Top Retired Military Leaders Endorse Harris

The BIG one (Iraq) was GOP driven and you know it.

Doesn’t happen with convincing a Democratic Senate, with a Foreign Relations committee run by one Joseph Biden.

I don’t know if you’re enough of a historian to remember who signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998 that made regime change in Iraq official American policy.

Remember this guy:

"I asked very direct questions of the top people in the CIA and people who'd served in the Clinton administration. And they said they believed that Saddam Hussein either had weapons or had the components of weapons or the ability to quickly make weapons of mass destruction. What we're worried about is an A-bomb in a Ryder truck in New York, in Washington and St. Louis. It cannot happen. We have to prevent it from happening."
-- Rep. Richard Gephardt (D, MO) Nov. 2, 2003
You are writing paragraphs with your neck and noggin veins popping out.

No matter how hard you try foo.

Yeah, not so much. I can slap your disinfo around with little effort and frankly, I'm not even trying hard at all. You folks always parrot the same lies and y'all have it memorized like a bad movie script. Until you get something with some gravitas and meat on the bone, I can do this in my sleep and make you look silly.

What's next, Haitians eating cats?
Brian Della Rocca, the lawyer for the shop owner, provided to CBS News what he called an "exact copy" of the laptop data provided to federal investigators nearly three years ago.
This reminds me of the Hillary email scandal when the FBI (or whoever) got exact copies of her servers.

It's fun to say "exact copies." But a bit by bit copy of a drive to a blank drive does not (as far as I know) retain all traces of overwriting or editing. So it isn't really "exact." Fine for knowing what's on the drive at the time the copy was made. Maybe not fine for seeing if there was tinkering.

But, again, who cares? Hunter isn't running for office. And even if you somehow believe there's evidence of wrong-doing by Joe Biden on Hunter's drive - guess what! - Biden isn't running for office either.
It's fun to say "exact copies." But a bit by bit copy of a drive to a blank drive does not (as far as I know) retain all traces of overwriting or editing. So it isn't really "exact." Fine for knowing what's on the drive at the time the copy was made. Maybe not fine for seeing if there was tinkering.

The term you should learn is ‘forensic copy’.

I’m just amazed people want to point out they fell for Biden campaign disinformation years after it has been debunked.
Imagine violent MAGAs descend on our capital, seize buildings and start killing police and threatening the President’s life.
The president flees for his life after weeks of violent protest and is removed by a vote that lacks the Constitutional defined threshold for removal, and a new leader is installed that just happens to be the guy that Russian diplomats were intercepted discussing installing a few weeks prior.
Would you consider this situation to be a coup?
Imagine violent MAGAs descend on our capital, seize buildings and start killing police and threatening the President’s life.
The president flees for his life after weeks of violent protest and is removed by a vote that lacks the Constitutional defined threshold for removal, and a new leader is installed that just happens to be the guy that Russian diplomats were intercepted discussing installing a few weeks prior.
Would you consider this situation to be a coup?


You didn’t answer the question.

If a violent MAGA mob descends on the capital, seizes federal buildings and the President flees for his life, would you accept 60 Senators voting to remove him from office?

Add on top of it the crazy coincidence that the newly selected (to replace the elected) President just happens to be the first choice of Russian diplomats intercepted discussing replacing the president.

If that happened here, would you call it a coup?
You didn’t answer the question.

If a violent MAGA mob descends on the capital, seizes federal buildings and the President flees for his life, would you accept 60 Senators voting to remove him from office?

Add on top of it the crazy coincidence that the newly selected (to replace the elected) President just happens to be the first choice of Russian diplomats intercepted discussing replacing the president.

If that happened here, would you call it a coup?

We are talking about what happened in Ukraine, Not your Pro Russia hypothetical. You are so damn predictable with your Pro Russia propaganda.
Doesn’t happen with convincing a Democratic Senate, with a Foreign Relations committee run by one Joseph Biden.

I don’t know if you’re enough of a historian to remember who signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998 that made regime change in Iraq official American policy.

Remember this guy:

"I asked very direct questions of the top people in the CIA and people who'd served in the Clinton administration. And they said they believed that Saddam Hussein either had weapons or had the components of weapons or the ability to quickly make weapons of mass destruction. What we're worried about is an A-bomb in a Ryder truck in New York, in Washington and St. Louis. It cannot happen. We have to prevent it from happening."
-- Rep. Richard Gephardt (D, MO) Nov. 2, 2003
No shit. That's not my point. You keep missing it ... likely on purpose.

I find it hilarious the pivot that the Right has done and not because they realized they were wrong. Try critical thinking here.

Yeah, not so much. I can slap your disinfo around with little effort and frankly, I'm not even trying hard at all. You folks always parrot the same lies and y'all have it memorized like a bad movie script. Until you get something with some gravitas and meat on the bone, I can do this in my sleep and make you look silly.

What's next, Haitians eating cats?
We are talking about what happened in Ukraine, Not your Pro Russia hypothetical. You are so damn predictable with your Pro Russia propaganda.
Everything I mentioned in my hypothetical actually happened in Ukraine, including the failure of the Rada to achieve the constitutionally mandated threshold for presidential removal.

If you saw that happen here, J6 on steroids where they occupied buildings for weeks and killed lots of police until the president fled for his life, would you call it a coup?
No shit. That's not my point. You keep missing it ... likely on purpose.

I find it hilarious the pivot that the Right has done and not because they realized they were wrong. Try critical thinking here.
I have always thought and said the invasion was a mistake.

What I find hilarious are the Democrats who act like this war bandwagon wasn’t a uniparty exercise. Gore, Clinton, Kerry, any of’em you want to name that imagined themselves running for president, outside the gadflies of Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, were all hawks.
I don't recall seeing a laptop full of adult filth, corruption conversations and about a certain niece on a Trump laptop.
Grab her by the pussy
Her fake titties
She's too ugly to sexually assault.

It's beyond wonder how any of you can function on a day-to-day basis. FFS some of you are hypocrites. Not to mention Hunter was NEVER president.
The idea that Yanukovych’s removal was illegitimate is easily refuted: After Yanukovych abandoned his office by fleeing from Ukraine to Russia, he was stripped of the presidency by a constitutional majority in parliament. Even Russia joined the rest of the world in recognizing the new Ukrainian government a few months later.

But the truth underlying the events of February 2014 is far more interesting: The preponderance of evidence suggests that it was Moscow itself that triggered Yanukovych’s departure in order to launch a pre-arranged Plan B—the invasion of Crimea and an engineered “uprising” in eastern Ukraine—after Moscow’s Plan A—a new treaty with a pliant government in Kyiv that placed it under Russia’s de facto control—was about to fail. Indeed, the timeline shows that preparations for Plan B were well underway before Yanukovych’s removal from office. All this, in turn, demonstrates that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plans for Ukraine were far more predatory all along than merely preventing the country’s drift toward NATO, as many of Russia’s Western apologists contend.

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I’m aware of evidence to the contrary. Do you perhaps have a link?

November 21, 2022 / 6:14 PM EST

Data from a laptop that the lawyer for a Delaware computer repair shop owner says was left by Hunter Biden in 2019 – and which the shop owner later provided to the FBI under subpoena – shows no evidence of tampering or fabrication, according to an independent review commissioned by CBS News.

Brian Della Rocca, the lawyer for the shop owner, provided to CBS News what he called an "exact copy" of the laptop data provided to federal investigators nearly three years ago. Della Rocca said he considers it "clean" because it predates versions that were widely circulated by Republican operatives to attack then-candidate Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election.

The independent analysis, by two cyber investigators from Minneapolis-based Computer Forensics Services, found no evidence that the user data had been modified, fabricated or tampered with. Nor did it find any new files originating after April 2019, when store records indicate Biden dropped it off for repair.

Forensic analysis​

In March 2022, The Washington Post published the findings of two forensic information analysts it had retained to examine 217 gigabytes of data provided to the paper on a hard drive by Republican activist Jack Maxey, who represented that its contents came from the laptop. One of the analysts characterized the data as a "disaster" from a forensics standpoint. The analysts found that people other than Hunter Biden had repeatedly accessed and copied data for nearly three years; they also found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed and written files to the drive, both before and after the New York Post story. In September 2020, someone created six new folders on the drive, including with the names "Biden Burisma", "Big Guy File", "Salacious Pics Package" and "Hunter. Burisma Documents". One of the analysts found evidence someone may have accessed the drive contents from a West Coast location days after The New York Post published their stories about the laptop.[5]

Using cryptographic signatures, one analyst verified that 1,828 of the roughly 129,000 emails on the drive came from the indicated email accounts of origin, suggesting they were authentic and had not been tampered with. The other analysis verified nearly 22,000 emails using similar methods, after overcoming technical issues the first analysis could not resolve. The analysts said emails from Burisma, where Pozharskyi was an advisor, were likely authentic but cautioned that if Burisma had been hacked, it would be possible for hackers to use stolen cryptographic signatures to forge emails that would pass as authentic. The New York Times reported in January 2020 that Russian military intelligence had hacked Burisma beginning in November 2019; a co-founder of the firm that discovered the hacking said Russians were stealing email credentials. Both analysts acknowledged that cryptographic signatures are not a perfect way to authenticate emails, as some email services do not implement the technology as rigorously as others. About 16,000 of the 22,000 emails carrying cryptographic signatures came via Google, which rigorously implements the technology. The analysts noted that cryptographic signatures can only verify that an email originated from a certain email account, but not who controlled that account; there are other means for hackers to commandeer email accounts. According to the Washington Post, "Some other emails on the drive that have been the foundation for previous news reports could not be verified because the messages lacked verifiable cryptographic signatures."[5]
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The Washington Post published the findings of two forensic information analysts it had retained to examine 217 gigabytes of data provided to the paper on a hard drive by Republican activist Jack Maxey, who represented that its contents came from the laptop.

In other words, not the contents verified as undisturbed by forensic analysis and supplied by the lawyer of the repair shop owner.
And not what the FBI had in their possession when the Biden admin was cobbling together some (highly successful, and still referenced!) disinformation to feed the public about the laptop.
Grab her by the pussy
Her fake titties
She's too ugly to sexually assault.

It's beyond wonder how any of you can function on a day-to-day basis. FFS some of you are hypocrites. Not to mention Hunter was NEVER president.
The reply was to a post about the Trump kids.

And yes I am aware of the playboy millionaire who became the President. The comments about the laptop are geared toward family corruption. HBs smut is the icing, DF.
I have always thought and said the invasion was a mistake.

What I find hilarious are the Democrats who act like this war bandwagon wasn’t a uniparty exercise. Gore, Clinton, Kerry, any of’em you want to name that imagined themselves running for president, outside the gadflies of Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, were all hawks.
I'm not going to go deep into politics from 20 years ago. Legislatively, it was absolutely uniparty. However, IRL at the time almost every Dem I knew was able to see this was a war that Bush wanted to win for his daddy. I recall Bill Maher talking constantly about that at the time.

Anyway, back to the present day.
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