Trump says ABC ‘not worthy’ of debate planned for September

Guys, he just beat your #1 pick so God damn bad the guy dropped out, on your guys terms. He doesn't owe you shit. If you are upset you are going to have to win a match on the road be pissed at your leaders for putting out such a shitty product not for us not being willing to always pander to your stupidity.

If the JV( Kamala) wants a shot at our guy, your going to come play us.
Guys, he just beat your #1 pick so God damn bad the guy dropped out, on your guys terms. He doesn't owe you shit. If you are upset you are going to have to win a match on the road be pissed at your leaders for putting out such a shitty product not for us not being willing to always pander to your stupidity.

If the JV( Kamala) wants a shot at our guy, your going to come play us.
You seem upset that all the tossup States are back in play.

You mad, bro?
Furthermore, at what point do you guys start holding your representatives to account? Why are some of you* so comfortable always falling on the sword of how it isn't right for your team instead of telling them to stop sucking? At some point don't you have to hit rock bottom of your self respect?
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You seem upset that all the tossup States are back in play.

You mad, bro?
I believe my exact response on that was something to the extent of " we bent the rules to get Biden on thr ballot of Ohio but sure panic".

Kamala gonna kamala bro, you guys are sitting on a time bomb. She has not miraculously gotten smarter in the last 96 hours. Now I get to watch a bunch of people that would have called her dumb to her face 10 months ago convince themselves she isnt that bad, with the help from the same media that told us Biden was sharp as a tack. I'm Here for the lulz.
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Guys, he just beat your #1 pick so God damn bad the guy dropped out, on your guys terms. He doesn't owe you shit. If you are upset you are going to have to win a match on the road be pissed at your leaders for putting out such a shitty product not for us not being willing to always pander to your stupidity.

If the JV( Kamala) wants a shot at our guy, your going to come play us.
Go team! Yay team!
I believe my exact response on that was something to the extent of " we bent the rules to get Biden on thr ballot of Ohio but sure panic".

Kamala gonna kamala bro you guys are sitting on a time bomb. I'm Here for the lulz.
A voting official in Nevada, now considered a "swing State", has now stated having Harris on the ballot will definitely result in more women voting that previously indicated they would sit this election out.

Be honest with yourself...Trump is no longer a sure thing like many assumed a week ago.
The meltdown in November losing to a woman, a Black woman, will be entertaining.
Furthermore, at what point do you guys start holding your representatives to account? Why is you are some comfortable always falling on the sword of how it isn't right for your team instead of telling them to stop sucking? At some point don't you have to hit rock bottom of your self respect?
Tough to argue that logic. “Why is you are some comfortable.”
A voting official in Nevada, now considered a "swing State", has now stated having Harris on the ballot will definitely result in more women voting that previously indicated they would sit this election out.

Be honest with yourself...Trump is no longer a sure thing like many assumed a week ago.
The meltdown in November losing to a woman, a Black woman, will be enentertaining.
I know dude, Kamala on a ticket is going to do nothing but bring in the masses and not lose anyone, people love her.
I seem to remember several polls and threads about how Trump would chicken out of the Biden debate and how Biden would wipe the floor with him.......

And then he showed up, on your guys terms, and beat the breaks off him so bad your guy quit.

I'm sure he is super panicked to have to play your JV.
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Better question..."Why should it"?

I sure hope his ear is healed or he'll say he can't hear the questions.
Ah….so no reason why not, then. Unless her people don’t think she can handle it. I can see why they would want to avoid her being put on the spot.
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Donald Trump agreed to a second debate with President Biden in September hosted by ABC News. But Trump has backed away from the idea of an ABC debate since Biden dropped out.
Early Tuesday on Truth Social, Trump criticized ABC (“such a joke”), suggested it was biased toward his opponents and declared the network “not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many!”
Trump also said this week that he thinks the debate should instead be held on Fox News.

Trump’s team, eager to get the two candidates on a debate stage, had agreed to many conditions pushed by Biden’s team. The first debate, in June, was disastrous for Biden and led to his withdrawal. But Vice President Harris, who is likely to become the Democrats’ nominee, could be a more formidable opponent.

You are being redic.
I think the honeymoon of Harris is starting to fade.

They are starting to realize who they actually picked. 2 years ago I said something to the extent of " the most unifying thing in this country is the fact nobody wants Kamala in charge so don't worry about Biden and the 25th" it got responses from both sides about how accurate that was. That shit didn't change.
Last night ABC night news covered Harris positively.

When discussing Trump they said he "vented" and when they covered Vance they said he "lashed out".

The bias was obvious to every reasonable person on the planet.

Guy who posts Fox News links claims he doesn’t like biased language in news reporting.

so he wasn't convicted?

He was convicted. That's not what were discussing. Bio for some reason doesn't like the coverage of the case.

Do you agree with Bio? Have they not described the case accurately?

No, I just want the media to describe a situation accurately, something that hasn't been done for 3 years.

4 actually. They keep treating Trump like he's not a 34 time convicted felon and rapist con man.
Who's worried?
Appears to be you.
He was convicted. That's not what were discussing. Bio for some reason doesn't like the coverage of the case.

Do you agree with Bio? Have they not described the case accurately?
I have not followed to closely as to the coverage. Trump did rant yesterday and Vance . . . well was a little unhinged in my opinion. That they gave some positive commentary to Harris, when the democrats were happy with the donation numbers and the apparent boost for the democratic ticket. I don't see anything wrong with that. It seemed Trump got pretty positive coverage in the assassination attempt. Trumps issue is he constantly lies, refuses to answer questions, so as a whole I can understand media constantly having to fact check him and get him back on topic. Honestly I am ready to see a debate. I think Trump will have a much tougher time with Harris. The real question is which way will the moderates sway. Most are still wary of Trump in regards to January 6th and his authoritarian tones.
Elections are about choices.
Many people were apparently choosing to sit this one out because they felt both Biden and Trump were too old.
Now they have a choice because one candidate is not old.

Simple, really
If "old" was the barrier he would have never been around for round 2 to begin with. He went senile.

I think youbare going to find there were many more peoplw.upset about being lied to than an age. He could be 90 if he was on his game and kicking ass.
If "old" was the barrier he would have never been around for round 2 to begin with. He went senile.

I think youbare going to find there were many more peoplw.upset about being lied to than an age. He could be 90 if he was on his game and kicking ass.
I'm referring to voters being turned off by two old candidates. Even if both were semi sharp...voters were still disenchanted.
What I will be interested in seeing is if the total votes cast exceed 2020. Both candidates can be considered "polarizing". Many are voting AGAINST rather than FOR a President, imo.