Tuesdays With Torbee: Happy Homecoming and what Iowa still has to play for

The only thing I miss about Iowa that I can’t achieve elsewhere is Iowa City on a Saturday in October.

College fandom for most is like a married man’s sex life. It is usually routine, but it is always enjoyable. However, every so often, it is not routine, and there’s something to play for. And that’s what keeps you coming back.
The only thing I miss about Iowa that I can’t achieve elsewhere is Iowa City on a Saturday in October.

College fandom for most is like a married man’s sex life. It is usually routine, but it is always enjoyable. However, every so often, it is not routine, and there’s something to play for. And that’s what keeps you coming back.
I might have to use that analogy in a future column - it's a good one!

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