones, we’re going to expedite it, so they get back in, so they can at least come in legally.

But we have to do it…

STEPHANOPOULOS: You keep declaring how you’re going to do it…

TRUMP: It’s management.

STEPHANOPOULOS: — but you don’t say…

TRUMP: We don’t…


TRUMP: Excuse me, George?

STEPHANOPOULOS: You declare how you’re going to do it, but you don’t say how.

George Stephanopoulos tore Trump apart by not letting the celebrity ramble on with vague platitudes. Stephanopoulos treated Trump like a real candidate, and the billionaire fell apart.

Donald Trump’s is going to “manage” the deportation of 11 million people, and he has no clue how he is going to pay for it.

The media is starting to get tired of Trump’s antics. CNN and MSNBC both dumped Trump’s big rally in Alabama on Friday night, because it became clear after about 20 minutes that the speech was more of the same incoherent and unfocused rambling that makes up all of Trump’s speeches.

The Trump surge exists because of the tons of free media coverage that he has gotten, but the networks are getting tired of the same routine. Donald Trump is getting stale, which is why the media is beginning to press him to see if there is any substance to his candidacy.

Donald Trump made for easy coverage during a dull summer, but as voters start to pay attention, the coverage of the candidates will change. Donald Trump will need to evolve into a being a serious candidate, or he will fade away.
How can anyone take a guy serious who gets taken to the woodshed by George Snuffleupugus?

Transcript via ABC’s This Week:

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK. But, let’s talk about you right now and your new immigration plan. You’ve been talking about on the stump, all of opponents having to react to it at this point. Jeb Bush one of the people that reacted to this thing, it’s going to cost hundreds of billions.

Are you willing to pay that price? And where are you going to get the money?

TRUMP: Well, first of all they’re wrong. And, you know, Jeb is a very low energy person. He’d never be able to do it. He’s the one that said they come out of an act of love, OK. This is an act of love. These are people coming and many of them — you look at what’s happening with the crime. Many of them are really causing tremendous problems. And they would be out really fast, immediately. First day we start that movement.

We need a wall. We have to get a wall. We need great security. And we’re going to have a wall that will be not let people in, George.

And, by the way, legally, if you’re legal you can come in. And we’ll cherish you for coming in.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But let me press you on the costs right there, Mr. Trump. They’re saying $400 billion to $600 billion. It would require big government apparatus to take everybody down. If you don’t think those numbers are right, how much is it going to cost and where are you going to get the money?

TRUMP: Well, it’s costing us $130 billion a year and that’s peanuts compared to what the real cost is, George, for the way we have it now. You have so many illegals. We don’t even know how many illegals. I hear 11 million. I hear 30 million.

The government has no idea. We have lost control of our country. We’ve lost control of our borders. The government has no idea how many illegals there. I’ve been hearing 11 million for five years. Then the other day I heard 30.

Nobody has any idea (INAUDIBLE)…

STEPHANOPOULOS: So if there’s no idea, how are you going to round them all up?

Where are you going to get the money, where are you going to get the forces?

Exactly how are you going to do it?

What are the specifics here?

TRUMP: George, it’s called management. And the first thing we have to do is secure the border. But it’s called management. And we’ll get people back in, the really good ones, we’re going to expedite it, so they get back in, so they can at least come in legally.

But we have to do it…

STEPHANOPOULOS: You keep declaring how you’re going to do it…

TRUMP: It’s management.

STEPHANOPOULOS: — but you don’t say…

TRUMP: We don’t…


TRUMP: Excuse me, George?

STEPHANOPOULOS: You declare how you’re going to do it, but you don’t say how.

George Stephanopoulos tore Trump apart by not letting the celebrity ramble on with vague platitudes. Stephanopoulos treated Trump like a real candidate, and the billionaire fell apart.

Donald Trump’s is going to “manage” the deportation of 11 million people, and he has no clue how he is going to pay for it.

The media is starting to get tired of Trump’s antics. CNN and MSNBC both dumped Trump’s big rally in Alabama on Friday night, because it became clear after about 20 minutes that the speech was more of the same incoherent and unfocused rambling that makes up all of Trump’s speeches.

The Trump surge exists because of the tons of free media coverage that he has gotten, but the networks are getting tired of the same routine. Donald Trump is getting stale, which is why the media is beginning to press him to see if there is any substance to his candidacy.

Donald Trump made for easy coverage during a dull summer, but as voters start to pay attention, the coverage of the candidates will change. Donald Trump will need to evolve into a being a serious candidate, or he will fade away.

You cut short the entire exchange. You neglected to include the portion where Trump describes the current situation where our border patrol is in a "Stand Down" at the President's direction. If you think George would have grilled Clinton like that you are dreaming.
You cut short the entire exchange. You neglected to include the portion where Trump describes the current situation where our border patrol is in a "Stand Down" at the President's direction. If you think George would have grilled Clinton like that you are dreaming.

That still doesn't answer the questions asked
Of course he wouldn't grill Hillary everybody knows that.
Point being that if Trump can't handle GS, how is he going to handle gwb's buddy, Puty Put?
You cut short the entire exchange. You neglected to include the portion where Trump describes the current situation where our border patrol is in a "Stand Down" at the President's direction. If you think George would have grilled Clinton like that you are dreaming.

and that doesn't answer the question how he's gonna fund it. Look I can say I'm running for president and I'm gonna give everybody $1 million dollars. But, if I can't fund it it's kinda pointless, no?
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You can never get enough of the truth, The Donald's popularity and support stems from the fact he is not afraid to speak what everyone is thinking or wants to say and he is enough of a man to never back down.

He is unbeatable.
The part about barely stringing a sentence together is incorrect, but this is exactly why I'm not convinced he actually wants to be president. All of this is basically free to him, and getting his name out to every corner of America. By not getting into the whitehouse, he'll be able to capitalize big time on his fame, having widened the age range greatly of those who are familiar with him.

There are few who would be able to do this, but he's done it better than anyone. Just waiting for a "health condition" to take him out of the race, only for him to re-emerge after the election healed and bigger than ever.
Did natural like this post because it said "he would re-emerge bigger than ever."?
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You cut short the entire exchange. You neglected to include the portion where Trump describes the current situation where our border patrol is in a "Stand Down" at the President's direction. If you think George would have grilled Clinton like that you are dreaming.
Is this even true? I heard Trump say this this morning and he also said immigrants just walk right on by border agents and the agents just stand there and don't do anything. I have a hard time believing that is actually happening.
Is this even true? I heard Trump say this this morning and he also said immigrants just walk right on by border agents and the agents just stand there and don't do anything. I have a hard time believing that is actually happening.
it's true , alex jones caught them on tape, put the film on drudge, trump refers to it being on drudge
Trump is collecting all this air time because every time he opens his mouth he damages the Republican Party. The liberal media is loving this. Why do you think Trump is more visible on MSNBC than FOX.....
Trump is collecting all this air time because every time he opens his mouth he damages the Republican Party. The liberal media is loving this. Why do you think Trump is more visible on MSNBC than FOX.....
Actually he attracts more indecided voters everytime he opens his mouth much like Hillary loses supporters and undecided voters everytime she opens her yap.
Plus think of all the good that Trump's first lady could do..

She is the secret weapon

He is night and day from Obama. He is a business man that has dealt with more difficult decisions than you could ever imagine and while he was at it he has been successful. He supports the military and brings a business sense into politics unlike all the other talking bags that don't do sh!t.

Trump is a narcissistic showman. Obama, and all other presidents made tougher decisions than Trump before they have their first sip of coffee in the morning. Trump has never chosen to engage the military, or make decisions that affect every American. Trump inherited a successful development company and made it bigger. Giant thumbs up to him for that.
In another thread I think someone commented that Trump doesn't even speak in full paragraphs. That is charitable. Quite often he doesn't speak in complete sentences. He wanders from one slander against an opponent to a self promoting statement in the same breath. God I love him and what he is doing to take attention off of Hillary Clinton.
And, as far as supporting the military. Well, at least Trump loved our military enough to find ways to avoid serving in it.
Ex-KKK leader David Duke backs Donald Trump: ‘He understands the real sentiment of America

Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke recently praised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his tough stance on undocumented immigrants, which Duke called the “greatest immediate threat to the American people.”
In a clip of Duke’s radio show obtained by BuzzFeed, the former Klansman said that Trump was “the best” of the presidential candidates.

“I praise the fact that he’s come out on the immigration issue,” Duke explained. “That he’s an entrepreneur and he has a good sense of what people want to hear what they want to buy.”

“And I think he realizes that his path to popularity toward power in the Republican Party is talking about the immigration issue,” the radio host continued. “And he has really said some incredibly great things recently. So whatever his motivation, I don’t give a damn. I really like the fact that he’s speaking out on this greatest immediate threat to the American people.”

“I’ve said from the beginning I think his campaign is good in the sense that it’s bringing these issues to a discussion which we have to have in America. And he’s continuing to move the envelope further and I think he understands the real sentiment of America.”

Duke concluded by calling Trump’s campaign a “great opportunity.”

“So although we can’t trust him to do what he says, the other Republican candidates won’t even say what he says,” he opined. “So he’s certainly the best of the lot. And he’s certainly somebody that we should get behind in terms, ya know, raising the image of this thing.”
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Ex-KKK leader David Duke backs Donald Trump: ‘He understands the real sentiment of America

Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke recently praised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his tough stance on undocumented immigrants, which Duke called the “greatest immediate threat to the American people.”
In a clip of Duke’s radio show obtained by BuzzFeed, the former Klansman said that Trump was “the best” of the presidential candidates.

“I praise the fact that he’s come out on the immigration issue,” Duke explained. “That he’s an entrepreneur and he has a good sense of what people want to hear what they want to buy.”

“And I think he realizes that his path to popularity toward power in the Republican Party is talking about the immigration issue,” the radio host continued. “And he has really said some incredibly great things recently. So whatever his motivation, I don’t give a damn. I really like the fact that he’s speaking out on this greatest immediate threat to the American people.”

“I’ve said from the beginning I think his campaign is good in the sense that it’s bringing these issues to a discussion which we have to have in America. And he’s continuing to move the envelope further and I think he understands the real sentiment of America.”

Duke concluded by calling Trump’s campaign a “great opportunity.”

“So although we can’t trust him to do what he says, the other Republican candidates won’t even say what he says,” he opined. “So he’s certainly the best of the lot. And he’s certainly somebody that we should get behind in terms, ya know, raising the image of this thing.”

Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright endorsed Barack Hussein Obama so what's the difference?