University of Iowa president calls performance review process 'a little sloppy'


HR King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa
It still amazes me how Barta survived the Meyer/Griesbaum disaster. The university agreed to pay out $6.5 million to Meyer, Griesbaum and their lawyers while not admitting any guilt. That money will come from the athletic department.

From the story:

“We’re not direct enough and we don’t document enough,” Harreld said at the monthly meeting of the Presidential Committee on Athletics, which includes faculty and sports staff.

“There’s a culture of disconnect here, which is we’re living in the public world where actually all tend to say, ‘I’ve got to be careful about what I put on paper,’ even though many of these employee-related issues (aren’t subject to public-records requests). But our behavior is not to document.”

And Gary's response?

Barta said after the meeting that he didn’t feel singled out by Harreld’s comments. He wouldn’t comment on whether he felt he had been sloppy in documenting his interactions with Meyer.

“I’m not going to go backward in time,” Barta said. “I’m just going to say we’re looking forward to the (human resources) review. It doesn’t concern me. … If it’s a way to make us better, that’s great.”

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