Can Biden perform and can Trump be boring? Key questions ahead of high-stakes presidential debate

Again tho - Biden telling tall tales, stretching the truth, etc., isn’t uncommon for the average politician…and he absolutely should get called out whenever he does it - and he mostly does.

Trump is simply on another level altogether.
Agree, but need to ask - at what point does the level really matter. or not matter? What if someone being devastated by inflation only hears Biden say, "inflation was 9% when I took office and now it's 3%"? What if Trump is too stupid to respond, or the rules don't allow him to respond? Does that mean lies are more important than stupid?
My point is it’s going to be 3v1 with the Democrats cheating at debate and cheating at the election.

What if Trump wins in spite of all this corruption? Biden probably comes out on the afternoon of July 5th and retires from the race and not seek reelection due to health issues but most likely from pressure applied by the DNC.
Your point is a falsehood that's continually pushed by the right. FFS he agreed to the debate and the moderators. How effing dumb are you?
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Agree, but need to ask - at what point does the level really matter. or not matter? What if someone being devastated by inflation only hears Biden say, "inflation was 9% when I took office and now it's 3%"? What if Trump is too stupid to respond, or the rules don't allow him to respond? Does that mean lies are more important than stupid?

In any debate, what you don't say is just as important as what you do say,.. If Biden throws out a lie and Trump is to stupid or ill informed to address it, then that will tell viewers something about candidate Trump...
In any debate, what you don't say is just as important as what you do say,.. If Biden throws out a lie and Trump is to stupid or ill informed to address it, then that will tell viewers something about candidate Trump...
What if Biden throws out say, 100 lies (not unheard of for trump given 90 minutes to run his mouth), is Trump not entitled from some help from the mods and fact checkers or does he need to play whack a mole with every single lie?

And notice no one here thinks FACR CHECKERS are going to harm Biden’s chances? It’s all people crying about how this is a bad thing for Trump.
What if Biden throws out say, 100 lies (not unheard of for trump given 90 minutes to run his mouth), is Trump not entitled from some help from the mods and fact checkers or does he need to play whack a mole with every single lie?

And notice no one here thinks FACR CHECKERS are going to harm Biden’s chances? It’s all people crying about how this is a bad thing for Trump.
Careful.... Someone might confuse you with a MAGA.... :p
Gotta say. Huge swing and a miss on my part.
At the time I agreed with you 100%; especially with how low Trumps team were setting expectations; only to desperately try to backtrack in the days before the debate.

As much as people had been pushing dementia joe here; what we saw last week was so much worse than anyone expected.
At the time I agreed with you 100%; especially with how low Trumps team were setting expectations; only to desperately try to backtrack in the days before the debate.

As much as people had been pushing dementia joe here; what we saw last week was so much worse than anyone expected.
Yep....better for this shit show to happen in July than in October when the debates usually happen.

If Joe does step aside things might get messy but there's no reason it can't be resolved by the convention. D's will coalesce behind the new candidate and the main drag on Joe (age/mental decline) will be in the rearview mirror.

Game on...and Trump will still be Trump.
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Gotta say. Huge swing and a miss on my part.
You are too honest. You owned up without it being shoved into your face. It turned out later the terms favored Trump in some ways. No note cards. Standing at the podium for 90 minutes. Not able to consult with staff during the breaks.
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One would think that after the SOTU Biden would have proven this, not to mention multiple other speeches and appearances. Instead here we are with this same conversation. Biden has to prove over and over and over again that he’s competent…against a felon who shows every single day he’s not fit for the position. A guy who doesn’t have to prove anything to Republican voters. Never ending crazytown here!
Hahaha. So awesome. In June too! Crazytown indeed.
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Hahaha. So awesome. In June too! Crazytown indeed.
Biden faceplants in debate...MSM and fellow D's turn on him and say he's incapable of running....Joe steps aside and he's suddenly George Washington....Biden is still President and zero questions about his mental faculties by the MSM and D's.

Amazing stuff.
Biden faceplants in debate...MSM and fellow D's turn on him and say he's incapable of running....Joe steps aside and he's suddenly George Washington....Biden is still President and zero questions about his mental faculties by the MSM and D's.

Amazing stuff.
Those questions about his mental faculties are a lot less relevant now that he’s no longer running for president.

Your comparison with Washington is actually apt in this instance. Both chose to not run again when they easily could have - it’s simply rare for any politician to decline that sort of power.
He's still president. His mental faculties are relevant....or should be.
Didn’t say they weren’t relevant at all.

But he’s essentially in lame-duck status now. Unless something major happens, anything he says or does will take a backseat to the election.
He's still president. His mental faculties are relevant....or should be.
Well, at least he has good handlers, right BoTH sIDeS?
Trump slurs his words, forgets what state he is in, makes up helicopter rides with random black guys, and thinks he's more popular than Taylor Swift. His handlers are Laura Loomer and Stephen Miller.
He's still president. His mental faculties are relevant....or should be.

If and when the Rs in congress fail to submit a govt funding budget, it will have nothing to do with his ability as a lame duck window. You should really be focusing on the law makers inability to do their job.

Any of the below constitutional assigned duties not being done?

1) Is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States, and of each state’s militia when the nation has need of it
2) Has power to obtain information and opinions from heads of the executive departments
3) May grant pardons and reprieves for crimes against the United States
4) Makes treaties with other countries with the approval of the Senate
5) Appoints ambassadors, federal judges and heads of executive departments – all subject to the approval of the Senate; the President also has power to fill any vacancies that may happen while the Senate is inrecess
6) Must report to Congress from time to time about the state of the union and recommend whatever measures he thinks are necessary
7) May call members of Congress together on extraordinary occasions, as well as adjourn their meetings when they cannot agree on their own about when to do this
8) Receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials
9) Is responsible for enforcing the nation’s laws
10) Issues commissions to all officers of the United States

He tried to get laws passed to work on the immigration bill, but the Republicans in Congress squashed that re #9
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Well, at least he has good handlers, right BoTH sIDeS?
Trump slurs his words, forgets what state he is in, makes up helicopter rides with random black guys, and thinks he's more popular than Taylor Swift. His handlers are Laura Loomer and Stephen Miller.
This is about the current CIC Lucas...try to keep up.

I concede that Trump shouldn't be president.
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If and when the Rs in congress fail to submit a govt funding budget, it will have nothing to do with his ability as a lame duck window. You should really be focusing on the law makers inability to do their job.

Any of the below constitutional assigned duties not being done?

1) Is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States, and of each state’s militia when the nation has need of it
2) Has power to obtain information and opinions from heads of the executive departments
3) May grant pardons and reprieves for crimes against the United States
4) Makes treaties with other countries with the approval of the Senate
5) Appoints ambassadors, federal judges and heads of executive departments – all subject to the approval of the Senate; the President also has power to fill any vacancies that may happen while the Senate is inrecess
6) Must report to Congress from time to time about the state of the union and recommend whatever measures he thinks are necessary
7) May call members of Congress together on extraordinary occasions, as well as adjourn their meetings when they cannot agree on their own about when to do this
8) Receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials
9) Is responsible for enforcing the nation’s laws
10) Issues commissions to all officers of the United States

He tried to get laws passed to work on the immigration bill, but the Republicans in Congress squashed that re #9
Mr President Russia just dropped a couple tactical nukes on Ukraine...what's our response?

I want someone with his full mental faculties to make that decision. Call me crazy,
Mr President Russia just dropped a couple tactical nukes on Ukraine...what's our response?

I want someone with his full mental faculties to make that decision. Call me crazy,

What about what about..... You failed to answer the ACTUAL question and substituted with an extereme hypothetical. But I will play along since clearly you have no ACTUAL concerns, but theoretically.....

If Russia dropped nukes, the Joint Chiefs of Staff would meet and make a recommendation. And just like every other President, he would rubber stamp the decision.
And, he's doing the job competently. Try to get a foot back in reality instead of being Q curious here.
He is? He was determined to be mentally incompetent to continue as the candidate by the MSM and D' does that jive with him being competent to be president for the next 4 months?
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What about what about..... You failed to answer the ACTUAL question and substituted with an extereme hypothetical. But I will play along since clearly you have no ACTUAL concerns, but theoretically.....

If Russia dropped nukes, the Joint Chiefs of Staff would meet and make a recommendation. And just like every other President, he would rubber stamp the decision.
Good lord. More gas lighting like before the June debate.
Good lord. More gas lighting like before the June debate.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind.

Are you feeling manipulated? Because you are clearly using that word wrong. Im sorry you feel like a victim here. See also my post <2 minutes ago about needing to be a victim.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind.

Are you feeling manipulated? Because you are clearly using that word wrong. Im sorry you feel like a victim here. See also my post <2 minutes ago about needing to be a victim.
I thing the string of D's, journalists, administration officials praising Bidens mental acuity prior to the June date was certainly that. They were lying...pure and simple. Turned on a dime after the debate.
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I thing the string of D's, journalists, administration officials praising Bidens mental acuity prior to the June date was certainly that. They were lying...pure and simple. Turned on a dime after the debate.

But you never heard that from me. And right now, you are talking and replying to me. Not all these other folks you are pointing towards. In fact, the exact opposite. See this post from me which you actually replied to. So NOW who is gaslighting..... you used to be much better at this.....

Yes was to "Should he drop out?"

I said yes a year ago. I said yes before the debate. I said yes after the debate. I said yes now after Covid.

No primary has given me the opportunity to vote for someone else, but no matter what, whomever is running against Trump will get my vote. I have enough faith that anyone the D party selects will be a better option than Trump. Even if marginally, I will take it. Election deniers and MAGA will never get my vote.
Yes, being the actual President is a more important position.
Of course. But I’d argue that being president is somewhat easier in terms of what’s required, thanks to being able to schedule appointments, meetings etc on his timetable vs having to run for president where you’re up against the clock, can’t really stay still for very long, etc.

So long as Biden doesn’t see a crisis break out these next 4 months, I think he’s perfectly fine to simply be president. There’s nothing major coming down the legislative pipeline save for the budget negotiations, and frankly the republicans appear to be fighting amongst themselves first before it even gets to the senate.
So long as Biden doesn’t see a crisis break out these next 4 months, I think he’s perfectly fine to simply be president. There’s nothing major coming down the legislative pipeline save for the budget negotiations, and frankly the republicans appear to be fighting amongst themselves first before it even gets to the senate.
Dude, if he's incapable of handling that situation he shouldn't be in the seat. Period.

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