Then perhaps we should focus some reforms on some semiautomatic and automatic weapons. But, first let’s make sure we don’t get in the way of a political fundraiser.Yes.
Then perhaps we should focus some reforms on some semiautomatic and automatic weapons. But, first let’s make sure we don’t get in the way of a political fundraiser.Yes.
Guns don't fire themselves.Then perhaps we should focus some reforms on some semiautomatic and automatic weapons. But, first let’s make sure we don’t get in the way of a political fundraiser.
*Things I'm not going to search.The second part is unlikely. Sure if they are all standing there waiting to get shot. But what's the deadliest mass shooting in American history where only a handgun was used.
*Things I'm not going to search.
You guys seem the think the firearm does way more work than it actually does.
Gun powder.It's literally the thing that launches a bullet at a speed to penetrate a person.
You ain't killing that many people with your bare hands or any kind of melee weapon.
Only thing that can kill that many people other than a firearm is a motor vehicle which can only be used in certain situations where you have a lot of people and no obstructions and a bomb which takes time and effort to learn how to use properly and might be discovered before exploding. And even then the only bomb that I know of that killed a significant number of people was Oklahoma City. Many other bombs Olympic Park, Time Square, Boston marathon either failed to kill anyone or killed less than 5 people.
In most cases though if you want to rack up the body count, you need a gun.
Gun powder.
Gee, if only we could find a way to keep those guns out of people’s hands that fire them. You know, like red flag laws at a minimum?Guns don't fire themselves.
And as someone who kills a fair amount of wildlife, you don't just pick them up and pull the trigger, and the thing falls over, you have to load, aim, remove safety, fire.