Trump and Carson threaten to skip the next GOP debate


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
It's probably bluster, but, both Donald Trump and Ben Carson are threatening to boycott the next debate on CNBC. Trump's demands seem to center on opening statements. CNBC has said candidates won't be allowed to make one because they prefer to jump into the issues. A closing statement will be allowed. Carson thought the last debate was too long. Given his overall level of dullness I can understand why he'd want to shorten things up.
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They've found a replacement for trump already

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First the Tea Party, now these two Einsteins. What is with the Republican party and letting whack jobs hold the GOP hostage?
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I can see it now. Trump will grab the mic and say "CNBC I am paying for this microphone" and this time that statement will be true. Go Trump. You are the new Reagan! I'm just honored to help my conservative friends see your greatness.
Whether they're saying it or not, their real issue I'm sure is around the fact that each Repub debate so far has been more about trying to get candidates to tear each other apart than to actually discuss issues.

If the questioning were more along the lines of what the Democratic debate was, they'd be all in. The tone set by the moderators was far different in the Democratic debate than in either republican one, much less cutthroat.
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