Trump prepping for debate?

We’re going to find out a lot in the first 15 minutes.
My thoughts are that we’ll see a poorly done comedy skit from SNL.
I will be there watching guaranteed. Beer in hand and ready for whatever comes. I cannot wait honestly.
I think it forces them to actually discuss issues without all the outside noise like crowds cheering/booing or the candidates cutting each other off.

I know the MAGAts are afraid because their guy has no depth of knowledge on policy much less any real thought out policies of his own. They're counting on him going on stage to scream, call names and try to zing Biden. If that's how they win a debate and not on the merits of the arguments that says a lot about them.

MAGA's only policies are tax cuts and to own the libs
I think it forces them to actually discuss issues without all the outside noise like crowds cheering/booing or the candidates cutting each other off.

I know the MAGAts are afraid because their guy has no depth of knowledge on policy much less any real thought out policies of his own. They're counting on him going on stage to scream, call names and try to zing Biden. If that's how they win a debate and not on the merits of the arguments that says a lot about them.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that. This isnt as if he wasnt President prior.

Fact is, Biden only knows one thing about military power and foreign policy. Capitulation.
Agreed. If Biden wins he will not finish his term. Hell I wouldnt bet on him not stepping down day after inauguration.

And for that reason, only one of them will have a completely horrible VP. We haven't seen who Trump will have but there is zero chance they are worse than KH. Who is singularly the worst VP in history. She is the embodiment of cringe. She would get 30% of the vote were she running for President herself.

2024 Biden candidacy is simply the backdoor to getting her the Presidency by the only means that she will ever be President. IMO.
I think you are dead wrong on Harris ….

… there is no way she gets 30% of the vote if running alone. Maybe 25% 😂

And that’s how poorly I think of Trump. I would happily accept Kamala as President over the orange windbag. It really is an astonishingly bad set of choices we have isn’t it.
I think it forces them to actually discuss issues without all the outside noise like crowds cheering/booing or the candidates cutting each other off.

I know the MAGAts are afraid because their guy has no depth of knowledge on policy much less any real thought out policies of his own. They're counting on him going on stage to scream, call names and try to zing Biden. If that's how they win a debate and not on the merits of the arguments that says a lot about them.
This is part of why Trump's supporters exit his rallies when he starts speaking. Trump's got maybe 5-6 things he can talk about before he starts drowning in word salad like batteries and sharks. Questions about his felonies, abortion, January 6, his sexual assault, his upcoming criminal trials are bound to come up. Trump simply doesn't have any good answers to any of these issues.
This is part of why Trump's supporters exit his rallies when he starts speaking. Trump's got maybe 5-6 things he can talk about before he starts drowning in word salad like batteries and sharks. Questions about his felonies, abortion, January 6, his sexual assault, his upcoming criminal trials are bound to come up. Trump simply doesn't have any good answers to any of these issues.
Sure he does.

"This election is about America and 2024. Not about 2020. We have had 4 years of Biden. Who wants more of that?"

People don't trust the media to tell them what to think anymore. I mean, we heard in 2019 all about the Hunter Biden laptop Russian Disinformation campaign, right? Were the media not so often shown to be in the tank for Democrats perhaps people would be willing to hear all about the stories you refer to and not wonder 'hmmmm, am I getting the full story here?"
This is part of why Trump's supporters exit his rallies when he starts speaking. Trump's got maybe 5-6 things he can talk about before he starts drowning in word salad like batteries and sharks. Questions about his felonies, abortion, January 6, his sexual assault, his upcoming criminal trials are bound to come up. Trump simply doesn't have any good answers to any of these issues.
His answers will be how Crooked Joe’s DOJ fabricated everything. I am guessing we will hear that a lot….
Sure he does.

"This election is about America and 2024. Not about 2020. We have had 4 years of Biden. Who wants more of that?"

People don't trust the media to tell them what to think anymore. I mean, we heard in 2019 all about the Hunter Biden laptop Russian Disinformation campaign, right? Were the media not so often shown to be in the tank for Democrats perhaps people would be willing to hear all about the stories you refer to and not wonder 'hmmmm, am I getting the full story here?"
you didn't hear about the laptop in heard about it in 2020...late october 2020 to be exact

and that was part of the issue...there was no time to verify or investigate or review anything related to the laptop
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you didn't hear about the laptop in heard about it in 2020...late october 2020 to be exact

and that was part of the issue...there was no time to verify or investigate or review anything related to the laptop
Nor any actual interest in doing so.

Joe Biden himself claimed the laptop story was part of a Russian plot. When he had to know full well those were lies at the time.
Will that get him through breakfast? I think he's asking for kegs of diet coke.
Nor any actual interest in doing so.

Joe Biden himself claimed the laptop story was part of a Russian plot. When he had to know full well those were lies at the time.
you're inability to even acknoweldge the inaccuracy of when the laptop story came out (despite the fact that the timing is a MAJOR FACTOR in the story) makes me doubt the accuracy of your media insights
Sure. Keep telling yourself that. This isnt as if he wasnt President prior.

Fact is, Biden only knows one thing about military power and foreign policy. Capitulation
So Biden was the guy who went to North Korea and saluted generals in one of the worst human rights violators on the planet?

Was Biden the one who believed Putin over his own intelligence services. He certainly talks so highly of Putin and the other worst authoritarians in the world.

Trump didn't get Mexico to pay for the wall as promised, they just laughed at him.

You can make whatever argument you want against Biden, but Trump is no better when it comes to capitulation.
Nobody's scared of Biden in a debate. Biden's policies are so great they are trying to dump him. The people of this country hate this guy. Who's going to be the nominee?

Come on libs, send grandpa to the retirement home and throw out a real candidate. What his next request going to be? He gets questions in advance (like his "press conferences") or gets to wear an ear piece maybe?

There's a zero percent chance joe is up to 4 more years of this job. Physically or mentally.

How does this help Biden and how does it hurt Trump?

Trump is used to speaking in front of crowds and is am entertainer. Biden is used to zero unpaid people showing up to listen to him. Extra home field advantage beyond cnn.

It is obvious the debate rules are there to coddle Biden. We will see if they pharmacists in the west wing can come up with a concoction to keep him coherent and lucid for an hour. Adderall and cocaine with a little meth?

Seriously, I think this will be the last you see of JB on the debate stage. If they can drag him across the finish line, they will cancel the next one. If he implodes, he will be replaced by convention time. Either way, there won't be a debate #2.
Trump’s too much of a narcissistic bitch to handle not talking over Biden. The mic cuts are a big deal to him and his loser cult like some quoted above.
yes...knowing when the laptop story broke makes me a shill
Do you need me to acknowledge the fact I had the correct date? Sure OK. Not sure that that has any relevance whatsoever but ok. Re read my post and leave out the 2019 part. Thjis should be acceptable since I made no points about the exact date's relevance at all. Simply had the wrong date. But I do stand corrected. You win.
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Trump’s too much of a narcissistic bitch to handle not talking over Biden. The mic cuts are a big deal to him and his loser cult like some quoted above.
Well I suspect I and his his loser cult is going to be happy as hell come November 6th. And I will be right here for it. You?
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Do you need me to acknowledge the fact I had the correct date? Sure OK. Not sure that that has any relevance whatsoever but ok. Re read my post and leave out the 2019 part. Thjis should be acceptable since I made no points about the exact date's relevance at all. Simply had the wrong date. But I do stand corrected. You win.
but the date is relevant to how the laptop story was treated...that's whole point...that's why getting the date correct is important

the laptop story broke 2 weeks before the election, so there was no time to review or investigate or fact check organizations (and social media companies) had to make a decision based on very limited information and no time to gather more
but the date is relevant to how the laptop story was treated...that's whole point...that's why getting the date correct is important

the laptop story broke 2 weeks before the election, so there was no time to review or investigate or fact check organizations (and social media companies) had to make a decision based on very limited information and no time to gather more
Wrong. All the media needed to do was ask Hunter. Directly, on camera. Not a statement. A direct interview. Then ask his father what he knows about it and what he has been told about it. If he had not spoke to Hunter about it, why hadnt he?

After all, the election was impending and wouldn't the voter's want..... nay, need, to know? So, in that way the date was critical. Yet the media didn't feel compelled to do any of these things. Or if they did, why didn't Hunter answer direct questions about that bit of information that voters said, right or wrong, would influence their vote?
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Wrong. All the media needed to do was ask Hunter. Directly, on camera. Not a statement. A direct interview. Then ask his father what he knows about it and what he has been told about it. If he had not spoke to Hunter about it, why hadnt he?

After all, the election was impending and wouldn't the voter's want..... nay, need, to know? So, in that way the date was critical. Yet the media didn't feel compelled to do any of these things. Or if they did, why didn't Hunter answer direct questions about that bit of information that voters said, right or wrong, would influence their vote?
joe biden did put out statements through his campaign

and if you think hunter biden was going to sit down for an on-camera interview at that point...bless your heart

the media can't make someone do an interview...i'm not sure what world you live in, but's very different than the rest of us
Well I suspect I and his his loser cult is going to be happy as hell come November 6th. And I will be right here for it. You?
Maybe. But I like the idea of him dying suicide after his loss, then his cultists following suit en masse, like Heaven’s Gate but in red MAGA Nikes. America’s IQ would jump overnight! 😂
joe biden did put out statements through his campaign

and if you think hunter biden was going to sit down for an on-camera interview at that point...bless your heart

the media can't make someone do an interview...i'm not sure what world you live in, but's very different than the rest of us
A fair media would have asked questions. Serious questions. They did not.

IF Hunter would not have agreed to answer questions about this the media should have made it clear what that suggested. Instead, they dropped the story, suppressed it in some cases AND then many credible former federal government officials put their finger on the scale without any actual facts at all. Lastly, JB did comment on it, during a debate no less, and said it was a Russian plot.

So what we have here, are serious errors, lies and intentional omissions which now that they have come to light, cause the public to question, and rightly so, the information we are now being spoon fed about Joes competence now.
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You have this wrong. Prior, Biden was refusing to debate Trump. Trump simply took him up on the first chance Biden offered to show up. Why not? I would have done exactly the same. Any time, any place.

By ANY measure, Trump is sharper than Biden right now. Everyone can see it. This isn't propaganda my friend. It's reality. You may hate Trump but you have to have your head in the sand to believe Trump isn't much better than Biden cognitively at this point. Do I need to post the countless videos of Joe's frailty, motor and cognitive decline?

You can watch clips circulated on social media, or you can watch his State of the Union Address. I can tell you which one gives your a truer picture.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that. This isnt as if he wasnt President prior.

Fact is, Biden only knows one thing about military power and foreign policy. Capitulation.

Well, that's pretty rich from the side of the aisle that wants to capitulate to Putin.
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Question #1 should be, "Who won the 2020 election"? Question #2 should be, "Do you renounce political violence, and do you promise to stop being such a cry baby about losing"?

Are you a convicted felon? Has your chirtable orgranization been shut down? Is you Trump Org getting shut down? Do you have nearly 200 million dollars in judgments against you? Why didn't your wife support you? When did last see her?

Are you denying you are on the Epstein list? Do you deny bragging about having confidential documents in your possession? Do you agree that in your recent interview, you said you never said "Lock her up", when there is actual video of you doing this time after time.

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