Trump's financials

Nope. That's your response after 4 years of not being able to tell us which return will have a list of who Trump does business with.

In his business taxes? It's ALL OVER them.
His PERSONAL taxes list his Schedule C info on WHAT businesses he owns.

Do you really think the NYAG won't figure this out? Why would they need his taxes, if NONE of this is in there?
In his business taxes? It's ALL OVER them.
His PERSONAL taxes list his Schedule C info on WHAT businesses he owns.

Do you really think the NYAG won't figure this out? Why would they need his taxes, if NONE of this is in there?
Still waiting for you to list just one post of mine where I ever said I voted for Trump.

You just can’t admit to being wrong, can you?
Also, the target may not be Trump himself. For example, Ivanka may be the one that's really in legal danger here.

all of Trumps worthless children are in the cross hairs of investigators. They are complicit and part of the big con and fraud. Karma and justice couldn't come to a more deserving family of grifters and frauds.

caption this photo...I"ll start...

Eric: Because i'm the dumb and ugly one, does that mean I won't get ass raped in prison?
Don: I"m going to get ass raped in prison...hmmm I might like it.
Ivanka: Goya
Donald: Can I play golf in prison? A well done steak with ketchup sounds good right about now.
Expectations into what is found in his tax returns should be low. At best you see an over valuing of real estate for a loan and then under value for tax purposes. Maybe he has to pay back that big refund he got.

The only piece of the Trump financial puzzle I find worth looking into are where he got the loans for his properties in Scotland. That is currently being investigated and if he can't provide the government with proper documentation of who loaned him the money than they can seize those assets. Considering they are losing money, he may just drop them.
Laughing out loud at the right wingers poo pooing what trump's tax returns will show. Do you really think they've been requested just to see how much or how little he made or paid or gave to charity? Michael Cohen testified under oath trump increased the value of his holdings when he needed a loan and decreased those same holdings when he had to file his income taxes. Those two pages will be put side by side and compared. As long as they compare exactly, he has nothing to fear, if not, ooooops! Just. So. You'd. Know.
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“His biggest fear is he will end up with a massive tax bill, fraud penalties, fines, and possibly even tax fraud"
~Michael Cohen, long time personal attorney for Donald Trump, September, 2020
Annual audits are virtually guaranteed when you create literally hundreds of shell companies to move funds between and claim deductions.

I get that. But do they last 365 days every year? Because that's what Trump acted like. He was always under audit.
The real question is if the MAGAts donated enough for Trump to pay his tax attorneys?

Them lawyers ain't working for nothing.
I suspect Trump is draining Trump Org dry. The MAGAts money is Don's retirement account. Oh, the taxes are probably goofy on that, but he'll keep that separate so he can disperse some funds every year for "campaign events".
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I suspect Trump is draining Trump Org dry. The MAGAts money is Don's retirement account. Oh, the taxes are probably goofy on that, but he'll keep that separate so he can disperse some funds every year for "campaign events".
I hope this accelerates the sale of the Doral GC as well as the historic Turnberry GC in Scotland. Putting the Trump name on those two golf courses is a damn tragedy and a giant stain on the sport that must rectified ASAP.

The PGA recently cancelled the 2022 PGA championship at his course in Bedminster, NJ, a few days after the Capitol insurrection. About a year ago, the government of Scotland moved closer to investigating Trump in connection with suspected money laundering at Turnberry.

Line up the dominoes.
I suspect Trump is draining Trump Org dry. The MAGAts money is Don's retirement account. Oh, the taxes are probably goofy on that, but he'll keep that separate so he can disperse some funds every year for "campaign events".
Gotta admit, as much as I despise Trump, you have to give him credit for being able to fleece unsuspecting idiots of their $$$. The real question is how can people that were smart enough to acquire wealth be so easily parted with their money?

We have a few posters on this forum that might have insight.
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Gotta admit, as much as I despise Trump, you have to give him credit for being able to fleece unsuspecting idiots of their $$$. The real question is how can people that were smart enough to acquire wealth be so easily parted with their money?

We have a few posters on this forum that might have insight.

The wealthy donors were simply greedy bastards, they never have enough so will grease the palms of Trump knowing a good portion will go into his pocket with the strong possibility that Trump would rule in their favor as it relates to policy. The rest were low dollar donors that are simply racist and moronic. That folks is the Trump base...greedy bastards, morons and/or racists.
Really? Let's go back 4 years. I posted links to every single tax form and asked you to tell us which form would show anything about Trump other than income and charitable giving. You couldn't do it. So tell us now why any politican's tax returns make much difference?

Do you SERIOUSLY not understand, that your "tax forms" are supported with OTHER documentation, which you must keep for recordkeeping purposes, and those records ARE under scrutiny here?

I don't send in my charitable donations lists to the IRS; but they require I keep them on file, so if they think I'm lying, they can check them.
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Tax returns would be one half of the puzzle. Banking information would be the other.

If (as Cohen asserts), the game was to overinflated property values when applying for loans, but report different (much lower) values when selling / claiming losses, then that's Tax Fraud and/or Bank Fraud 101, depending upon which came first.

Exactly; tax returns provide the raw numbers, to CHECK against other records.
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Nope. That's your response after 4 years of not being able to tell us which return will have a list of who Trump does business with.

You do realize these are ALL records associated with your tax returns, right?

So, when you've obtained loans you're paying interest off of, which you can deduct, those loans are listed. Etc. etc etc.

Methinks you don't understand taxes beyond a 1040 EZ form...
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Thee DA is getting a lot more than just tax returns.

Speaking to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace on Monday, Weissmann noted that Manhattan prosecutor Cy Vance, Jr. will get all financial documents from former President Donald Trump's accounting firm.

"It will be the taxes and all accounting records," he explained. "It will be whatever the Mazars have, which should be a wealth of information, internal emails, communications with the Trump Organization, accounting spreadsheets, all sorts of notations as to how they're valuing things. And mechanically what happens is the Manhattan D.A.'s office calls up and says, 'Okay, now that this has been decided, you need to turn them over by X date.'"

For years, and ongoing, there was all this talk of unaccountable elites. All this talk of wanting the "elites" to be held to some actual accountability. It's just amusing as hell, all of this stuff.