UCLA win

Bryce should be thanking the Lord for Kevon Looney's decision to play at UCLA. Without him, the Alfords would be watching the Tournament from their livingroom.
There should be no reviews any time under any circumstances. Let officials make sucky calls and live with it. In this case, the ref called goal tending. Enough said.
Goal tending call was by the book. UCLA lucks out. Hope UCLA gets bounced by UAB. If not they meet Gonzaga or Iowa. Wouldn't that be sweet (16) if we got them?
Love to have a crack at Alford and his team.
Originally posted by OldTownPepe:
Goal tending call was by the book. UCLA lucks out. Hope UCLA gets bounced by UAB. If not they meet Gonzaga or Iowa. Wouldn't that be sweet (16) if we got them?
Love to have a crack at Alford and his team.
If you want a crack at UCLA in the sweet 16 then why would you want UAB to beat them? I think it would be fun to play UCLA. Half the people's heads would explode on this board because Alford would have reached the sweet 16. It would give many Iowa fans a chance to beat a man they hate. I'll be rooting for the Hawks but I'm not one the people who dislikes Alford. It will actually be a win/win situation for me. If Iowa wins, great, it's what I want. However, if they lost to UCLA it would cause an epic meltdown on this board, the likes that have never been seen before.
Unbelievable that there are still blind dolts defending

the worst call in NCAA history. So now you can't rebound airballs because some dumbass who is the furthest ref from the play wants to make a horrible call??? And whoever came up w/ the stupid notion that game deciding horrible goaltending calls under 2-3 minutes can't be reviewed, should be shot. It was never in the cylinder, wasn't even in the same zip code as the rim, and the game was given to a scumbag coach. It's up to UAB to right this wrong. GO BLAZERS!!!