Perhaps if you had contributed a million $ to the train like Soros did to Bragg's campaign it would be.
Soros did not contribute to Bragg's campaign.

He contributed to a PAC that distributes campaign funds to many Black politicians in more than a dozen different states at multiple levels of government from local (like a DA's office) to national (like a Senator.) Bragg's campaign was merely one of dozens that received some funding from that PAC. A PAC that has many, many funders beyond Soros.

You should really educate yourself before looking foolish.
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The Soros stuff is so goddamn stupid.

I contributed to a PAC that gave U.S. Rep. Eric Sorensen cash last summer.

Does this mean that U.S. Rep Sorensen is a TORBEE BACKED PUPPET!!!!???? :rolleyes:

Shit, if I actually HAD that kind of power, that Moline-Chicago train would be running already!!!
If Cons had any brains, they would realize a lot of this campaign financing has resulted from their pre-dominantly seated Conservatives on SCOTUS and their Citizens United decision which says money is free speech and there is nothing wrong with donating en masse like we see today.

We used to have this thing called McCain-Feingold that would limit mass donations like these, but that was so outdated.

Cons memories are about as long as their male appendage it seems; very short.

Their biggest complaint now, though, just might be that these donations are made by some jew guy named Soros. :(
I see you avoided the first question. LOL

If 65-70% of republicans are just waiting for a candidate other than Trump, why aren't they pushing for one of those candidates and competing against Trump? Why are these republicans afraid of the minority in their party and letting them control it?

I didn't answer the first question because I'm going to remain open to alternate candidates,... And the percentage of Republicans actively awaiting a Trump alternative isn't 65-70%,.. probably closer to 50%,.. Things will pick up as people declare and primaries get underway,.. The solution however, must include Trump's base and independents, otherwise the numbers won't be there...
I'll take mouths that have had many cox in them for $1000, Alex.
No. They absolutely cannot.
You have an entire network (Fox) that is still defending him, because they will lose MOST of their GOP viewership if they switch gears.

They are entirely beholden to the disinformation monster they have created.
Apparently it is going to take several more rounds of terrible election performances to get this through their thick, thick skulls.

A rational person would have realized it after Trump was trounced. A slightly less rational but not totally idiotic person would have realized it when the "red tsunami" turned into a Democrat win in the midterms.

But we are dealing with the brainwashed and befuddled. It's gonna have to be beaten into their heads some more I guess. Oh well, kind of amusing to watch it unfold.
I didn't answer the first question because I'm going to remain open to alternate candidates,... And the percentage of Republicans actively awaiting a Trump alternative isn't 65-70%,.. probably closer to 50%,.. Things will pick up as people declare and primaries get underway,.. The solution however, must include Trump's base and independents, otherwise the numbers won't be there...
Sigh - 50% > 30%. Trump's base is not needed if your numbers are anywhere near accurate. The fact is the people in the republican party want Trump as their leader. Otherwise they would be taking the vast amount of evidence that he's not worthy and using it against him. Instead, they are excusing it all and defending him.

And saying you're "open to other candidates" is a huge cop out. No one is fooled.
That's for certain. It has elevated the "Democrats are trying to get Trump on the ballot" conspiracy theory though. Granted it's being touted by a couple of the biggest numpties but I suspect there are others out there repeating those right wing thoughts.
There are a few gamely trying a defense, but it’s telling that the vast majority of the HORT right are steering clear. If they were really done with Trump you’d think they’d be pleased with this development. Get this jerk out of the picture forever.

But nah, they’re not done with him by a long shot.
Sigh - 50% > 30%. Trump's base is not needed if your numbers are anywhere near accurate. The fact is the people in the republican party want Trump as their leader. Otherwise they would be taking the vast amount of evidence that he's not worthy and using it against him. Instead, they are excusing it all and defending him.

And saying you're "open to other candidates" is a huge cop out. No one is fooled.
Sigh - 50% > 30%. Trump's base is not needed if your numbers are anywhere near accurate.

For a national election, of course they are,... Even with an alternate candidate Trump's base, plus independents will be required,.. It's a huge balancing act.
50% of Republicans plus independents can definitely quit him, but doing it on their own just hands everything over to the Democrats,.. The only way this works is if Trump's base finally comes to the conclusion that Trump can't win a national election...
That base sent him $1.5mil in the three days following his prediction he was going to be arrested. Waiting for Trump's base to turn on him is a fool's errand.
That base sent him $1.5mil in the three days following his prediction he was going to be arrested. Waiting for Trump's base to turn on him is a fool's errand.

Unfortunately it's the only path,.. Trump can't win a national election, and no alternative Republican candidate can win a national election without the support of Trump's base plus independents...
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The indictments are the "beating Trump up" part, with the key being the level of beating imposed,... Push too much, and Trump gets politically destroyed, to the point where even his base realizes that it's time to find an alternative...
Trump could get convicted of multiple felonies, serve time in prison, run for President from prison, he would still be the Republican nominee, and at least 30% of this country would be dumb enough to vote for him again.
For a national election, of course they are,... Even with an alternate candidate Trump's base, plus independents will be required,.. It's a huge balancing act.
No. Just stop. To get to a national election requires winning the nomination. If 70% of republicans would back an alternative candidate to Trump they would win the nomination going away. Then in the national election that candidate can pull in right leaning independents and some of the Trump crowd because they will never vote for a Democrat. That's a formidable candidate. But republicans don't want that - the majority want Trump. That's your party of choice. Own it.
Why didn't you say it was obvious before? We could have avoided even trying to pursue a discussion of rationale, logic, evidence, reasoning and just skipped to the conclusion. Similar to Republican claims, there's no need to analyze or assess them, just accept them as obvious.
No. Just stop. To get to a national election requires winning the nomination. If 70% of republicans would back an alternative candidate to Trump they would win the nomination going away. Then in the national election that candidate can pull in right leaning independents and some of the Trump crowd because they will never vote for a Democrat. That's a formidable candidate. But republicans don't want that - the majority want Trump. That's your party of choice. Own it.

Again, I think the number is more like 50%, not 70%,.. and once achieved, the alternate candidate is only useful if Trump's base hasn't been alienated to the point of not voting at all... Right leaning independents plus some of the Trump crowd won't be enough,.. It's going to take a majority of independents plus most of the Trump crowd.
And if he’s proven guilty they’ll whine deep state, he’s the victim.
That's a given...if it's found guilty it has less purchase with folks outside of MAGA.

I'm hoping the trial is televised....probably a forlorn hope but it's probably needed. It'd be better for folks to be able to watch them first hand and not have to rely on media reporting....
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Ummmm..... I'm not sure how to make any clearer, but I'll try. You said and I asked:

If you don’t see how an acquittal would strengthen the R/Trump “witch-hunt” argument I’m not sure what to tell you. Seems obvious to me.
Do you think that's the goal of the Democrats in their effort to get him on the ballot?

Meaning do you think it's the Democrat's goal to strengthen Trump so he is the one on the ballot in 2024? Some have postulated that the Democrats want Trump on the ballot and these are efforts to make that happen.
Well maybe Trump should have thought about that before sleeping with Stormy and then paying her hush money.
Thing is he could have banged her from Ottumwa to Mar-a-Lago and back and lied like he always does and this is a none issue outside of his wife and a few conservatives who truly have family values at the top of their list of priorities. Instead, before the election used campaign money to silence her and then lied and covered it all up creating all of his problems here. This is 100% self-inflected yet he's blaming liberals for this.
Ummmm..... I'm not sure how to make any clearer, but I'll try. You said and I asked:

Do you think that's the goal of the Democrats in their effort to get him on the ballot?

Meaning do you think it's the Democrat's goal to strengthen Trump so he is the one on the ballot in 2024? Some have postulated that the Democrats want Trump on the ballot and these are efforts to make that happen.
I think D's would love to have Trump on the ballot but I don't think that's the reason this case was my answer is no.

I think most D' least those in leadership, would prefer an election/Jan 6 related indictment be handed down. Since that's at the core of the opposition against least as far as his fitness for future office goes.
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Again, I think the number is more like 50%, not 70%,.. and once achieved, the alternate candidate is only useful if Trump's base hasn't been alienated to the point of not voting at all... Right leaning independents plus some of the Trump crowd won't be enough,.. It's going to take a majority of independents plus most of the Trump crowd.
Again, 50% > 30% to get the nomination. Then there are the remaining 20% of republicans, certainly some right leaning independents (many of whom are looking for a candidate other than Trump) and some portion of the Trump base.

You're spinning wildly trying not to admit that your party supports Trump and they continue to do so despite what Democrats are doing to take him down. If the majority of republicans wanted Trump gone they would be at least silently cheering on the Democrats efforts. But they aren't, they are boisterously defending Trump.

That's your party.
Thing is he could have banged her from Ottumwa to Mar-a-Lago and back and lied like he always does and this is a none issue outside of his wife and a few conservatives who truly have family values at the top of their list of priorities. Instead, before the election used campaign money to silence her and then lied and covered it all up creating all of his problems here. This is 100% self-inflected yet he's blaming liberals for this.

Campaign money was not used...
I think D's would love to have Trump on the ballot but I don't think that's the reason this case was my answer is no.

I think most D' least those in leadership, would prefer and election/Jan 6 related indictment be handed down. Since that's at the core of the opposition against least as far as his fitness for future office goes.
So you think Democrats want Trump on the 2024 ballot - do you think republicans do as well?
If the majority of republicans wanted Trump gone they would be at least silently cheering on the Democrats efforts. But they aren't, they are boisterously defending Trump.

I think this is exactly what's happening,.. The vocal minority gets heard, while the quiet majority sits, observes and waits for an opportunity...