Top Retired Military Leaders Endorse Harris

That, or they see Trump as a piece of shit human who shouldn't have the authority of a school crossing guard much less commander in chief
This ^^^ is the correct answer. Why Trumpers can't see it, even though 95% of the people who worked with him during his administration, tell us he's a moron and not fit to be POTUS, is baffling. Trump has the intelligence of a 3rd grader.
Career government employees prefer the candidate that was selected by big government insiders? Shocking.
War Pigs want more war. Go figure. You might want to start and think about what side you are on when certain groups start wholesale endorsing a presidential candidate.

Stan: Once you wanted revolution
Stan: Now you're the institution
Stan: How's it feel to be the man?
It's no fun to be the man
You morons have an excuse for everything. Can you now tell us why 95% of his former administration won't endorse him?
This ^^^ is the correct answer. Why Trumpers can't see it, even though 95% of the people who worked with him during his administration, tell us he's a moron and not fit to be POTUS, is baffling. Trump has the intelligence of a 3rd grader.

He "owns" the libs and that's all these morons care about
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The one that shows HB getting a footjob. That one
Hunter Biden again? Seriously? Let me go get some more straws for you to grasp at. FFS.

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Why did the DOJ use it against Hunter as evidence then?

I said data was added AFTER, of which the prosecutors were not using BECAUSE of this ..from your article....they used data before the repair shop owner started manipulating things

Biden dropped off the laptop at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019. His lawyers said in the filing that the shop owner admitted in his memoir that he “began accessing sensitive, private material in the data” right away, and continued to potentially tamper with the data throughout the five months before the FBI seized the device.

Prosecutors said the laptop materials at issue are “extractions by an FBI forensic specialist which were extracted after a technical examination of the laptop in 2019” – and not the files that were publicly released by the repair-shop owner or obtained by news outlets “after who-knows-what was added.”
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Hunter Biden again? Seriously? Let me go get some more straws for you to grasp at. FFS.

51 experts signed off on the laptop, yes. HB also banged his dead brother's widow on it.

Just like the ones that think KH handled Afghanistan departure well. Can't defend it bro. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Funny how the GOP loved those wars when they started them.
Libya, Somalia redux, Yemen and Syria were all Democrat adventures.
And every Democrat of significance (read: imagined being president some day) voted in favor of invading Iraq.
Without even Congressional authorization explicit to the interventions.
Some of them they tried to piggyback on the 9/11 AUMF, others they didn't even bother.
Clinton, Obama, and now Biden have all waged wars without Congressional authorization in violation of the War Powers Resolution.

The uniparty loves war, there is no doubt about that.

There is also no questioning the fact that the neocons now call the Democratic party home.
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51 experts signed off on the laptop, yes. HB also banged his dead brother's widow on it.

Just like the ones that think KH handled Afghanistan departure well. Can't defend it bro. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Five days later, on October 19, 2020, 51 former intelligence officials signed on to a public statement that stated that the Hunter Biden laptop story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,”

Data "showing Biden corruption" was added after the repair shop got it and with Russia owning the GQP, how were they wrong?
Libya, Somalia redux, Yemen and Syria were all Democrat adventures.
And every Democrat of significance (read: imagined being president some day) voted in favor of invading Iraq.
Without even Congressional authorization explicit to the interventions.
Some of them they tried to piggyback on the 9/11 AUMF, others they didn't even bother.
Clinton, Obama, and now Biden have all waged wars without Congressional authorization in violation of the War Powers Resolution.

The uniparty loves war, there is no doubt about that.

There is also no questioning the fact that the neocons now call the Democratic party home.

But only Trump can save America from them huh?
Five days later, on October 19, 2020, 51 former intelligence officials signed on to a public statement that stated that the Hunter Biden laptop story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,”

Data "showing Biden corruption" was added after the repair shop got it and with Russia owning the GQP, how were they wrong?
Russia? Listen to yourself.
Five days later, on October 19, 2020, 51 former intelligence officials signed on to a public statement that stated that the Hunter Biden laptop story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,”

The Biden campaign found 51 people to sign a letter trying to debunk the laptop as a Russian disinfo op, when the FBI already had it in their possession and knew it was Biden's.

They deliberately fed you disinfo, and you still wave it around like evidence?

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Claims without evidence back in vogue?

You mean the repair shop owner admitting he did ...the FBI showed that 64% of the data was added after the owner got it

You know fvck Hunter, he's a loser that mooches off his daddy, but you fvcking morons overlook 10x worse by Trump and his kids...stop being pieces of shit humans and voting for MAGA pieces of shit
51 experts signed off on the laptop, yes. HB also banged his dead brother's widow on it.

Just like the ones that think KH handled Afghanistan departure well. Can't defend it bro. Stop embarrassing yourself.
More Hunter stuff, IDGAF about any of it, but you're clearly obsessed over it.

You're the embarrassment who's proliferating misinformation here. Trump and shit stain Mike Pompeo negotiated directly with the Taliban and brokered the release of ~5,000 militant Taliban prisoners long before the withdrawal was set to begin and the Afghan government was shut out of the negotiation. Why? It's far and away one of the most egregious foreign affair/military debacles ever conceived by a US administration. Then Trump accelerates the drawdown of US troops from Afghanistan making the remaining troops much more vulnerable and the Afghan citizens left to the mercy of the now organized Taliban militants.

Refute and defend this you twat, I'll keep slapping you silly with the truth all day if you want. Pull your head out of your ass, you cuck troll.
The Biden campaign found 51 people to sign a letter trying to debunk the laptop as a Russian disinfo op, when the FBI already had it in their possession and knew it was Biden's.

They deliberately fed you disinfo, and you still wave it around like evidence?


Yes moron, it was Hunter, but the data, like "10% to the Big guy", was added AFTER the owner got ahold of it..... that's why it wasn't a gotcha
You mean the repair shop owner admitting he did ...the FBI showed that 64% of the data was added after the owner got it

You know fvck Hunter, he's a loser that mooches off his daddy, but you fvcking morons overlook 10x worse by Trump and his kids...stop being pieces of shit humans and voting for MAGA pieces of shit
I don't recall seeing a laptop full of adult filth, corruption conversations and about a certain niece on a Trump laptop.
More Hunter stuff, IDGAF about any of it, but you're clearly obsessed over it.

You're the embarrassment who's proliferating misinformation here. Trump and shit stain Mike Pompeo negotiated directly with the Taliban and brokered the release of ~5,000 militant Taliban prisoners long before the withdrawal was set to begin and the Afghan government was shut out of the negotiation. Why? It's far and away one of the most egregious foreign affair/military debacles ever conceived by a US administration. Then Trump accelerates the drawdown of US troops from Afghanistan making the remaining troops much more vulnerable and the Afghan citizens left to the mercy of the now organized Taliban militants.

Refute and defend this you twat, I'll keep slapping you silly with the truth all day if you want. Pull your head out of your ass, you cuck troll.
The laptop exists. It's contents regarding family corruption does too. Your news sources didn't report on it, just like Bidens health. Suckers born every minute.
I don't recall seeing a laptop full of adult filth, corruption conversations and about a certain niece on a Trump laptop.

Lol, his kids just were gifted 2+ BILLION from foreign governments

And don't forget about the trademarks fast tracked, something never done before, by China for Ivanka because President Trump pressured them to do
The laptop exists. It's contents regarding family corruption does too. Your news sources didn't report on it, just like Bidens health. Suckers born every minute.

The laptop does exist, the corruption file are in questionsed... that's why it never went anywhere, even in Congress. Stop being gullible
Lol, his kids just were gifted 2+ BILLION from foreign governments

And don't forget about the trademarks fast tracked, something never done before, by China for Ivanka because President Trump pressured them to do

Not voting for his kids....sound familiar?
The laptop does exist, the corruption file are in questionsed... that's why it never went anywhere, even in Congress. Stop being gullible
I saw the business associates testify under oath. Understandable you still defend the big guy.
The laptop exists. It's contents regarding family corruption does too. Your news sources didn't report on it, just like Bidens health. Suckers born every minute.
Did I not mention twice now that IDGAF about Hunter Biden, nor the laptop? Nor did I question it's existence, but it's contents have certainly been questioned and all of this has been reported on almost every MSM source endlessly, if you could read or listen you would know that.

Biden family corruption, huh? Is the reveal of the indicting evidence imminent? What's everyone waiting for? You've had 8 years now, surely they've found something to hang on Joe by now. I guess we will just wait another 8 years for the payoff.

BTW, Harris is the POTUS nominee now, you need to regain some focus.
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Did I not mention twice now that IDGAF about Hunter Biden, nor the laptop? Nor did I question it's existence, but it's contents have certainly been questioned and all of this has been reported on almost every MSM source endlessly, if you could read or listen you would know that.

Biden family corruption, huh? Is the reveal of the indicting evidence imminent? What's everyone waiting for? You've had 8 years now, surely they've found something to hang on Joe by now. I guess we will just wait another 8 years for the payoff.

BTW, Harris is the POTUS nominee now, you need to regain some focus.
You are writing paragraphs with your neck and noggin veins popping out.

No matter how hard you try foo.
Just like the ones that think KH handled Afghanistan departure well. Can't defend it bro.
We're out of Afghanistan. Much better than the alternative for us, if not for everyone. And years late - thanks to poor decisions by Bush, Obama and Trump (although I do give Trump some credit for starting the withdrawal process).

I'd like to know how the Pentagon misjudged so badly that Afghan forces and government caved in 6 months before they predicted, but the truth is the withdrawal wasn't too bad (compared to what it could have been, under the circumstances).

Again, we're out. And that's where we should be.

I don't see that Kamala had a role in that (although she might have) but she was part of the team, so I guess she deserves a share of the credit (or blame).
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We're out of Afghanistan. Much better than the alternative for us, if not for everyone. And years late - thanks to poor decisions by Bush, Obama and Trump (although I do give Trump some credit for starting the withdrawal process).

I'd like to know how the Pentagon misjudged so badly that Afghan forces and government caved in 6 months before they predicted, but the truth is the withdrawal wasn't too bad (compared to what it could have been, under the circumstances).

Again, we're out. And that's where we should be.

I don't see that Kamala had a role in that (although she might have) but she was part of the team, so I guess she deserves a share of the credit (or blame).
Dead Americans, allies left behind, people hanging from planes. Last person in the room.
You mean the repair shop owner admitting he did ...the FBI showed that 64% of the data was added after the owner got it

I’m aware of evidence to the contrary. Do you perhaps have a link?

November 21, 2022 / 6:14 PM EST

Data from a laptop that the lawyer for a Delaware computer repair shop owner says was left by Hunter Biden in 2019 – and which the shop owner later provided to the FBI under subpoena – shows no evidence of tampering or fabrication, according to an independent review commissioned by CBS News.

Brian Della Rocca, the lawyer for the shop owner, provided to CBS News what he called an "exact copy" of the laptop data provided to federal investigators nearly three years ago. Della Rocca said he considers it "clean" because it predates versions that were widely circulated by Republican operatives to attack then-candidate Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election.

The independent analysis, by two cyber investigators from Minneapolis-based Computer Forensics Services, found no evidence that the user data had been modified, fabricated or tampered with. Nor did it find any new files originating after April 2019, when store records indicate Biden dropped it off for repair.
Libya, Somalia redux, Yemen and Syria were all Democrat adventures.
And every Democrat of significance (read: imagined being president some day) voted in favor of invading Iraq.
Without even Congressional authorization explicit to the interventions.
Some of them they tried to piggyback on the 9/11 AUMF, others they didn't even bother.
Clinton, Obama, and now Biden have all waged wars without Congressional authorization in violation of the War Powers Resolution.

The uniparty loves war, there is no doubt about that.

There is also no questioning the fact that the neocons now call the Democratic party home.
The BIG one (Iraq) was GOP driven and you know it. Funny how all these supposed GOPers (I call them the real RINOs) are now anti Bush/Cheney. I know many like this IRL that loved Bush until about 8 years ago once Trump started bashing them. They didn't actually change their opinion on Iraq or Bush. They wanted to be part of the "in crowd" of Trumpers. That's what this is really all about.