Truth Social shares go into freefall after investors learn how much money it really makes!!!

He’s going to lose the derivative suit over this. I wonder who his insurance carrier is.
What kind of honest business venture stay afloat when you have less than $1M in revenue yet have lost more than $300M? How is that even possible? What type of investor would EVER put their money into something with that kind of track record?
Oh, we got one on this forum that regularly defends Turd.

Likely some clown that inherited some $$$ and kept it from his spouse.
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… or sooner. Trump is eligible to cash out his shares at the end of September and since he holds a majority of all shares, any move to sell will open the floor on value.
This times a million. Him and his financial cronies will find a way to keep this thing afloat for another 6 weeks, then cash out a significant portion, and then this drops to single digits, with a possible fast track to nothing if he loses the election.
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The biggest question I have, is how loyal his MAGA minion investors will still be, after Trump cashes in his shares, in less than a month, and MAGAs, who invested their life savings, realize they are holding a worthless stock as Trump walks away with a couple Billion $$ of all their money?
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The biggest question I have, is how loyal his MAGA minion investors will still be, after Trump cashes in his shares, in less than a month, and MAGAs, who invested their life savings, realize they are holding a worthless stock as Trump walks away with a couple Billion $$ of all their money?

Someone else said this so I can’t take credit, but that it is very likely a majority of the money is foreign. I imagine that would be an effective way to influence a US president as a foreign interest in a perfectly legal, albeit scummy, manner. This is why we used to see politicians divest themselves from their businesses. So there could be no hint of pay-to-play. Alas those days are long gone.

Still, I feel bad for the MAGA mom and pops that will get fleeced on this thing, I doubt even that will be enough to de-program them.

Check this out….Trump owns 114.75M shares of Truth Social. That means every time the price of the stock drops $0.01 (a penny) Trump loses $1,147,500 in value

On July 14th, a day after Trump was shot at and when rumors were first starting about Biden exiting the race, the price was at $40.58. By August 1st the price had dropped to $29.21. The value of Trump’s shares fell $1.3B!

Since August 1st, the price has cratered even more, from $29.21 to $19.55 (as of 9:55 AM CST today). That means he has lost and additional $1.07B!

The value of Trump’s Truth Social stock fell approximately $2.34B since Biden dropped out!

Trump will dump as many of his shares as possible (when he legally can), as his total stock value in Truth Social is now at $2.18B (as of right now). MAGA investors be damned.

This will be his biggest grift ever on his loyal MAGA investors, and others dumb enough to buy in.

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Check this out….Trump owns 114.75M shares of Truth Social. That means every time the price of the stock drops $0.01 (a penny) Trump loses $1,147,500 in value

On July 14th, a day after Trump was shot at and when rumors were first starting about Biden exiting the race, the price was at $40.58. By August 1st the price had dropped to $29.21. The value of Trump’s shares fell $1.3B!

Since August 1st, the price has cratered even more, from $29.21 to $19.55 (as of 9:55 AM CST today). That means he has lost and additional $1.07B!

The value of Trump’s Truth Social stock fell approximately $2.34B since Biden dropped out!

Trump will dump as many of his shares as possible as he is able, as his total stock value in Truth Social is now at $2.18B (as of right now). MAGA investors be damned.

This will be his biggest grift ever on his loyal MAGA investors, and others dumb enough to buy in.
Still way overvalued. It should be a penny stock with that balance sheet. And revenue growth opportunities. Guessing the closer it gets to his cash in date the more pressure for it to be driven into the true value.
Still way overvalued. It should be a penny stock with that balance sheet. And revenue growth opportunities.
Exactly! My biggest question, is who is buying it right now, and why? This seems like it should be a race to the bottom.

Almost every business deal Trump has ever been involved in has resulted in:
- Bankruptcy
- He’s ripped people off or refused to pay vendors for work
- Has been sued or criminally charged and/or convicted.

Everything he touches…
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Exactly! My biggest question, is who is buying it right now, and why? This seems like it should be a race to the bottom.
The closer it gets to his cash in date. The more pressure for it to hit its true value. The only ones buying at this point are either Kool-Aid drinkers, money launders, or lotto ticket purchases(hedging if he wins huge windfall).
Really looking at the financials of this stock, there is no value.

Just add this one to Trump Airlines, Trump University...well, you get the message!
The value is all tied to him winning the presidency or an NFT. But long term if he wins well now what in terms of generating value?
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Check this out….Trump owns 114.75M shares of Truth Social. That means every time the price of the stock drops $0.01 (a penny) Trump loses $1,147,500 in value

On July 14th, a day after Trump was shot at and when rumors were first starting about Biden exiting the race, the price was at $40.58. By August 1st the price had dropped to $29.21. The value of Trump’s shares fell $1.3B!

Since August 1st, the price has cratered even more, from $29.21 to $19.55 (as of 9:55 AM CST today). That means he has lost and additional $1.07B!

The value of Trump’s Truth Social stock fell approximately $2.34B since Biden dropped out!

Trump will dump as many of his shares as possible (when he legally can), as his total stock value in Truth Social is now at $2.18B (as of right now). MAGA investors be damned.

This will be his biggest grift ever on his loyal MAGA investors, and others dumb enough to buy in.

From the article: “Any upside for... what happens with all his business ventures.
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From the article:

“Any upside for the company is dependent on coming up with a business strategy to generate revenue and profits,” Ritter said. “So far, the company has failed to find a successful strategy.”

The Trump “business strategy” is simple:
-hire Devin Nunes and other Trump sycophants to run the SM site and market the company
-promote the stock as a unique opportunity ala “Trump University”;
-attract as many gullible inventors as possible
-periodically release positive statements of plans to launch new profitable ventures.
-blame Biden/the deep state for the collapse

From day one I have predicted that an SEC criminal investigation of DJT and Trump is inevitable. This is what happens with all his business ventures.
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Considering Trump didn’t put any of his own money in it. Any value he cashes out with is gravy. Even after lawsuit costs.
Exactly…just like everything he touches - Trump makes sure he benefits and leaves others “holding the bag”.. Claims to know more than anyone about (insert subject here), yet usually ends up in bankruptcy (creditors and banks take the hit), or he’s separating dimwits from their money by selling bibles, tennis shoes, Trump Bucks, Truth Social Stock, etc.

Exactly…just like everything he touches - Trump makes sure he benefits and leaves others “holding the bag”.. Claims to know more than anyone about (insert subject here), yet usually ends up in bankruptcy (creditors and banks take the hit), or he’s separating dimwits from their money by selling bibles, tennis shoes, Trump Bucks, Truth Social Stock, etc.

Trump is a televangelist at this point. Christianity/Trump is under attack. Send us your money.
Bruce Pichard who is a WWE executive, producer, character best known for Brother Love. Was always astounded by the televangelist’s audience. When researching the role. No matter how obvious it was a con. The followers seemed happy to just give their money away.
Even though they appeared broke AF.
The biggest question I have, is how loyal his MAGA minion investors will still be, after Trump cashes in his shares, in less than a month, and MAGAs, who invested their life savings, realize they are holding a worthless stock as Trump walks away with a couple Billion $$ of all their money?
Hang it up next to their framed photos of Jesus and The Midnight Express.
They'll always have their Trump NFTs!!
Donald Trump GIF by GIPHY News
Considering Trump didn’t put any of his own money in it. Any value he cashes out with is gravy. Even after lawsuit costs.
And, there you have it. A scam from the very beginning. What does he care if suckers lose money? One of my MAGA friends told me one time about Trump's scams, people deserve it if they get scammed by Trump.
And, the suckers will donate money to cover the lawsuits, and he'll hide the money until he dies having never faced accountability. The only thing he will care about is being mocked.
Exactly…just like everything he touches - Trump makes sure he benefits and leaves others “holding the bag”.. Claims to know more than anyone about (insert subject here), yet usually ends up in bankruptcy (creditors and banks take the hit), or he’s separating dimwits from their money by selling bibles, tennis shoes, Trump Bucks, Truth Social Stock, etc.

The bankruptcy part is slimy as hell, but smart for what his goals are - start or join a venture, suck out all the money he can while delaying paying any debts to anyone, once the well is running dry get out and declare the business is bankrupt so he doesn't have to dip into his own money to pay debts that belong to the legally separate business. Rinse and repeat. With Truth Social he doesn't even have to stick around for the bankruptcy, because of the layers of legal separation.
The bankruptcy part is slimy as hell, but smart for what his goals are - start or join a venture, suck out all the money he can while delaying paying any debts to anyone, once the well is running dry get out and declare the business is bankrupt so he doesn't have to dip into his own money to pay debts that belong to the legally separate business. Rinse and repeat. With Truth Social he doesn't even have to stick around for the bankruptcy, because of the layers of legal separation.
Wonder how much that Tulsa Landscapering owner has in Truth Social now. Story needs a follow up.
The biggest question I have, is how loyal his MAGA minion investors will still be, after Trump cashes in his shares, in less than a month, and MAGAs, who invested their life savings, realize they are holding a worthless stock as Trump walks away with a couple Billion $$ of all their money?
He'll make them whole with Trump Bucks.
Is it truly accurate to describe Devin Nunes as an executive? LOL that he's jumping ship.
Buy low, and sell high, my friends! Time for me to jump in just ahead of the massive upswing.
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What the hell, Rs, I leave this thread for a while and the stock tanks? Start giving. Donald needs you now more than ever.