I posted a Gallup poll in the Ukraine fan boy thread. People made fun of Gallup as the source. Only becuase it showed an increasing percentage of Ukrainians supported ending the war and ceding territory. It also showed a surprisingly large percentage of the Ukraine population that identified with Russian culture and wouldn't mind becoming part of Russia. Polling was done pre invasion, invasion and within the last 6-9 months IIRC, so had some sample size and a fairly decent time period. I think there is additional poling out there that goes back further. The kind of polling news sources wouldn't generally pay for. Someone paid. And I'm not even saying the federal government shouldn't pay for polling if it is necessary for national security. Others can argue endlessly about that.
Won't it be ironic when those guys find out who hired and paid Gallup to do that polling?
I already know the answer. They will pretend that the fact aren't real when they finally are confronted with it.
Now SecDef indicates that the entire Ukraine involvement is open to audit. It would be nice to get an accurate DOD audit once in my lifetime.
I actually do feel bad for most of the Ukrainian population. I don't feel bad for suckers that bought the talking points hook, line and sinker. Bought it, and to some small extent for most of them, paid for it. Some of us paid more.
I'm not sure how Musk and Trump pull off finding the illegal funds that are off budget and not accountable to Congress are used in black ops, but I hope they do. If they try this there will be another assassination attempt. There might be anyway. Look at how jizzed up the idiots on here are, while almost never taking 10 minutes to try to understand issues.
Don't believe me? Speak to multiple Viet Nam Vets that were in Cambodia and ask them what part of their mission was the distribution of black tar heroin. Anecdotal? Sure, but when you keep hearing the same thing from multiple people over a number of years one would be a fool to at least not consider the information.
They need to audit the VA closely also. Lots of people hiding, getting lost and doing it for an entire career in that mess. The mess that gives me my medical care becuase I once thought it was honorable to go to the Middle East and get shot at, which I did. I don't regret it, and respect the hell out of military people, I just now know better what it was all about. Money and oil. Just like Ukraine is about money, and not the Ukrainians.
Anyway, it is what it is, not what I think it is, or what I want it to be. If more people understood this the country would be a better place. Largely not being able to do anything about the way it is, I may as well position myself to have the most comfortable standard of living possible. It's much easier to make money and predictions when you step back and follow the motives and money. Otherwise may as well buy, hold, never rebalance and get slaughtered after working a lifetime. Not for me, no thanks.
People always learn too late. It's right in tehir face right now. There is a rule in life. It's called the 90/10 rule. It's not some graat conspiracy rigged to make guys like me more wealthy. Everyone can choose. Especially in America, and especially in the next several years after we get though the time bombs intentionally set by the last administration (rate cuts) and some pain.