Trump warns that he and the now RADICALIZED REPUBLICAN PARTY will wreck havoc on America if he's indicted

That’s not exactly what he said.

Triggered much?

Prepare the National Guard for scores of triggered MAGA losers. The seeds for another insurrection have been planted. #terrorism

“I think if it happened, I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before. I don’t think the people of the United States would stand for it.”
Stop being intentionally obtuse. Your actions or lack there of speaks volumes. Your people even allowed a portions of a US cities to be occupied. Try again.

What did you to to stop what you are describing? What actions was I supposed to take?

Trump was president when this happened. What did he do to stop it? LOL

Law and order. #MAGA

Bring it.

The "MAGAs" of 1860 found out what happens. Let's have a turkey shoot this time and eliminate all of them.
We can just clean up with frontloaders. People who don't believe in democracy do not deserve democratic and due process protections. Come out shooting, and they should just be obliterated.
yeah, most of his supporters are full of hot air. Will a few of them "riot", sure. But it wouldn't be the first time we've seen riots. The question would be interested to see whether our police would respond in the same ways as they have with things like BLM.
I want it to happen, if it’s going to, with Biden as POTUS. That way the military can step in if these assholes take guns to the streets. That will change their minds really quick.
Anyone have suggestions on which cities should be looted and set on fire? I figured since you lefties approve of that type of behavior you could give those far right morons some good ideas on where they can get some good free shit.
I’ve been wanting to tell you that you’re a jackass. Dumb AF.
I feel 1000x safer around that MAGA crowd than I do around the 2020 summer of love crowd.
Yeah I don’t want Kyle Rittenhouse to provide medical assistance to me. The pride boys are pretty scary too.
Yeah I don’t want Kyle Rittenhouse to provide medical assistance to me. The pride boys are pretty scary too.

Let's get professional costume folks to dress Red up like Mike Pence and take him to a MAGA rally.
See how "safe" he feels, then.

We could also provide some free rope and a gallows for the MAGAs, if there's any extra laying around.

Let's see what happens!!!

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