Trump twitter attacks company for dropping daughter's clothing line

Well, this is what you get when you have a part time president more concerned about his business empire than the country. This is why any ethical person would have divested as required by the constitution and law.

Technically, I don't know if he owns any of her clothing line. Regardless, conflicts include family member's interets. They probably shoukd have some policy that he won't promote or influence business decisions regarding his kid's and wife's companies, also.
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Isn't Nordstrom known as one of the top retail companies? He's making himself look foolish here.
Interested in a conservative voice here. How can this be defended?

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Interested in a conservative voice here. How can this be defended?
I'm a conservative, and this is just another of dozens of dumb things Trump has tweeted about. Impeachment talk over it is laughable, but it certainly is dumb for a potus to be worrying about crap like this. I am curious if the clothing line was dropped for sales or political reasons, not that Nordstrom can't do whatever they want.
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I'm a conservative, and this is just another of dozens of dumb things Trump has tweeted about. Impeachment talk over it is laughable, but it certainly is dumb for a potus to be worrying about crap like this. I am curious if the clothing line was dropped for sales or political reasons, not that Nordstrom can't do whatever they want.

Impeachable offense.

This is consistent with the views of other Framers, including Alexander Hamilton of New York, who described impeachable offenses as arising from “the misconduct of public men, or in other words from the abuse or violation of some public trust,” and future Supreme Court Justice James Iredell of North Carolina, who described impeachable conduct as including instances where the president “acted from some corrupt motive,” giving the example of a president receiving “a bribe . . . from a foreign power, and under the influence of that bribe . . . [getting Senate] consent to a pernicious treaty.”

Finally, this is consistent with historical practice. At least six impeachments have alleged “the use of office for personal gain or the appearance of financial impropriety while in office.” For example, in 1912, Judge Robert W. Archbald was charged with “using his office to secure business favors from litigants and potential litigants before his court”; three other federal judges were charged with “misusing their power to appoint and set the fees of bankruptcy receivers for personal profit.” These have been described under the heading of “Using the Office for an Improper Purpose or Personal Gain.”

Unfortunately, President Trump has been unwilling to separate his presidential duty from his business interests, with the result that he receives payments from foreign governments in violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause. President Trump’s conduct has the effect of undermining the integrity of the presidency and disregarding his constitutional oath to “faithfully execute the office of the president of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” His ongoing receipt of this foreign government income and other financial benefits through his businesses disregards his constitutional oath to “preserve . . . the Constitution of the United States,” undermines the integrity of the executive branch and abuses the public trust.

To paraphrase Edmund Jennings Randolph: it has been discovered, and he may be impeached.“if-d...esident-trump-and-the-foreign-emoluments-clause
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Well, this is what you get when you have a part time president more concerned about his business empire than the country. This is why any ethical person would have divested as required by the constitution and law.
Yep! Cuz the Clinton's never took money for political favors during and after they held office.
I'm a conservative, and this is just another of dozens of dumb things Trump has tweeted about. Impeachment talk over it is laughable, but it certainly is dumb for a potus to be worrying about crap like this. I am curious if the clothing line was dropped for sales or political reasons, not that Nordstrom can't do whatever they want.
I would think that a president using his official powers for personal business would be an impeachable offense.
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Not to mention doing it on the peoples' dime.
If Trump would have stuck to his personal twitter feed, he might have some wiggle room. But he also used the official presidential feed as well. Seems like a clear ethical violation to me.
If Trump would have stuck to his personal twitter feed, he might have some wiggle room. But he also used the official presidential feed as well. Seems like a clear ethical violation to me.

Just one of many, many, and he's been in violation of the Constitution since the minute he took the oath of office.
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Apparently about 20 minutes after he was scheduled for his security briefing, he sent this:

Remember, the president can't have a conflict of interest. Also, Trump has to be pushed to do the right thing.

1. Trump does not own the company his daughter started. No conflict of interest.
2. Trump has to be pushed to do WHAT right thing?
3. I intentionally purchased a piece of her clothing this past weekend because it was good quality, it fit well, and it was well priced.
I would think that a president using his official powers for personal business would be an impeachable offense.
Not defending the idiotic tweet, but you realize this is his daughters business, right?
This seems like a reasonable thing for the President of the United States to be spending his time on.

I'm glad his kids aren't still in school, I can just imagine the national scorn any poor teacher who dared give one of them less than an A would receive from Trump and his minions.
Not defending the idiotic tweet, but you realize this is his daughters business, right?

I'm confused, aren't his kids adults able to fight their own battles without Daddy stepping in? Or is all boorish behavior justified as long as you're defending your children (no matter how old they are)?
Yep! Cuz the Clinton's never took money for political favors during and after they held office.
Not talking about the Clintons in this thread. I know it gets old listening to all the stupid shit this fool does, but is anyone really surprised? Cons are going to get sick of trying to defend him for four years, but that's what will be happening.
Subliminal message... any second amendment experts here? You know... like Trumpie did in the campaign?
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This seems like a reasonable thing for the President of the United States to be spending his time on.

I'm glad his kids aren't still in school, I can just imagine the national scorn any poor teacher who dared give one of them less than an A would receive from Trump and his minions.
Doesn't he have a 10 year old with Melania or whatever?