I don’t think it matters. No matter what I think his cult will write him in and ruin any chances the republicans have at winning the presidency.

If I’m the Dems get someone better than Biden in there for 2024 because of this and have another potential 8 years and someone that can run on experience of 2024-28.
There are some on here claiming that the Democrats want Trump on the ballot and are doing everything they can to ensure that. The implication is that republicans don't want him on the ballot (they claim this despite the polling and other obvious evidence) so the natural question is - what are the republicans doing to keep him off the ballot.
I think this thread has pretty much put an end to the “I’m no fan of Trump” defense.
That's for certain. It has elevated the "Democrats are trying to get Trump on the ballot" conspiracy theory though. Granted it's being touted by a couple of the biggest numpties but I suspect there are others out there repeating those right wing thoughts.
But you're claiming the Democrats are trying to put him ON the ballot.

You can't even keep your own crazy thinking straight.

Democrats do want him on the ballot, weak, but on the ballot,... Republicans are split between those who want Trump and those of us who know that Trump can't win,.. To be successful Republicans have to be united, and the clearest path involves Trump dropping out, and his followers joining the rest of the party and independents in support of an alternate Republican candidate...
Democrats do want him on the ballot, weak, but on the ballot,... Republicans are split between those who want Trump and those of us who know that Trump can't win,.. To be successful Republicans have to be united, and the clearest path involves Trump dropping out, and his followers joining the rest of the party and independents in support of an alternate Republican candidate...
Where do you get your information from?
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Maybe I would understand your position better if you would define the arguments that are "more compelling" if he's acquitted.

What I'm referring to are the statements made my Republican politicians, media personalities or other influential conservatives. The standardized message of themes around banana republic, third world country, weaponizing the justice system, attacking political opponents, framing the DA as being "Soros" backed, election interference, etc.

I think those are nonsense, detached from reality and dripping with disrespect for the intended audience. Since there is no need for their arguments to be grounded to reality or supported by evidence or logic, the actual outcome of the case is irrelevant to their charges, they will stand regardless.

It's similar to conspiracy theories, you keep them broad and unspecific, that way no matter what a new piece of information indicates, you can maintain the theory by digging deeper or peeling another layer.

If Republicans were making arguments that were along the lines of: We don't know the exact nature of the charges, we believe no one is above the law, but if what is being reported regarding the nature of the allegations is true. That would make this an unprecedented and untested legal theory and that this context is an inappropriate venue to test it. We understand this came down from a grand jury and will monitor the proceedings.

Something like that, making the case that this isn't an appropriate context to test out a new legal theory is reasonable, and I think would be a vindicated one if the case is weak and Trump is acquitted.

But no Republicans seem to be making that argument, they all have gone fantastical and apocalyptical, which you seem to think upon acquittal would be "much more compelling". I think that's silly.
We’re going to just have to agree to disagree on this.

If you don’t see how an acquittal would strengthen the R/Trump “witch-hunt” argument I’m not sure what to tell you. Seems obvious to me.
Well that would make sense. They’ve been given that opportunity time and time again. Seems as if they just can’t quit him.

50% of Republicans plus independents can definitely quit him, but doing it on their own just hands everything over to the Democrats,.. The only way this works is if Trump's base finally comes to the conclusion that Trump can't win a national election...
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Democrats do want him on the ballot, weak, but on the ballot,... Republicans are split between those who want Trump and those of us who know that Trump can't win,.. To be successful Republicans have to be united, and the clearest path involves Trump dropping out, and his followers joining the rest of the party and independents in support of an alternate Republican candidate...
So, the republicans are doing nothing to get him off the ballot. And by indicting him, maybe multiple times, the Democrats are trying to put him on the ballot. Got it.

You are a gullible rube.
I think there are a lot of Republicans and independents waiting in the wings to throw support behind an alternate nominee,.. Practically anyone other than Trump could walk with this.
Who do you think could do this? And why do you think all the polls disagree with you?
We’re going to just have to agree to disagree on this.

If you don’t see how an acquittal would strengthen the R/Trump “witch-hunt” argument I’m not sure what to tell you. Seems obvious to me.
Do you think that's the goal of the Democrats in their effort to get him on the ballot?
There are some on here claiming that the Democrats want Trump on the ballot and are doing everything they can to ensure that. The implication is that republicans don't want him on the ballot (they claim this despite the polling and other obvious evidence) so the natural question is - what are the republicans doing to keep him off the ballot.
Nothing until the RNC grows a pair
50% of Republicans plus independents can definitely quit him, but doing it on their own just hands everything over to the Democrats,.. The only way this works is if Trump's base finally comes to the conclusion that Trump can't win a national election...
So the rest of the republicans go along with supporting Trump instead of trying to promote alternatives, even though it's only 30-35% of republicans that are Trump supporters.

You all are gullible and pussies.
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So, the republicans are doing nothing to get him off the ballot. And by indicting him, maybe multiple times, the Democrats are trying to put him on the ballot. Got it.
The indictments are the "beating Trump up" part, with the key being the level of beating imposed,... Push too much, and Trump gets politically destroyed, to the point where even his base realizes that it's time to find an alternative...
Hey now no need to bring your wife into this....
We’re going to just have to agree to disagree on this.

If you don’t see how an acquittal would strengthen the R/Trump “witch-hunt” argument I’m not sure what to tell you. Seems obvious to me.

Why didn't you say it was obvious before? We could have avoided even trying to pursue a discussion of rationale, logic, evidence, reasoning and just skipped to the conclusion. Similar to Republican claims, there's no need to analyze or assess them, just accept them as obvious.
The indictments are the "beating Trump up" part, with the key being the level of beating imposed,... Push too much, and Trump gets politically destroyed, to the point where even his base realizes that it's time to find an alternative...
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The Soros stuff is so goddamn stupid.

I contributed to a PAC that gave U.S. Rep. Eric Sorensen cash last summer.

Does this mean that U.S. Rep Sorensen is a TORBEE BACKED PUPPET!!!!???? :rolleyes:

Shit, if I actually HAD that kind of power, that Moline-Chicago train would be running already!!!
Perhaps if you had contributed a million $ to the train like Soros did to Bragg's campaign it would be.
Normal people do not participate in polls....
I see you avoided the first question. LOL

If 65-70% of republicans are just waiting for a candidate other than Trump, why aren't they pushing for one of those candidates and competing against Trump? Why are these republicans afraid of the minority in their party and letting them control it?
We’re going to just have to agree to disagree on this.

If you don’t see how an acquittal would strengthen the R/Trump “witch-hunt” argument I’m not sure what to tell you. Seems obvious to me.
I actually agree with you on this, though ultimately it falls under his base will never leave him, category.