Trump Assails ABC, but He’s Not Thrilled With Fox News, Either


HB King
May 29, 2001
By Wednesday morning, former President Donald J. Trump had settled on a clear message about his defensive and scowling performance in the ABC News debate with Vice President Kamala Harris:
I’m not the loser. ABC is the loser.
“I thought it was terrible from the standpoint of ABC,” Mr. Trump said in a live interview on “Fox & Friends,” during which he assailed the network’s moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, for what he deemed a biased approach. “They are the most dishonest, in my opinion, the most dishonest news organization.”
Mr. Trump said that ABC “lost a lot of credibility,” “took a big hit” and “should be embarrassed” because Mr. Muir and Ms. Davis fact-checked several of his answers, while, in his view, giving Ms. Harris a pass. He mused that the network ought to lose its broadcasting license.
Most strikingly of all, perhaps, Mr. Trump yearned for happier days — with CNN.
“CNN was much more honorable,” he said, a surprising remark from a man who spent years painting that news organization as a poster child for media bias. “The debate we had with Biden was a much more honorable one,” referring to the debate in June that was calamitous for Mr. Biden.
For the “Fox & Friends” team, the moment seemed ripe to secure a commitment from Mr. Trump to participate in a debate on their own network, a goal that Fox News has pursued for months. The anchor Steve Doocy raised the notion of a Fox debate moderated by the network’s lead political anchors, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.

But it turned out Mr. Trump wasn’t thrilled about that idea, either.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to have Martha and Bret; I would love to have somebody else other than Martha and Bret,” Mr. Trump said, before ticking off his preferred alternatives, including the Fox pundits Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters. “Let’s give other people a shot,” he said.
It became apparent that Mr. Trump had taken time overnight to closely review Fox News’s post-debate coverage. “I didn’t think Martha and Bret were good last night,” he said. “I thought Jesse was fantastic.” He said that he found Harold Ford Jr., another Fox News analyst, “just as dishonest as ABC.”
Mr. Doocy’s co-host, Brian Kilmeade, piped up to defend his colleagues. “I think Bret and Martha would do a phenomenal job,” he said. “I think you would find them extremely fair.” Mr. Trump remained noncommittal.
The former president’s comments came amid a broader backlash against ABC News from Mr. Trump’s allies, who coalesced around a talking point that the debate had functioned as a “three on one.” Senator Lindsey Graham, a longtime Trump supporter, wrote that the ABC moderators “might as well be on the DNC payroll.”
Mr. Muir and Ms. Davis fact-checked, in real time, several of Mr. Trump’s outlandish claims, like a debunked yarn that migrants in Ohio were eating the pets of local residents. By one count, Mr. Trump issued more than two dozen falsehoods over the course of the evening. Ms. Harris’s factually questionable statements were more misleading than flagrantly untrue.

Before signing off from “Fox & Friends,” Mr. Trump concocted his own conspiracy theory to explain Ms. Harris’s strong performance, claiming she had been told ahead of time what questions to expect. “I watched her talk, and I said, ‘You know, she seems awfully familiar with the questions,’” Mr. Trump said. (According to ABC News’s ground rules for the debate, no questions were provided to the candidates in advance.)
Mr. Trump wrapped up with his version of an upbeat note.
“Some of the media is honest; it’s not all dishonest,” he said. “That’s the good news. But much of it is. I would say close to 80 percent. I mean, seriously dishonest.”
Three on one the way I saw it. Muir didn't have the guts so pursue the answer to questions from Kammie when she consistently failed to respond to the question asked. At one point she stated she would address her flip flops on policies one by one., It's Wednesday morning and I'm still waiting to hear her one by one response.
Three on one the way I saw it. Muir didn't have the guts so pursue the answer to questions from Kammie when she consistently failed to respond to the question asked. At one point she stated she would address her flip flops on policies one by one., It's Wednesday morning and I'm still waiting to hear her one by one response.
You are one piece of work, Rico.
Trump lost the debate and he is going to lose the Presidential
election in November. Harris demonstrates a more positive
attitude rather than the doom and gloom of Trump. He is a big
whiner and a big loser. Fortunately, Trump is only getting older
and more delusional. As an egomaniac his days are numbered.
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Trump lost the debate and he is going to lose the Presidential
election in November. Harris demonstrates a more positive
attitude rather than the doom and gloom of Trump. He is a big
whiner and a big loser. Fortunately, Trump is only getting older
and more delusional. As an egomaniac is days are numbered.
The moderators “fact checked” Trump multiple times. They never did so to Harris, no matter what lies she told. That’s to be expected from ABC News, sadly. As Megyn Kelly put it at one point, every question was about a Trump controversy, which put “him on the hot seat” and then allowed her to use all of her time to trash him.

David Muir and Linsey Davis got worse and worse as the debate went on. It was embarrassing for the institution of ABC News. Not that Disney would care.
Three on one the way I saw it. Muir didn't have the guts so pursue the answer to questions from Kammie when she consistently failed to respond to the question asked. At one point she stated she would address her flip flops on policies one by one., It's Wednesday morning and I'm still waiting to hear her one by one response.
Is your post in English, Gerardo?
Three on one the way I saw it. Muir didn't have the guts so pursue the answer to questions from Kammie when she consistently failed to respond to the question asked. At one point she stated she would address her flip flops on policies one by one., It's Wednesday morning and I'm still waiting to hear her one by one response.
You "small town" guys believe that anyone who isn't kissing Trump's fat butt is being unfair.
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I heard it was reported thatBritt Hume stated Trump got his ass handed to himself by Harris as soon as the debate ended…that probably didn’t sit well with the OT…
Truth. I tuned into Fox as the debate ended figuring their reaction would be a good indication of how well he did. Hume said Trump lost, the next guy said Trump lost. Bret B agreed with them and then Jessie Waters said Trump won which is probaby why he was named by Trump as a potential moderator. Laura Ingram and Jessie just made dumb jokes about Harris because that is all they had.

The panel even discussed Trump going into the spin room was not a sign he felt he had a good performance.

When Fox says you lost, you really lost.
The moderators “fact checked” Trump multiple times. They never did so to Harris, no matter what lies she told. That’s to be expected from ABC News, sadly. As Megyn Kelly put it at one point, every question was about a Trump controversy, which put “him on the hot seat” and then allowed her to use all of her time to trash him.

David Muir and Linsey Davis got worse and worse as the debate went on. It was embarrassing for the institution of ABC News. Not that Disney would care.
Sure they did not fact check Kamala. However what I have seen online is that Trump had 33 outright falsehoods to Kamala having 1. She had a lot of dodging questions, but few outright lies. If your boy doesn’t want to get fact checked then maybe he should stop lying his ass off.

Oh: and the moderators gave him WAY more airtime benefit than Kamala. He could have used that to factually rebut her…instead he used it to rave about cats and dogs being eaten, Marxism taking over and how he could need the Ukraine war before he even takes office. He is deranged.
Sure they did not fact check Kamala. However what I have seen online is that Trump had 33 outright falsehoods to Kamala having 1. She had a lot of dodging questions, but few outright lies. If your boy doesn’t want to get fact checked then maybe he should stop lying his ass off.

Oh: and the moderators gave him WAY more airtime benefit than Kamala. He could have used that to factually rebut her…instead he used it to rave about cats and dogs being eaten, Marxism taking over and how he could need the Ukraine war before he even takes office. He is deranged.
LOL - The only thing you got right was "she didn't answer any questions so no need to fact check her".