Trump’s GOP has an ugly authoritarian core. A new poll exposes it.

If I were to attempt the beginnings of a defense, I might start this way. And, by defense, I mean of what you’ve asserted.

“Why were tens of thousands there? Incidental?”

Likely for many reasons. You’d have to interview them.

“This was a premeditated, programmed project. Lodgings were booked. Internet traffic preceded this event for weeks. The FBI had forwarded intel to Capitol Police for alert.”

Yes. They came to protest and engage some civil disobedience, apparently. No one disputes it was planned in advance. You don’t organically have large groups of people show up to protest which includes travel. People mobilize that. Maybe there’s more to it. But so far, we don’t know that.

“The Orange Turd, Guliani, Brooks, and others whipped up the crowd, already a cult/Qanon obsessed crowd to march to the Capitol to remedy Pence and the Congress's betrayal. “

I’m sure not a tiny percentage were into the qanon stuff, but it’s not clear how many. The means to “remedy” is not clear. Many may have been there to protest what they perceived to be an illegitimate election. Whatever their reason to protest, that’s allowed. What’s not allowed is storming the capitol.

“The video showing the insurgents that chased the officer up the stairs (led by the Iowan with the Qanon shirt), was asking 'where are the ballots?"

“Insurgents”. Ok.... thinks back to the description of rioters and looters as “protesters.” Insurgent probably applies there too. Let’s be consistent.

“Seattle is recess in a playschool compared to this.”

A lot more damage and injuries occurred in Seattle. Also, the government lost control of a large block of one of our biggest cities for a long time. That’s successful insurrection. The capitol situation appears to be amateur hour compared to Seattle. You’re comparing a successful insurrection to one in which there was a couple of hour disruption to normal operations. They were literally back conducting business as usual just a few hours later.

Ultimately, I don’t particularly care if this group mobilized to protest/storm the capitol because they think unicorns took over citizens’ minds and made them vote for Biden, that they talked to each other before hand and agreed that the unicorns were controlled by Nancy Pelosi. They engaged illegal activity by entering the capitol. They should be prosecuted for that. But, it’s not different than the summer’s mayhem, other than the latter had widespread dnc support. And, as a consequence, had way more people involved and did way more damage.
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But they aren’t asking for forgiveness. To the contrary, they’re implying the Democrats are to blame for all the partisanship and divisiveness.

Yep. And, the democrats are denying that and laying it at the feet of Trump. The democrats do have culpability here. McClintok’s statement seems to express the position well. Namely, had the summer’s mayhem been treated differently, this probably doesn’t happen. I’d go further back than that and assert that the me too/kavanaugh situation and the Jeff flake moment is also likely contributory.
Yep. And, the democrats are denying that and laying it at the feet of Trump. The democrats do have culpability here. McClintok’s statement seems to express the position well. Namely, had the summer’s mayhem been treated differently, this probably doesn’t happen. I’d go further back than that and assert that the me too/kavanaugh situation and the Jeff flake moment is also likely contributory.

Stupid fcvk.
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