Trump says ABC ‘not worthy’ of debate planned for September

What an effing pussy.

Queue Whis and the Hitler-like fist photo after a cap twixt his ear…
Didn't mean to leave you hanging:

Kids will likely be watching the debate and ABC is not a safe space for kids. They are owned by Disney that has trans actors and cast members, they tried (and failed) to have a snow white who wasn't white and dwarfs that weren't dwarfs. Not a good influence on young children, I think ABC has gone way to woke for a traditional debate.
Sounds like the left is scared to debate on Fox....
Fox isn't a serious network for news. It is entertainment only, and mostly lies. Should be on CNN which is fair and balanced, or ABC or NBC or CBS. Fox is useless.
I think Dems and Independents are stoked they now have a viable choice that isn’t a criminal or a corpse…I don’t think she is behind as much as you think….
I can understand that. Biden was not an option.

It's better to have the shittiest team left in the tournament than the best team that got beat out on day one.

I think you are trying to convince yourself of something you know to be untrue. She is atrocious, and will continue to prove to be so. Remember the thing that said the best Democrats to beat Trump were furthest from the Biden administration? You picked the VP.

If I'm Trump, I'm hammering "one of my biggest talking points on the failures of Biden was his inability to secure our border and now you guys are replacing him with the lady responsible for it. You can't be serious, who is your real candidate?"
Kids will likely be watching the debate and ABC is not a safe space for kids. They are owned by Disney that has trans actors and cast members, they tried (and failed) to have a snow white who wasn't white and dwarfs that weren't dwarfs. Not a good influence on young children, I think ABC has gone way to woke for a traditional debate.
You Crazy Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Kids will likely be watching the debate and ABC is not a safe space for kids. They are owned by Disney that has trans actors and cast members, they tried (and failed) to have a snow white who wasn't white and dwarfs that weren't dwarfs. Not a good influence on young children, I think ABC has gone way to woke for a traditional debate.
My brain hurts trying to read this.
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They really have made a huge effort to have Rs on regularly. Drives my wife nuts and she doesn't like that they get to spew their nonsense when Fox doesn't try to include both sides. Almost every time I see something they have R representation. Once you find out that 40 out 44 former admin folks for trump are rooting against him (and some donating to his opponent), you can see how crazy it is that trump is even the nominee. Never would I have dreamed that many people would go for his criminal ways.
I can understand that. Biden was not an option.

It's better to have the shittiest team left in the tournament than the best team that got beat out on day one.

I think you are trying to convince yourself of something you know to be untrue. She is atrocious, and will continue to prove to be so. Remember the thing that said the best Democrats to beat Trump were furthest from the Biden administration? You picked the VP.

If I'm Trump, I'm hammering "one of my biggest talking points on the failures of Biden was his inability to secure our border and now you guys are replacing him with the lady responsible for it. You can't be serious, who is your real candidate?"
I'll be honest, I have been an anyone but trumper for so long I don't even know what her platform is. Give me your top 5 most atrocious things about it or about her so I can evaluate.
I can understand that. Biden was not an option.

It's better to have the shittiest team left in the tournament than the best team that got beat out on day one.

I think you are trying to convince yourself of something you know to be untrue. She is atrocious, and will continue to prove to be so. Remember the thing that said the best Democrats to beat Trump were furthest from the Biden administration? You picked the VP.

If I'm Trump, I'm hammering "one of my biggest talking points on the failures of Biden was his inability to secure our border and now you guys are replacing him with the lady responsible for it. You can't be serious, who is your real candidate?"
And she will counter with Speaker (small) Johnson squashing a bi-partisan bill at the behest of Ol Election Denier. Then she will proceed to talk about the fake electors, liable for sex assault, Jan 6, the fact that his old VP and many other inner circle numpties basically said he is guilty of treasonous activity, his current VP prospect likened him to Hitler…etc. that is just off the cuff. With planning she should annihilate him. All shit that Biden just couldn’t spit out at the last debate.
And she will counter with Speaker (small) Johnson squashing a bi-partisan bill at the behest of Ol Election Denier. Then she will proceed to talk about the fake electors, liable for sex assault, Jan 6, the fact that his old VP and many other inner circle numpties basically said he is guilty of treasonous activity, his current VP prospect likened him to Hitler…etc. that is just off the cuff. With planning she should annihilate him. All shit that Biden just couldn’t spit out at the last debate.
I know, she is going to beat the same drum Biden tried, and she has a worse rhythm.
Kids will likely be watching the debate and ABC is not a safe space for kids. They are owned by Disney that has trans actors and cast members, they tried (and failed) to have a snow white who wasn't white and dwarfs that weren't dwarfs. Not a good influence on young children, I think ABC has gone way to woke for a traditional debate.
Jesus ****in’ Christ.

Kids will likely be watching the debate and ABC is not a safe space for kids. They are owned by Disney that has trans actors and cast members, they tried (and failed) to have a snow white who wasn't white and dwarfs that weren't dwarfs. Not a good influence on young children, I think ABC has gone way to woke for a traditional debate.
You are so scared of everything it's hilarious. Do you even leave your house, psycho?
I know, she is going to beat the same drum Biden tried, and she has a worse rhythm.
No. She can speak. Better than you think. Prosecutors know how to speak/give speeches. She has had some nice word salads, but nothing compared to effing sharks and batteries. Keep staying confident my man, just don’t try and storm the Capital. This time they will be ready…
Kids will likely be watching the debate and ABC is not a safe space for kids. They are owned by Disney that has trans actors and cast members, they tried (and failed) to have a snow white who wasn't white and dwarfs that weren't dwarfs. Not a good influence on young children, I think ABC has gone way to woke for a traditional debate.
You have to be someone’s alter ego.
Nothing says beta male like "I look forward to many debates" ( read battles with this opponent )

Did that sound good in your head or you taking another day to be a noncommittal shit stirrer ?

Trump is a liar and a pussy.

Last, I am voting Harris (unless something unforeseen happens and Trump is not in the race).

My position on refusing to vote Trump has never changed. As didn’t my stance on refusing to vote Biden once it was clear he wasn’t up to the job for another four years.

If that’s noncommittal, so be it.

Trump is a liar and a pussy.

Last, I am voting Harris (unless something unforeseen happens and Trump is not in the race).

My position on refusing to vote Trump has never changed. As didn’t my stance on refusing to vote Biden once it was clear he wasn’t up to the job for another four years.

If that’s noncommittal, so be it.
The problem is you are acting on principle.

A MAGA has no conception of the term or the concept.
They really have made a huge effort to have Rs on regularly. Drives my wife nuts and she doesn't like that they get to spew their nonsense when Fox doesn't try to include both sides. Almost every time I see something they have R representation. Once you find out that 40 out 44 former admin folks for trump are rooting against him (and some donating to his opponent), you can see how crazy it is that trump is even the nominee. Never would I have dreamed that many people would go for his criminal ways.
How can people look past this?
I'll be honest, I have been an anyone but trumper for so long I don't even know what her platform is. Give me your top 5 most atrocious things about it or about her so I can evaluate.
So full transparency, my #1 issue with her isn't what does she say she is going to do, it's that she is incredibly easily manipulated and lacks the self confidence for the position, insert obnoxious laugh to break tension. If the last year has proven anything it's that the person we think we are choosing to run the country isn't actually the person running it and she has ZERO ability to tell the elites to **** off.

That will Trump and further issue but let's discuss:

1. The Border, she was in charge of it and she was an absolute mess. You know day one we will be right back to where we were 18 months ago of SANCTUARY CITIES, saying they don't have room.

2. She wants a multi TRILLION dollar investment in climate change. Look, climate change is real, but we are broke right now, we don't need to be buying things that sound good on paper.

3. She thinks college should be free. I have a degree. Do you know what happens to the value of ANYTHING the moment you make it available for "free"?

4. I'm pro Isreal, she is pro Palestine.

And now that I have actually taken the 2 seconds to read her actual Border strategy it's even worse than I imagined. She thinks we can send enough money to shit hole countries with shit hole governments that people won't want to leave those places to come to the place that's wealthy enough to send them money....... does that even make sense to you? Cuz that's a microcosm of Kamala logic.
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Donald Trump agreed to a second debate with President Biden in September hosted by ABC News. But Trump has backed away from the idea of an ABC debate since Biden dropped out.
Early Tuesday on Truth Social, Trump criticized ABC (“such a joke”), suggested it was biased toward his opponents and declared the network “not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many!”
Trump also said this week that he thinks the debate should instead be held on Fox News.

Trump’s team, eager to get the two candidates on a debate stage, had agreed to many conditions pushed by Biden’s team. The first debate, in June, was disastrous for Biden and led to his withdrawal. But Vice President Harris, who is likely to become the Democrats’ nominee, could be a more formidable opponent.

If I was on the Trump campaign I'd want to renegotiate the deal as well.