Translation needed

Joe is the current president, he's got the nuclear codes. Trump will be in prison or dead before long.

I'd hold Trump more accountable for his word salad if Harris wasn't as bad or worse. Trump is too old and run down to be president, Harris is just stupid.

He was the same dummy 8 years ago saying the dumbest of things. I don't remember this account calling him out at that time. Any evidence you have ever held him accountable? She is very clearly a vast improvement, even if one doesn't agree with some of her positions. No evidence of her being stupid, it's just a fox / con talking point. Can you show a history of saying incredibly stupid things? And not an interpretation, but her actual words? One offs and here and there isn't a sign of being stupid....
He was the same dummy 8 years ago saying the dumbest of things. I don't remember this account calling him out at that time. Any evidence you have ever held him accountable? She is very clearly a vast improvement, even if one doesn't agree with some of her positions. No evidence of her being stupid, it's just a fox / con talking point. Can you show a history of saying incredibly stupid things? And not an interpretation, but her actual words? One offs and here and there isn't a sign of being stupid....
Dude it's OUT THERE... it's only a fox / con talking point because just like with Joe's decline (another fox con talking point) the rest of the media ignores it and shields their audience from it.
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Play the tape.

MAGAts?? A little help? The best part is the applause at the end of that mosh pit of verbiage.
I'm just shocked you beat biggrey to the punch on this. Oh what's that he's a political hack and would never call out DonOLD.

For ****s sake biggrey let me help you out. "This is embarrassing! How dare his family allow this to go on! He should be allowed to enjoy his retirement. (Oh wait that's right the retirement home isn't waiting for Donny boy after he loses in November its a jail cell)
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Do you understand that what Trump is proposing will cause inflation?
These people are morons of course they don't understand that. And the inflation it would cause would make the inflation we've been going through look like a walk in the park. And yet if he did win and did this they would be twisting themselves into pretzels to explain how it isn't really that bad when it will be levels upon levels worse than the inflation they have railed against the last 3 years.
This is the type of Trump response I think of, and there are plenty of them, when folks say "Kamala is ignorant, she is stupid" but they don't bat an eye at Trump's idiotic nonsense. It fails to answer the question. It doesn't make sense from a QnA perspective. It doesn't follow basic economic rules and shows he has no understanding of how trade really works.

This is his level of ignorance on every topic, but she is the stupid one....
The man doesn't realize there is two definitions for the word asylum. Of course the majority of his supporters didn't know that either. The problem with idiots today is they don't realize they are morons. I blame the internet.
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These people are morons of course they don't understand that. And the inflation it would cause would make the inflation we've been going through look like a walk in the park. And yet if he did win and did this they would be twisting themselves into pretzels to explain how it isn't really that bad when it will be levels upon levels worse than the inflation they have railed against the last 3 years.
I've got 3 years of rising wages, low unemployment, and low inflation before the scamdemic that says you're wrong.
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The man doesn't realize there is two definitions for the word asylum. Of course the majority of his supporters didn't know that either. The problem with idiots today is they don't realize they are morons. I blame the internet.
The real problem is only a small fraction of the illegal border crossings are from people truly seeking asylum.
He was the same dummy 8 years ago saying the dumbest of things. I don't remember this account calling him out at that time. Any evidence you have ever held him accountable? She is very clearly a vast improvement, even if one doesn't agree with some of her positions. No evidence of her being stupid, it's just a fox / con talking point. Can you show a history of saying incredibly stupid things? And not an interpretation, but her actual words? One offs and here and there isn't a sign of being stupid....
Here's a gem about coffee lids

not sure what is so funny
I'm looking for the difference between that non-answer and any answer we've heard from Harris/Walz.

I can't. At least he took questions I guess... He also posted his policy positions to his website. He can't articulate them but somebody wrote some...


FYI...Newsnation has a language expert analyzing this exact question now (Trump's childcare word salad), and in typical Newsnation fashion, they're covering both sides of the issue.
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I'm looking for the difference between that non-answer and any answer we've heard from Harris/Walz.

I can't. At least he took questions I guess... He also posted his policy positions to his website. He can't articulate them but somebody wrote some...


FYI...Newsnation has a language expert analyzing this exact question now (Trump's childcare word salad), and in typical Newsnation fashion, they're covering both sides of the issue.
OK. Post a few answers from Harris/Walz that you feel are comparable.
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OK. Post a few answers from Harris/Walz that you feel are comparable.
Not worth the time. We've all seen the many instances of Harris word salad. It's why she doesn't talk now and likely why more than half of her recent interview was edited out before it was aired.

We also know trump is often woefully general when asked about anything he wants to do.
Not worth the time. We e all seen the many instances of Harris word salad. It's why she doesn't talk now and likely why more than half of her recent interview was edited out before it was aired.
"I'm looking for the difference between that non-answer and any answer we've heard from Harris/Walz."

You said any answer. Post just one. Otherwise we'll all assume you're being dishonest.
"I'm looking for the difference between that non-answer and any answer we've heard from Harris/Walz."

You said any answer. Post just one. Otherwise we'll all assume you're being dishonest.
The one Newsnation used was the one about "time" that we've all seen. You can look up the exact quote. It's not worth my time.
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I'm not sure which rambling speech he was referring to, but he was just doing the weave. English professors say it's brilliant

The federal government has no responsibility in subsidizing the cost of child care, if you want handouts go elsewhere.
So if that's what he said, then why didn't he just say that?

Man, you people are just so full of shit. He says Argle Gargle Bargle Dargle and you turn it into whatever you want. 45% plus of the country.

He tells it like it is!$!!

Man, we're so effed as a country.

She is trying to relate, I'm guessing to a bunch of women who can relate to an issue about lipstick. I can't relate to it, but clearly they did somewhat based on the laughter. Her laugh seems to be part of being very nervous talking in front of a large group of people. Overlaughing is a sign of nerves. But, that was a very linear and cognitive story and I can understand her point.

However, my post was asking about a speech that makes her look stupid. Unrelatable, yes, stupid, no. And that is your best evidence of stupid? You have failed again, but keep beating the fox/con drum.
She is trying to relate, I'm guessing to a bunch of women who can relate to an issue about lipstick. I can't relate to it, but clearly they did somewhat based on the laughter. Her laugh seems to be part of being very nervous talking in front of a large group of people. Overlaughing is a sign of nerves. But, that was a very linear and cognitive story and I can understand her point.

However, my post was asking about a speech that makes her look stupid. Unrelatable, yes, stupid, no. And that is your best evidence of stupid? You have failed again, but keep beating the fox/con drum.

The passage of time

heres another one from the hit list

Do you want the school bus one next?
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Yup, Kamala has on occasion given nonsensical answers, like most politicians out there. Won’t argue that.

Trump does this on a near-daily basis and yet you want to argue like they’re equivalent.
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Yup, Kamala has on occasion given nonsensical answers, like most politicians out there. Won’t argue that.

Trump does this on a near-daily basis and yet you want to argue like they’re equivalent.
They are man. Trump is a shit option, but Harris isn't any prize either. There's a reason she couldn't move the needle as a candidate 4 years ago, and a reason she had an approval rating under Joe'sas his VP.

She's flipped on every stated position she held as a candidate and every confirmed position she took as a Senator.

Watched most of those, they are just things I don't care about. However, commuting on a bus with no exhaust, with wifi and charging IS a great feature for people who need it. I loved having a bus similar to that when I was commuting to Denver daily. The passage of time was certainly NOT a cohesive thought, no argument. And I said in another thread, she can be a rambling talker when she is in a topic she isn't knowledgable about. I've stated that. But school bus people love school buses. just like train people love trains, esp when it is their livelihood.

You don't seem to understand the difference between a topic you don't care about and a person who cannot express themselves because they themselves are stupid. She is catering to the audience. This is a YOU problem because you don't see the world beyond yourself. I don't care about them either, but she is talking to the audience's subjects.

Again, going back to the original statement (not your updated position that she switches stances). Yes she rambled about the passage of time, but the posts you think are "examples of stupidity" are horrible examples. You can't support your position so are shifting the topic.
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Now this is an example of someone who is stupid, and just says words since he cannot speak to a topic. And most of what he says is demonstrably false and easy to prove as a BS lie.

These 2 are not equal. And I've said it before, she wasn't my first choice, but she isn't a bad option. We also covered in another thread what the minimum criteria is to be a good candidate and while it pains many to admit, she actually checks a lot of boxes.

No one will ever convince you otherwise, but these 2 are not equal. She isn't a great option (however, Im coming around to her), but she certainly isn't a bad option. He is the worst in a very long time, possibly ever.
Watched most of those, they are just things I don't care about. However, commuting on a bus with no exhaust, with wifi and charging IS a great feature for people who need it. I loved having a bus similar to that when I was commuting to Denver daily. The passage of time was certainly NOT a cohesive thought, no argument. And I said in another thread, she can be a rambling talker when she is in a topic she isn't knowledgable about. I've stated that. But school bus people love school buses. just like train people love trains, esp when it is their livelihood.

You don't seem to understand the difference between a topic you don't care about and a person who cannot express themselves because they themselves are stupid. She is catering to the audience. This is a YOU problem because you don't see the world beyond yourself. I don't care about them either, but she is talking to the audience's subjects.

Again, going back to the original statement (not your updated position that she switches stances). Yes she rambled about the passage of time, but the posts you think are "examples of stupidity" are horrible examples. You can't support your position so are shifting the topic.
Yeah I mean if they're wearing your team's jersey, you'll look past a lot of things. She's not a strong candidate but she has a fighting chance to win because there's zero gray area for Trump. People love him or hate him. There's enough people that hate him that led to Joe Biden getting the most votes ever.

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