No, but it would be worth finding out.This discussion could get interesting. Do you know how China is going about trying to grow their middle class? What is the Chinese tax policy?
Frequently when I hear of some policy they are pursuing I am struck by how sensible it sounds. I suppose I'll stop being surprised by that at some point. In some cases they seem to be following templates laid down by the US or other Western nations. In others, they seem to be deliberately trying to avoid our mistakes.
If our meltdown happened in China, I am convinced that Jamie Diamond and others of his ilk would have been executed. Here they are laughing all the way to the bank, which they probably just bought with taxpayer subsidies.
No, I'm not arguing that we should adopt their system and abandon our constitution. But still . . . if we can't punish those who deliberately and callously acted to cause great harm to millions and millions of Americans (and probably billions around the world), then we are doing something very wrong.