Chelsea's father?Well yes, because of one person in Hillary's past. This is why Trump told Hillary to.............."watch it". He's got something big on Hillary. Do you know the person I'm referring to?
Chelsea's father?Well yes, because of one person in Hillary's past. This is why Trump told Hillary to.............."watch it". He's got something big on Hillary. Do you know the person I'm referring to?
Attacking Bill is a losing strategy. Everyone knows about all his sins and the liberal base does not care.[/QUOTE
I have never understood how liberals know what is best for all of us but totally ignore the indiscretions of their leaders. I mean honestly, Bill Clinton getting blow jobs from interns!!!!! BHO telling us if we like our insurance we can keep it. There is no logic to this. I just don't get it. I believe it is why our country is systematically imploding. When the people tolerate and accept the horrific behavior of the President, we are doomed. And now................. welcome Mr. Trump's behavior.
Money don't mean you is smart, know what I'm say'n?
I dunno... most people would be upset if they were directly lied to on national TV by their president.
But for the left, it's like "whatevs... we love Bill anyway."
Hooksett, New Hampshire (CNN)Hillary Clinton answered a question about Bill Clinton's alleged sexual impropriety on Thursday, saying that victims of sexual abuse "should be believed" until evidence disproves their allegations.
At a campaign stop in Hooksett, New Hampshire, a woman asked Clinton: "Secretary Clinton, you recently came out to say that all rape victims should be believed. But would you say that Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones be believed as well?"
Clinton responded: "Well, I would say that everyone should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence."
She then moved on to the next question."
Reminder - Bill settled out-of-court for $850,000 with Paula Jones in a sexual harassment suit in 1998.
I guess I am not naive enough to believe that Clinton is the first and only president to lie to the american people. Nor do I believe Clinton was the first or last president that struggled with infidelity.
Politics have never been for the pious and virtuous.
And Clinton's lies about infidelity had nothing, ZERO, to do with his ability to govern.
But it does say a lot about her willingness to compromise for a position of power. If she had any sense of self respect she would have left him, I say this as a Bill Clinton fan.
Hillary is a stupid old bitch, I get why Bill did what he did, she drove him to it.
But it does say a lot about her willingness to compromise for a position of power. If she had any sense of self respect she would have left him, I say this as a Bill Clinton fan.
Hillary is a stupid old bitch, I get why Bill did what he did, she drove him to it.
Wow, you really do have a sad, sad case of Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Pity.
I don't know about others but go read up on Juanitta Broderick. This has absolutely nothing to do with infidelity and everything do with sexual assault. Hillary is a champion of womens' rights unless you make a claim about Bill. But yep no one on the right is good as Hillary according to you. Face it dude your an ideologue. Just like ciggy, Huey and the rest of the lock step liberals on this board.Lots of people who don't love each other remain married for many different reasons. Why you choose to put so much hate towards Hillary Clinton for doing it is weird.
Lots of people who don't love each other remain married for many different reasons. Why you choose to put so much hate towards Hillary Clinton for doing it is weird.
For someone to be a good leader they have to respect themselves first. I find it hard to believe she respects herself after staying with someone who cheated on her so many times.
Once, I can get that, but at the level he took it to there is no reason for a self-respecting person to stay with a spouse that cheated at that rate. The only reason to stay at that point is a "What's in it for me" sort of attitude. That isn't leadership and you don't want that sort of mindset in the Oval Office.
But please keep cheering on an awful awful candidate.
I don't know about others but go read up on Juanitta Broderick. This has absolutely nothing to do with infidelity and everything do with sexual assault. Hillary is a champion of womens' rights unless you make a claim about Bill. But yep no one on the right is good as Hillary according to you. Face it dude your an ideologue. Just like ciggy, Huey and the rest of the lock step liberals on this board.
Uh, I'm pretty sure "what's in it for me" is the backbone of american politics.
But ones actions or inactions should be a reason for the public to disqualify a person from the highest position in the US (and world) BUT for some reason Hillary supports don't want those actions/inactions to be a reason for the public to hold her accountable.
Dude, she is awful, if you think otherwise I will have lost a lot of respect for you as you are typically a pretty solid poster.
I don't know about others but go read up on Juanitta Broderick. This has absolutely nothing to do with infidelity and everything do with sexual assault. Hillary is a champion of womens' rights unless you make a claim about Bill. But yep no one on the right is good as Hillary according to you. Face it dude your an ideologue. Just like ciggy, Huey and the rest of the lock step liberals on this board.
I don't think people with obvious low self-esteem issues or those who are willing to compromise their values/self-worth for a position of authority should be in leadership positions BECAUSE TYPICALLY THEY MAKE BAD LEADERS.
I don't disagree with you on this but lets be honest. There isn't one president that hasn't said "what's in it for me". They wouldn't ascend to the highest office in the land if they didn't.
I have nothing against you supporting Hillary. But the fact is she has stated all women should be heard if they claim to be assaulted whether there is criminal charges or not. Now we know she doesn't actually believe that because she just says Broderick is just making it up. That's the person your voting for but whatever about not being an ideologueDon't make assumptions about me, son. I've said a hundred times I wouldn't choose Hillary if she wasn't the least of the evils out there. But I quite honestly find the GOP candidates range from offensive to downright dangerous, and if it comes down to Hillary vs. any of them, she's got my vote regardless of any allegations against Bill that never amounted to ANY criminal charges.
Now tell me, how much you stand up for women's rights when it doesn't happen to coincide with your political affiliations? Not at all? That's what I thought.
I have nothing against you supporting Hillary. But the fact is she has stated all women should be heard if they claim to be assaulted whether there is criminal charges or not. Now we know she doesn't actually believe that because she just says Broderick is just making it up. That's the person your voting for but whatever about not being an ideologue
That second part describes every president in my lifetime.
And that shows how messed up our political system has become where decent people (and she is not a decent person) can't run and win the highest office in the land.
Mostly though I am disappointed that democrats have decided winning (Hillary) is more important than good politics (Bernie) and that Freedom loving small govt republicans (Paul) have decided that keeping the MIC going is more important than good politics.
I don't like Trump as a serious contender but I admire his willingness to tear down all of the sellouts Regardless of party and DC in general BC, frankly, these people have sold America down the river. Burn it down Donald, if not to prove a point then at least for the entertainment value BC in the end it doesn't matter.
I have nothing against you supporting Hillary. But the fact is she has stated all women should be heard if they claim to be assaulted whether there is criminal charges or not. Now we know she doesn't actually believe that because she just says Broderick is just making it up. That's the person your voting for but whatever about not being an ideologue
So stop voting for candidates like that. Bernie and Paul (for the most part) are above that but you keep cheering on and covering up for Hillary.
You are blinded by party over country and the false belief that ones party ideology is better than the risk of putting forward one of the few remaining free thinkers in either party. So scared of losing and the 'evil other side' that you are unwilling to vote your conscience.
I love that you deride someone who would vote for Hillary Clinton while supporting Trump. It shows the delusional insanity of Republican voters. He is a vile piece of trash that should be thrown out, not encouraged.
As I've said multiple times, I would not choose Hillary to be my candidate. My entire point when I started posting in this thread was that I thought she was the least of all evils compared to the GOP candidates, and that I would vote for her simply as a vote against the GOP - not because I vote 100% party line, but because I think all the Republican candidates are more terrible than HRC.
As I've said multiple times, I would not choose Hillary to be my candidate. My entire point when I started posting in this thread was that I thought she was the least of all evils compared to the GOP candidates, and that I would vote for her simply as a vote against the GOP - not because I vote 100% party line, but because I think all the Republican candidates are more terrible than HRC.
Trump is a symptom of the pure discontent that the American people have with what is going on in DC. Also, much of his support isn't coming from Republicans, at least not the tea-party (they are in Ted's corner) and not the establishment (they are in Rubio/Bush corner). In fact many of Trump's supporters are those that vote for democrats often.
Your scope is too narrow and your blame focus on Trump is misguided. Sure he is putting up awful statements and throwing slander around like there is no tomorrow BUT he still is getting lots and lots of support. It isn't bc his supporters are assholes, its bc his supporters are more sick of DC politics as usual than they are his crazy rhetoric.
For example a recent CNN poll released just today I believe (this is both Repubs and Dems):
According to a new CNN/ORC Poll, 75% of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed, and 69% are at least somewhat angry with the way things are going in the U.S.
What would you prefer out of your political leader(s):
1. Someone who is honest with the public even if it means saying/doing some horrible things.
2. Someone who is dishonest with the public and and says horrible things in private then does horrible things but does so in a way that is more publicly PC.
Those are your two candidates above.
That second part describes every president in my lifetime.
2, by far. It means they know the horrible things are horrible and will try to hide them from the public which is a check on how horrible they can get. 1 is a pure evil psycho. Honesty doesn't make evil less evil, it makes it more so.What would you prefer out of your political leader(s):
1. Someone who is honest with the public even if it means saying/doing some horrible things.
2. Someone who is dishonest with the public and and says horrible things in private then does horrible things but does so in a way that is more publicly PC.
Those are your two candidates above.
I suppose it would depend on the horrible things being done. If you're talking about Trump saying truly terrible things that would shame our country forever in the pages of history, yeah I'll go with whoever is not him.
2, by far. It means they know the horrible things are horrible and will try to hide them from the public which is a check on how horrible they can get. 1 is a pure evil psycho. Honesty doesn't make evil less evil, it makes it more so.
Most Americans don't vote. I personally feel they are hurting far more than the folks who show up to make a decision and take responsibility.And your voting style (which is how most idiot Americans vote) is hurting our nation.
Most Americans don't vote. I personally feel they are hurting far more than the folks who show up to make a decision and take responsibility.
I suppose it would depend on the horrible things being done. If you're talking about Trump saying truly terrible things that would shame our country forever in the pages of history, yeah I'll go with whoever is not him.
And still that is a better option than honest evil.Disagree...evil remains in power by lying, manipulating, and in general doing things that our DC politicians have been doing for decades.
And still that is a better option than honest evil.